

2023年6月11日(日) 記:イーサン・ハフ

(Natural News) ウクライナの諜報機関はFBI(連邦捜査局)と結託・共謀してソーシャルメディアユーザーを検閲し、個人情報を入手していたことが、新たに流出した電子メールで明らかになった。

2022年3月、FBIの特別捜査官は、ウクライナの主要な情報機関であるウクライナ治安局(SBU)がまとめたアカウントのリストをTwitterに送り、そのすべてが "SBUによって恐怖と偽情報の拡散が疑われている "とソーシャルメディアに通知していました。


SBUがFBIに渡し、その後Twitterに送られたリストには、The Grayzoneのジャーナリストであり、Real Clear Investigationsの寄稿者で、番組 "Pushback" の司会も務めるAaron Matéも含まれていました。

Twitterは、このリストについてFBIに対し、"不正 "なアカウントを審査することに同意すると回答しましたが、マテをはじめとする "アメリカやカナダのジャーナリスト "が含まれていることに懸念を示しました。

"FBIがウクライナ情報機関の要請でTwitterアカウントを禁止しようとしたことは、ソーシャルメディア大手から流出した通信のキャッシュであるTwitter Filesでこれまでに明らかになった最も露骨な検閲要請の一つです"。マテは、これらの有害な暴露についての記事でこう書いています。

「FBIの検閲要求は、2022年3月27日、在キエフ米国大使館の法務担当補佐官であるFBI特別捜査官Aleksandr Kobzanetsが、Twitterの幹部2人に送った電子メールで伝えられました。このやり取りには、4人のFBIの同僚がコピーされていた」。




SBUによると、マテとリストにある他の名前は、"ウクライナの出来事を不正確に反映する偽情報やフェイクニュースを流布し、国際法に違反してウクライナ国家の領土でロシア当局の戦争犯罪を正当化するために使われているアカウント "を持っています。




Twitterの信頼と安全担当責任者であったYoel Rothは、「報告されたアカウントを我々のルールの下で見直す」ことに同意しましたが、キエフの要求に応じて米国やカナダのジャーナリストを黙らせるという点では、FBIに警告しました。






TREASON: FBI colluding with Ukrainian government to censor American journalists on Twitter
Sunday, June 11, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Ukrainian intelligence has been colluding and conspiring with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) to censor social media users and obtain their personal information, newly leaked emails show.

In March 2022, a special agent from the FBI sent Twitter a list of accounts compiled by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ukraine’s primary intelligence agency, notifying the social media platform that all of them “are suspected by the SBU in spreading fear and disinformation.”

In an attached memorandum, the SBU asked Twitter directly to remove the accounts, some of which are members of the media, and hand over their user data to Ukrainian officials.

The list the SBU gave to the FBI, which was then sent to Twitter, included The Grayzone journalist Aaron Maté, a contributor to Real Clear Investigations who also hosts the program “Pushback.”

Twitter responded to the FBI about the list that it would agree to review the accounts for “inauthenticity,” but expressed concerns about the inclusion of Maté and other “American and Canadian journalists.”

“The FBI’s attempt to ban Twitter accounts at the request of Ukrainian intelligence is among the most overt requests for censorship revealed to date in the Twitter Files, a cache of leaked communications from the social media giant,” Maté wrote in a piece about these damning revelations.

“The FBI’s censorship request was relayed in a March 27th, 2022 email from FBI Special Agent Aleksandr Kobzanets, the Assistant Legal Attaché at the US Embassy in Kyiv, to two Twitter executives. Four FBI colleagues were copied on the exchange.”

(Related: The FBI also pressured Facebook to censor “disinformation” about the situation in Ukraine.)

If ever there was a clear-cut example of treason by the FBI, Twitter and the Biden Crime Family, this is it

In that correspondence, Kobzanets thanked Twitter for agreeing to converse about complying with Kiev’s wishes. He also attached the SBU document containing a list of 163 accounts, Maté’s included, that Ukraine wants axed from the internet.

According to the SBU, Maté and the other names on the list have accounts that are “used to disseminate disinformation and fake news to inaccurately reflect events in Ukraine, justify war crimes of the Russian authorities on the territory of the Ukrainian state in violation of international law.”

In order “to stop Russian aggression on the information front,” the SBU further wrote in the correspondence, “we kindly ask you to take urgent measures to block these Twitter accounts and provide us with user data specified during registration,” adding that it feels “gratitude for the existing level of interaction.”

That a foreign nation now has control over the free speech rights of Americans – and that Twitter is complicit – shows just how far-gone this country now is at the hands of its globalist overlords.

This is treason, by the way, as both the FBI and Twitter conspire with a rogue foreign government – one that fake president Joe Biden and his crime family are deeply in bed with, just to reiterate – to eliminate the First Amendment rights of American journalists.

Yoel Roth, Twitter’s then-Head of Trust and Safety, agreed to “review the reported accounts under our Rules,” though he warned the FBI that the inclusion of American and Canadian journalists may not fly in terms of silencing them at Kiev’s demand.

Roth did say that Twitter would “focus first and foremost on identifying any potential inauthenticity,” whatever that means. He also clarified that he would be open to suspending “authentic” accounts as well, just so long as it could be “proven” that they have a hidden tie to a foreign government – oh the irony.

The FBI is one of the most corrupt three-letter agencies in all of government. Learn more at FBI.news.

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