


国連は解体されるべきです - 彼らは目的に適していません。

国連は寡頭政治家によって支配されている。 同じ寡頭政治家が、世界経済フォーラムやその他多くの非政府組織を支配している。 これらの組織や機関は、オリガルヒにとって都合の良いことをし、オリガルヒだけにとって都合の良いことをし、オリガルヒは良い存在ではありません。









"第1条 すべての人間は、生まれながらにして自由であり、かつ、尊厳と権利において平等である。"







これらのアジェンダは、表面的には善良に見えるかもしれないが、その実態は、「より大きな利益のために」文化の多様性を徹底的に破壊し、国を破壊することである -とされている。




嘆願書:国連を解体せよ、フランシス・リーダー 2016年7月12日号


[ご注意:Francis Leaderは記事の中でこの動画へのリンクを追加していますが、以下にテキストを追加しました]。




「国連は、寡頭政治体制(のためのプラットフォーム、橋)なのです」と彼は言った。 ジョルジュクは、持続可能な開発に関する多くの会議に、公式・非公式を問わず出席してきました。 そして、結論はいつも同じだった。"いかにして人々の消費量を増やすか "ということだ。 つまり、欲に駆られた議題なのです。 大多数の国は天然資源をコントロールすることはできず、特に国連と同じアジェンダを持つ世界経済フォーラムにコントロールされているのです。

首相(Chancellers)、首相(PrimeMinisters)、大統領などは、その国の市民の従業員ではなく、オリガルヒの従業員だとジョルジュクは説明した。 国連とWEFは、同じアジェンダを持ち、同じオリガルヒにコントロールされているため、もはや区別がつかない。

プランデミックは2016年に起こるはずだった。 そしてオリガルヒは 2020年に食糧と水の危機が起こることを計画していました。しかし、ドナルド・トランプの当選はオリガルヒにとって全くのショックで、計画通り2016年にプランデミックを起こすことができませんでした。 そこで、プランデミックは2020年に再スケジュールされ、食糧と水の危機は2025年に計画されることになったと、ジョルジュクは述べている。 "もちろん、成功することはないでしょう。これは明らかです。 システムはほとんどダウンしています。"


ジョルジュク氏は、国連やWEFを支配しているこれらのオリガルヒはすべて小児性愛に関与していると言及した。彼はこう言った。「毎年、800万人以上の子供が消えていることが分かっています。 800万人といえば、オーストリアの全人口です。 彼らは(跡形もなく)消えてしまうのです。 この犯罪行為は止めなければならない。そして、人々が意識的になり、(何が起こっているのかを)理解するようになれば、それは止められるでしょう」。


世界支配を阻止せよ:国連の秘密、誰もが知っておくべきこと 2023年1月28日(40分)



フランシス・リーダーは、英国の作家、編集者、活動家である。ハイブ・ブログで1,000以上の記事を発表しており、その中には章として共有される本も含まれている。最近では、Substackで記事を発表している。地政学や、癒し、スピリチュアリティ、環境など、人間の関心事について執筆している。 また、全世界に1万人の会員を持つAnti Fracking Internationalの管理者でもある。

Most people trust the United Nations and that may well be the root of our problem

The United Nations should be dismantled – they are not fit for purpose.

The United Nations is controlled by oligarchs.  The same oligarchs control the World Economic Forum and many other non-governmental organisations.  These organisations and institutions do what is good for the oligarchs, only the oligarchs, and the oligarchs are not good.

Dismantle The United Nations

By Francis Leader

When I heard that the recent World Economic Forum (“WEF”) conference at Davos was poorly attended I had the distinct feeling that the edifice of control is crumbling as we type. The unipolar world has failed again. Now there will be a period of absolute chaos while the enemy thrashes around in its death throes and those who seek a multipolar world gather strength.

I suspect that the multipolar world will be JUST as totalitarian and dangerous because, if you look at the policies, they still centre around the UN and Agenda 21.

The UN is not the benign creature it was cracked up to be.

However, despite promoting this 2016 petition, you will notice how few signatures I have managed to accumulate. The vast majority of humanity believes in the UN and that may well be the root of our problem!

