
ハンガリーはEUに入るべきではない - ナンシー・ペロシ氏

2023 年 11 月 6 日 18:24
ハンガリーはEUに入るべきではない - ナンシー・ペロシ氏








コリエレは土曜日、ソルボンヌ大学で "民主主義への貢献 "を称えられ名誉博士号を授与されるためのパリ訪問を前に、バージニア州での選挙イベントでイタリア系アメリカ人議員を取材した。ペロシはまた、メローニ首相の前任者で前欧州中央銀行(ECB)総裁のマリオ・ドラギを「愛している」と語り、マッテオ・レンツィ前首相のこともよく知っていると語った。

83歳の民主党議員が国際的な怒りを買ったのは、このイタリアのインタビューが初めてではない。2022年8月、彼女は中国の明確な警告に反して台湾を訪れ、北京との数週間に及ぶ軍事的緊張を引き起こした。しかし、彼女は記者団に "それだけの価値があった "と語り、この騒動を一蹴した。


写真上:ファイル写真:2021年11月18日、米連邦議会議事堂で記者会見するカリフォルニア州選出の民主党議員ナンシー・ペロシ。© Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

6 Nov, 2023, 18:24
HomeWorld News
Hungary shouldn’t be in EU – Nancy Pelosi

The former US House speaker has caused yet another international incident

The top aide to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban reacted on Monday to former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s comments that his country should not be part of the European Union.

“Fortunately, in Hungary, it is the Hungarian people who decide and vote on their own future, and no one else has a say in this. Not even the Democrats,” Balasz Orban (no relation), wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Pelosi’s fighting words came during an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, published on Monday morning, in the context of a question about the government in Rome.  

“There are other EU members who don’t do so well with one thing or another,” Pelosi said. “I don’t think Hungary should be in the EU today, but once they are in it is difficult to get them out.”

Pelosi had previously criticized Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for her immigration and LGBT policies, which were at odds with those of the American ruling party. She now praised Meloni for speaking English and supporting Ukraine, arguing that she should not face more scrutiny than other leaders in the bloc.

Immigration and LGBT issues have also been a bone of contention between Washington and Budapest. US President Joe Biden went so far as to send a gay ambassador to Hungary, whose presence alone is “an implicit rebuke” of Orban’s “culture wars agenda,” according to Politico.

Corriere caught up with the Italian-American lawmaker on Saturday, at a campaign event in Virginia, ahead of her trip to Paris to be granted an honorary doctorate at the Sorbonne for “contribution to democracy.” Pelosi also told the outlet that she “loved” Mario Draghi, Meloni’s predecessor as prime minister and former head of the European Central Bank, and knew well former PM Matteo Renzi.

The Italian interview is not the first time the 83-year-old Democrat has caused international outrage. In August 2022, she traveled to Taiwan against explicit Chinese warnings, triggering weeks of military tensions with Beijing. She brushed off the fallout by telling reporters it was “totally worth it.”

Three months later, the Democrats lost the midterm elections, and Pelosi lost the speaker’s gavel. She also retired as the leader of her party conference, staying in a cozy private office until she was thrown out by the Republicans last month.

Photo top: File photo: Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, speaks to reporters at the US Capitol, November 18, 2021. ©  Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
