



モスクワ 5月4日 /TASS/. クレムリンへの無人機攻撃、インフラ施設や鉄道への妨害行為は、ウクライナ当局が実践するテロの現れであり、ロシア社会の最大限の統合を必要とすると、ロシアの上級議員が木曜日に述べた。





ロシア、ウクライナのクレムリン攻撃には必要と判断した時に対応 - 外交官


ワシントン、5月4日、/TASS/. ロシアは、必要と判断した場合、クレムリンへのドローン攻撃未遂という形でウクライナのテロ行為に対応する、とアナトリー・アントノフ駐米ロシア大使は水曜日に述べた。



ロシアの外交官によると、モスクワは米国政権が "このテロ行為を非難する勇気と威厳を持つことを望んでいる "という。「世界は、2001年に、ロシア大統領が、テロ攻撃を受けた米国民に最初に手を差し伸べたことを記憶している。すべてが忘れ去られている。今日、米国はキエフの犯罪者たちを庇護している。キエフが自衛方法を選択できるという高官の発言は、ダブルスタンダードの教科書的な例であり、ゼレンスキー政権がロシア連邦を攻撃することを奨励する政策である。キエフのナチス政権が国境外の標的を攻撃するのを抑止しているとされる官僚たちの言葉は、偽りの茶番劇である」と述べた。



ロシア、クレムリンへのドローン攻撃に対応するため様々な選択肢を検討中 - 報道官


モスクワ、5月4日、/TASS/. ロシアは、キエフがクレムリンへのドローン攻撃を試みたことに対応するため、様々な選択肢を検討していると、ドミトリー・ペスコフ大統領報道官が4日、記者団に語った。

"多種多様な "と彼は、詳細を明言することを拒否しながらも、どのような対応オプションが検討されているのかという質問に対し、こう言った。



Attacks on Russian president target all Russian citizens, says senior MP

Vladimir Vasilyev said that the attack on the Kremlin, assassination attempts on political leaders, acts of sabotage at railways, electricity transmission lines, and infrastructure facilities, including the explosion of the Crimean Bridge, and gas pipeline blasts, are the facts of terrorist activities of the Kiev regime and its sponsors

MOSCOW, May 4, /TASS/. The drone attack of the Kremlin, acts of sabotage at infrastructure facilities and railways are manifestations of terrorism practiced by the Ukrainian authorities, which require maximal consolidation of Russian society, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Thursday.

"The attack on the Kremlin, assassination attempts on political leaders, acts of sabotage at railways, electricity transmission lines, and infrastructure facilities, including the explosion of the Crimean Bridge, and gas pipeline blasts, are the facts of terrorist activities of the Kiev regime and its sponsors," Vladimir Vasilyev, leader of the ruling United Russia party’s faction in the State Duma, or lower house of Russia’s parliament, was quoted as saying on the faction’s Telegram channel.

The lawmaker recalled that the country has "the experience of defeating terrorism gained at a high price in the years when the country was only embarking on a path of sovereignty" and lauded President Vladimir Putin’s role in it.

"Today, terrorism has raised it head again and is targeting the very heart of Russia. Attacks targeting the president are targeting each one of us. To thwart them, maximal consolidation, vigilance, cooperation with law enforcement agencies and special services are need. And the most important thing is understanding that all of us must defend the motherland and the president," he stressed.

In the night on May 3, two drones attempted an attack on the president’s Kremlin residence. The Russian military and special services promptly put them out of order. Following the incident, the Russian Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on terrorist act charges.

Russia to respond to Ukraine’s attack on Kremlin when it deems necessary — diplomat

Anatoly Antonov said that it is obvious to anyone how the US would respond to a similar drone attack in Washington: the punishment would be harsh and inevitable

WASHINGTON, May 4, /TASS/. Russia will respond to Ukraine’s act of terrorism in the form of an attempted drone attack on the Kremlin when it deems it necessary, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said on Wednesday.

"How would Americans react if a drone hit the White House, the Capitol or the Pentagon? The answer is obvious for any politician as well as for the average citizen: the punishment would be harsh and inevitable," he said. "Russia will respond to this insolent and presumptuous terrorist attack. We will answer when we consider it necessary. We will answer in accordance with the assessments of the threat that Kiev posed to the leadership of our country."

He stressed that the statements by US officials "are striking in their cynicism and absurdity." "The US did not find it possible to acknowledge what is obvious - it was a terrorist action planned by the Zelensky regime and an assassination attempt targeting the President of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the timing was not chosen by chance - ahead of Victory Day and the May 9 parade, where plans call  for foreign guests to be in attendance," Antonov said. "The theses that this act of terrorism was allegedly a 'false flag operation' are blasphemous and deceitful. That is, [allegedly] it was Russia itself that staged a provocation against the heart of our statehood?!"

According to the Russian diplomat, Moscow hoped that the US administration "would have the guts and dignity to condemn this terrorist act." "The world remembers how, in 2001, the Russian President was the first to lend a helping hand to the American people, who were then subjected to the terrorist attack. Everything is forgotten. Today the United States is shielding the Kiev criminals. The statements of high-ranking officials that Kiev can choose how to defend itself are the textbook example of double standards, a policy of encouraging the Zelensky regime to attack the Russian Federation. The words of the bureaucrats about allegedly deterring the Kiev Nazi regime from hitting targets outside its borders are a false farce," he said.

"The atrocities of the Zelensky regime and the indulgence of it by the West only testify to the fact that our adversaries have no desire to seek peace, to save thousands of lives of ordinary Ukrainians. Definitely, we will take this circumstance into account while working out our strategy to implement the goals and objectives of the special military operation," he warned.

In the night on May 3, Ukraine attempted to use two drones to attack the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin press service reported. The Russian military and special services promptly disabled the drones. Putin was not hurt and continued to work routinely. The Kremlin said that it sees this as a planned terrorist attack and an attempt on the life of the Russian president. Russia reserves the right to retaliate at the right moment and in a way it deems appropriate, it added.

Russia considering various options to respond to drone attack on Kremlin — spokesman

On May 3, Kiev attempted to use two drones for a night-time strike on the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin

MOSCOW, May 4, /TASS/. Russia is considering various options to respond to Kiev’s attempted drone attack on the Kremlin, Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

"A wide variety," he said when asked what response options are under consideration, though refusing to specify any details.

"Naturally, I cannot provide you any details here. In any case the issue may only be about well-thought-out steps that meet the interests of our country," Peskov noted.

On May 3, Kiev attempted to use two drones for a night-time strike on the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the presidential press service said earlier. The military and special services promptly disabled the enemy vehicles. Putin was not harmed and continued to work as usual. The Kremlin said the attack was a pre-planned act of terrorism and an attempt on the life of the head of state, adding that Russia reserves the right to retaliate in a suitable way and when it deems appropriate.