The Declaration of Human Rights, which is the initialising document of the United Nations, was a laudable and wonderful effort to encapsulate the genuine desires of the politicians who signed it in 1948.

Since then even the first few words cannot be said to have been achieved.

“ARTICLE 1, All human beings are born free & equal in dignity and rights.”

It cannot be emphasised enough that these words, although evident and true, are violated every second of every day in all parts of the world and the United Nations cannot be said to have improved rights for any human being except, maybe those who occupy positions of power.

We see vast resources being funnelled into this organisation and we also see them constantly begging for further resources to cover their expenses.

We see enormous edifices of governance, huge conferences and meetings during which many resolutions and agendas are produced.

None of which have successfully prevented war, famine, disease or the loss of homelands and resources.

We hear of resolutions being vetoed by one vote against many over and over. This indicates a toothless tiger shackled to a globalist predator regime which, far from liberating the people of the world, is actually creating a global prison in which all people are subjected to draconian and domineering control.

I therefore propose that the existing United Nations be declared unfit for purpose and be dismantled before it achieves its unsavoury objectives as laid out in Agenda 21 and 2030.

These Agendas may seem benign on the surface but the reality of them is the wholesale destruction of diversity of culture and the destruction of nations “for the greater good” – supposedly.

We need international cooperation without doubt, but we do not need an expensive, useless pariah dictating a policy in which human beings are to continue to be treated as just another commodity or resource in a world controlled by internationalist corporations and the sinister few extremely wealthy individuals who own them.

“We, the undersigned, call on the United Nations to consider itself unfit for purpose and to desist from forming a global army, police force and dictatorship.

“We insist that the United Nations does not have our permission to implement Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 which denies national sovereignty and demands adherence to a globalist regime which operates to the detriment of individual freedoms as enshrined in its own Declaration of Human Rights.”

Petition: Dismantle the United Nations, Francis Leader, 12 July 2016
UN Whistle-blower: Calin Georgescu

[Please note: Francis Leader added a link to this video in her article but we have added the text below.]

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich of the International Crimes Investigative Committee (“ICIC”) interviewed Caline Georgescue, a former executive director who worked at the United Nations for two decades.

The United Nations are supposed to become the “One World Government” and are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education – everything. This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things.

Georgescue tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves and enslave humanity.

“The UN is the platform, the bridge, for the oligarchy system [of] control,” he said.  Georgescue has attended many meetings on sustainable development, both official and unofficial meetings.  And the conclusion was always the same: “How can we increase the amount people consume.”  In other words, the agenda is driven by greed.  The majority of countries don’t have control over their natural resources, they are controlled by the World Economic Forum, in particular, which has the same agenda as the UN.  

The Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Presidents etc. are not employees of the citizens of their countries, Georgescue explained, they are employees of the oligarchs.  The UN and the WEF are now indistinguishable as they have the same agenda and are being controlled by the same oligarchs.

The plandemic was supposed to happen in 2016.  And the oligarchs had planned that in 2020 there would be a food and water crisis. But the election of Donald Trump was a total shock to the oligarchs and the pandemic couldn’t take place in 2016 as planned.  So, the plandemic was rescheduled for 2020 and the food and water crisis is now planned for 2025, Georgescue said.  “Of course, they will not succeed. This is clear.  The system is almost down.”

“Now we must have the courage, all of us, to say ‘No’.”

Georgecue mentioned that all these oligarchs who control the UN and the WEF are involved in paedophilia. He said: “We know that more than 8 million children disappear every year.  Eight million is the entire population of Austria.  They disappear without [a trace].  This criminal act has to be stopped. And it will be stopped when people become conscious and arrive at an understanding [of what is happening.]”

We must have the courage, all of us, to say “No!”

Stop World Control: Secrets of The United Nations, What Everyone Should Know, 28 January 2023 (40 mins)
If you are unable to view the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.

About the Author

Frances Leader is a British writer, editor and activist. She has published more than 1,000 articles on Hive blog including a book shared as chapters. More recently, Leader has been publishing articles on Substack. She writes about geopolitics and other human interests such as healing, spirituality and the environment.  Leader is also the administrator of Anti Fracking International, a group which has 10,000 members worldwide.
