


これは、いくつかの県の教育委員会に入ることができた幸運な変態カップルではない。あなたは理解しなければならない。自分が何と戦っているのかを認識しない限り、これを打ち負かすことはできない。共産主義マルクス主義者のクズどもは、すべての子供たちをめちゃくちゃにし、より早い年齢で性的なものにしようと決意しているのだ。私たちの邪魔をしたり、米国と子供たちの間に入ったりすれば、後悔することになる。しかし、大いなる目覚めは、共産マルクス主義者のクズどもにメッセージを送り返そうとしている。共産マルクス主義のクズどもよ、親の子供を奪うことはできない。  私たちはあなたたちを完全に暴露し、あなたたちの病んだ運動を破壊するつもりだ。


https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (ドナルド・トランプ)





https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (ドナルド・トランプ)


どうやら私たちは、絶壁のような楽しみの、最後の一人一人の神経衰弱の段階に入りつつあるようだ。そして、私たちは皆、いずれ男性として生まれるのか女性として生まれるのかがわからない、盲目になっていると本気で信じているのだろうか?この心の癌を止めなければならない。  教師や教育者は、子どもたちに『性別は2つしかなく、特定の性別の中にいる人はみんな同じだと思い込まずに』話す必要がある。このような会話で『母親』という言葉を使う代わりに、『卵子の生産者』や『運び屋』といった言葉を使うことを勧めている。また、言葉のジェンダーをなくすために、そのスタイルガイドでは『妊娠中の親』や『実の親』といった言葉を使うべきだとしている。


https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (ドナルド・トランプ)





https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (ドナルド・トランプ)

















共和党がバイデン大統領の息子と司法省との間で交わされた、その後破綻した司法取引について調査するため、下院司法委員長のジム・ジョーダン(オハイオ州選出)は、2022年10月にハンター・バイデン検事と面会した5人の人物に照準を合わせている。ジョーダンは木曜日の夜、トミ・ラーレンの "Outkick "の番組で、「私たちはできるだけ早く、それを追求するつもりです」と語った。ジョーダン氏は、下院監視委員長のジェームズ・コマー氏(共和党、キリー州選出)、下院議事運営委員長のジェイソン・スミス氏(共和党、モー州選出)とともに、先月末、ハンター・バイデン氏に対する税務および銃器関連の告発に対する司法省の対応について調査を開始した。





This wasn't a couple of lucky perverts who managed to get on the school boards of a few top counties. You have to understand. You cannot defeat this until you recognize what you are fighting. Its a very well funded, highly organized, fanatically dedicated international movement of Commie Marxist Scum who are determined to screw up all the kids and sexualize them at earlier and earlier ages. They are sending messages to parents all across the fruited plain: you get in our way, you get between US and your children and you will regret it. But The Great Awakening is sending these Commie Marxists Scum a message right back. Hey Commie Marxist Scum, you can't take parent's kids away from them.  We're going to fully expose you and destroy your sick movement.

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https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (Donald Trump)


Thank you, President Trump!

Angel armies are protecting you and your family. May God bless you and protect you till you get back as our president again of the United States of America. For God and County.

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https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (Donald Trump)


Apparently, we're entering the fray every last person's last nerve phase of precipicey fun. And are we to seriously believe we're all freaking blind and unable to see if we're born male or female at some point eventually? This mind-cancer has to be stopped.  Teachers and educators need to speak to children 'without assuming that there are only two sexes and that everyone within a particular sex is the same.' Instead of using the word 'mother' in these conversations, they recommend using terms such as 'egg producer' or 'carrier.' In a bid to de-gender the language, its style guide also says words like 'gestational parent,' and 'birth parent' should be used.

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https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (Donald Trump)


Killing Gaddafi was a serious mistake.

Western powers committed a major blunder by helping to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in a 2011 regime change operation, Italy's top diplomat said, admitting his death unleashed years of chaos and conflict in the African country. Speaking on the sidelines of an event in Tuscany on Wednesday, Italian Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani described Libya's troubles since Gaddafi was overthrown and murdered, saying he was "certainly better than those who arrived later. It was a grave mistake to let Gaddafi be killed. He may not have been the champion of democracy, but once he was finished, political instability arrived in Libya and Africa," he said. The official noted that Rome had agreed with the leader, which "blocked the migratory flows, and the situation was much more stable.

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https://t.me/+pxpJbRtog0FmZDU0 (Donald Trump)


An independent Maui company has unveiled new evidence suggesting that equipment failures in the power grid likely triggered multiple fires. The data was collected through a network of smart sensors known as Ting, distributed to homeowners by insurers. These sensors, designed to spot electrical hazards at homes, also detect grid-wide issues in real time. 78 sensors across the island identified 122 grid faults, mainly due to strong winds. In West Maui, data indicated significant grid stress. Lahaina saw 34 faults between late evening and early morning, increasing in frequency and intensity. Concerning the fatal fire that destroyed Lahaina town, indications suggest power grid issues played a role.

Donald Trump (Real)




Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says that the mainstream media won’t cover the corruption because they are co-conspirators and complicit in everything. “I don’t think it’s that they are ignoring it, I think it’s that they’re scared. Look, you have to keep in mind that they’re all co-conspirators in this. They’re all complicit in this. They were all part of this and they’re all complicit in this and there is so much at stake, and if it unravels, it’s not just political folks that will take a fall on this…” When this is all said and done, I believe many people will be going to jail. Conspiring to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States? I’m no lawyer, but these are serious crimes.

Donald Trump (Real)




The legendary Lou Dobbs sat down with the great General Flynn and they discussed the 16 year plan to destroy America and the possibility of elections being canceled if Republicans don’t win in 2024. General Flynn: “This enemy has a face. It has a name. They have a purpose. They have an intent. They have the resources. They control the levers of power, not only here in the USA but in some other countries around the world. One of the things that happened to them. One of the things that happened to their plan was a guy by the name of Donald J. Trump got in the way. They never thought that that would happen. They figured 8 years of Obama. 8 years of Hillary. And you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation today. They never thought that she would lose, but they were dead wrong.

Donald Trump (Real)




House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is setting his sights on five individuals who attended an October 2022 meeting with the lead Hunter Biden prosecutor as Republicans dig into a since-collapsed plea deal struck between President Biden's son and the Justice Department. "We're going to pursue that, I think, just as soon as we can," Jordan said on Tomi Lahren’s "Outkick" show Thursday evening. Jordan, along with House Oversight Chair James Comer, R-Ky., and Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith, R-Mo., opened an investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of tax and firearm-related charges against Hunter Biden late last month.

Donald Trump (Real)


