
ロシア制裁でEUを嘲笑する世界 - 加盟国

2023/08/26 19:34
ロシア制裁でEUを嘲笑する世界 - 加盟国


欧州はウクライナ支援の名の下に自らを「破壊」しており、EUの制裁政策は国際舞台で笑いものになっていると、ハンガリーのピーター・シヤルト外相が明言した。彼は、ウクライナの紛争は "今この瞬間に終わらせなければならない "という政府の立場を繰り返した。


"制裁政策は失敗した "と彼は言い、"世界のどこでも、ヨーロッパの制裁政策は笑われている "と付け加えた。








写真上:2022年12月13日、ベルギーのブリュッセルで開催されたEUエネルギー大臣会合に出席したピーター・シジャルト。© AFP / Valeria Mongelli

26 Aug, 2023 19:34
HomeWorld News
World laughing at EU over Russia sanctions – member state

It would be a “poetic exaggeration” to say that the measures against Moscow are working, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said

Europe is “destroying” itself in the name of supporting Ukraine, and the EU’s sanctions policy is a laughing stock on the global stage, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has declared. He repeated his government’s position that the conflict in Ukraine “must end this minute.”

It would be a “baroque and poetic exaggeration” to say that sanctions against Russia have succeeded in crippling the Russian economy, Szijjarto told attendees at the Tranzit political festival on Saturday.

“The policy of sanctions has failed,” he said, adding that “everywhere in the world, the European sanctions policy is being laughed at.”

The EU has imposed 11 successive rounds of sanctions on Russia since Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine last February. While the EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, claimed on Saturday that the sanctions are “producing hard, tangible effects across Russia’s economy,” the International Monetary Fund has forecast that the Russian economy will continue to grow by 0.7% this year and 1.3% in 2024.

By contrast, the Eurozone entered recession earlier this year after the bloc voluntarily cut itself off from Russia, its largest foreign energy supplier. With the energy crunch crippling German industrial output in particular, Russia overtook Germany as the world’s fifth-largest economy last year, according to the World Bank.

European leaders have embraced these self-harming sanctions because they “are in a war psychosis,” Szijjarto said, adding that EU military aid to Kiev is also directly threatening security on the continent.

“The USA has pushed Europe into the competition of who will help Ukraine and how much: a military aid competition,” he said, lamenting that European politicians “accepted this provocation” even though "we are literally destroying Europe."

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has refused to allow Western weapons to enter Ukraine via Hungarian territory, and Szijjarto has repeatedly voted in Brussels against increasing the EU’s arms fund for Kiev. Although Hungary is a party to all of the EU’s sanctions packages, Orban has managed to carve out exemptions for Hungary to continue oil and nuclear fuel imports from Russia in exchange for supporting these measures.

Orban and Szijjarto have both repeatedly called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, arguing that Kiev cannot hope to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and that the longer the conflict persists, the greater the risk of escalation, and the worse the final terms will be for Ukraine.

"The only morally tenable position is [that] the war must end this minute,” he said on Saturday.

Photo top: Peter Szijjarto attends a European Union energy ministers meeting in Brussels, Belgium, December 13, 2022. ©  AFP / Valeria Mongelli
