


スペインのジョス・ガルシア・デ・アルベニス(25)は空手フィットネス・ガステイスの空手家で、音楽フェスティバルの入り口で心停止により倒れた。その後、病院で死亡した。ミシガン州出身の元高校バスケットボール選手、アリア・ズイデマ(21)は "緊急事態 "の後に急死した。

以上がGood Sciencingのリストに記録されたアスリートの最新報告2件である。 Good Sciencingは、2021年と2022年にコビド注射を1回以上投与された後に重大な医学的問題を起こした主に若いアスリートの非網羅的かつ継続的に増加するリストを管理している。 2023年4月現在、Good Sciencingは2021年1月以降に1,884件のアスリートの心停止または重大な問題を記録している。 また、Good Sciencingが調査中または続報を待っているケースが55件ある。

Good Sciencingは、先週のNew Zealand Herald紙が指摘した4人のニュージーランド人ラグビー選手のような、より最近の事件をまだ記録・調査していない。 この4人のラグビー選手もマーク・クリスピン・ミラーのリストに加わっている。

2022年1月以来、クリスピン・ミラーは特定の週に企業メディアで報道された世界中の「突然死」事件を記録してきた。 最新の集計では、6月19日から26日の間に予期せず、あるいは突然命を落としたと報じられたニュージーランド人57人を記録した。  クリスピン・ミラーの最新のまとめは、彼のSubstackの記事にあるリンクから見ることができる。 重要なのは、クリスピン・ミラーは事件がコビド注射に関連しているかどうかを調査しようとはしておらず、単に報告書に記載された関連する詳細を記録しているだけだということである。

例えば、オークランドでは、ある男性が警察に拘束されている間に医療的な出来事に見舞われ、死亡している。 先週の土曜日、ある男が車両に対する違法な妨害行為で身柄を拘束された。「男はオークランド管区拘置所に移送されたが、到着後、警官が男の容態を心配した。警官はすぐに男性を病院に搬送したが、しばらくして息を引き取った。「年齢や死因は報告されていない」とクリスピンミラーは述べている。


ウクライナでは、弁護士が "ヴァクシデント "で死亡した。 オデッサでは検察官が運転中に突然死亡した。 地元のテレグラム・コミュニティによると、制御不能の車が駐車中の複数の車に突っ込んだという。死亡したのは同市のR・ベルシャフスキー高官。 年齢や死因は報告されていない。

ロシアでは、演劇・映画俳優のMikhail Lozhkinが36歳で急死。 死因は記されていない。

ベルギーでは2人のサッカー選手が "急死"。 元サッカー選手で元赤鬼のセドリック・ルーセルが土曜日に45歳で亡くなった。土曜日にベルゲンのテラスで倒れ、応急処置も役に立たなかった。また、元ディフェンダーのステファン・デモルが心臓発作で亡くなった。 享年57歳。

ドイツでは6月21日、トラック運転手が運転席で死亡しているのが発見された。彼は火曜日の夕方、車を駐車場に停めて夜を過ごしていた。運転席に遺体を乗せたまま駐車していたトラックを地元住民が発見し、警察に通報した。警察によると、この男性は夜間に自然死したらしい。 年齢や死因は報告されていない。



マーク・クリスペン・ミラーによる、6月19日から26日までの1週間の「急逝した人々を偲んで」と題された一連のリストが延々と続く。 見ていて痛ましい。

In less than 2.5 years there have been 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues with 1,310 of them dead
ON JULY 1, 2023

Josu García de Albeniz (25) from Spain, a Karate Fitness Gasteiz Karate exponent collapsed from a cardiac arrest at the entrance of a music festival. He later died in hospital. Alia Zuidema (21) from Michigan, a former high school basketball player died suddenly after a “medical emergency.”

These are the two latest reports of athletes recorded in Good Sciencing’s list.  Good Sciencing is maintaining a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 and 2022 after receiving one or more doses of Covid injections.  As of April 2023, Good Sciencing had recorded 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues since January 2021.  There are another 55 cases that Good Sciencing is still investigating or awaiting further information.

Good Sciencing has yet to record and investigate more recent incidents such as the four New Zealand rugby players noted by the New Zealand Herald last week.  These four rugby players are also an addition to Mark Crispin Miller’s list.

Since January 2022, Crispin Miller has been recording “died suddenly” cases worldwide that are reported in corporate media in a particular week.  In his latest compilation, he recorded 57 New Zealanders who were reported as unexpectedly or suddenly losing their lives between 19 and 26 June.   You can view Crispin Miller’s latest compilations by following the links on his summary Substack article HERE.  It’s important to note that Crispin Miller makes no attempt to investigate whether the incident is related to covid injections, he merely records relevant details as stated in the report.

For example, a man in Auckland died after suffering a medical event while in police custody.  Last Saturday, a man was taken into custody for unlawful interference with a vehicle. “The man was transported to the Auckland District Custody Unit, however, on arrival officers became concerned for the man’s welfare as he appeared to be suffering a medical event,” police said. Officers immediately transported the man to hospital but he passed away a short time later. “No age or cause of death reported,” Crispin Miller noted.

In another tragic incident noted by Crispin Miller, a class 12 student of a school in Kolkata, India, died after collapsing on the campus. The girl suddenly collapsed after the assembly session around 9.30 am. “She was then attended by the school doctor who found her pulse rate to be very low. She was declared brought dead when taken to the nearby Belle Vue Clinic,” a police officer said. A case was lodged in connection with the death and the body was sent for post-mortem. “It’s still not known whether the girl was suffering from any illness. It seems that she died of a cardiac arrest, but the exact reason behind her death could be known only after the completion of the post-mortem,” the officer said.

In Ukraine, a lawyer was killed in a “vaxxident.”  In Odessa, the prosecutor suddenly died at the wheel.  According to local Telegram communities, an uncontrolled car rammed several parked cars. The deceased is a high-ranking law enforcement officer of the city R. Bershavsky.  No age or cause of death reported.

In Russia, Theatre and cinema actor Mikhail Lozhkin, died suddenly at the age of 36.  The cause of death was not noted.

In Belgium, two footballers “died suddenly.”  Former football player and ex-Red Devil Cédric Roussel passed away on Saturday at the age of 45. He collapsed on a terrace in Bergen on Saturday, first aid was of no avail. And Stéphane Demol, former defender, died following a heart attack.  He was aged 57.

In Germany, on 21 June a truck driver was found dead in his cab. He had parked his vehicle in a parking lot on Tuesday evening to spend the night there. The parked truck with the corpse in the cab had been discovered by local residents, who alerted the police. The man apparently died during the night of a natural death, police said.  No age or cause of death was reported.

In Iceland, last Saturday morning, emergency services were notified of a discovery of a dead person. He was found on the ground by a bicycle. A doctor was on the scene and pronounced the person dead. No age or cause of death was reported.

On 28 June, Paweł Kotwica, a well-known Polish sports journalist, died suddenly during the final match of the Handball Champions League in Cologne. He fainted suddenly when his beloved team from Kielce fought for the first place with SC Magdeburg on Sunday. Several minutes before the end of the match. Despite immediate medical assistance, his life could not be saved. He was less than 51 years old.

Mark Crispen Miller’s series of lists titled ‘In memory of those who died suddenly’ for the week of 19 to 26 June goes on and on.  It’s tragic to see.
