
BlackRockがFox社の15.1%を購入した後、Fox Newsがタッカー・カールソンを解雇

BlackRockがFox社の15.1%を購入した後、Fox Newsがタッカー・カールソンを解雇
2023年4月27日(木) 記入者: ベル・カーター

(Natural News) 政治評論家でテレビキャスターのタッカー・カールソンは、投資管理大手BlackRockがFox社の15.1%にあたる計4574万株を購入してからわずか数ヶ月で、Fox Newsから去ることになった。



カールソンもFox Newsも、前者が解雇された理由を明らかにしていないが、ロサンゼルス・タイムズは、Fox Newsの創設者でFoxコーポレーション会長のルパート・マードックが決定したと報じた。

Daily Dotによると、マードックは、同メディアがDominion Voting Systemsと起こした訴訟で明らかになった事実に影響を受け、Fox Newsは2020年の大統領選挙における有権者の不正に関する誤った主張を推進したことを理由に7億8750万ドルで和解したという。



彼の最後の番組は4月21日(金)であり、ネットワークは、彼の番組に永久的なキャスターが見つかるまで、ホストのローテーションに賭けることになります。「フォックス&フレンズ」の共同司会者であるブライアン・キルミードは、4月24日(月)の夜、同番組のキャスターを務めました。キルミードは冒頭の挨拶で、カールソンの退社を認め、"タッカーとは大親友だ "と述べました。


"BlackRockとVanguardを合わせると、フォックスの18%(現在はほぼ21%)、CBSの16%、NBC、MSNBC、CNBCとスカイメディアグループを所有するコムキャストの13%、CNNの12%、多くの子会社を所有するディズニーの12%を持っています。" さらに彼は、メディア大手がライバルかのように振る舞うことがあるが実際には同じ会社が所有していると指摘している。(関連記事:世界を所有する企業、BlackRockについて知っておくべきことすべて)


ゴールデンタイムの司会者が、物議を醸したFox Newsからの退社から2日後、米国政治に対する自身の見解について語り、ついに沈黙を破った。彼は、解雇や今後の計画については言及しませんでした。


Foxが退社を発表したわずか数時間後、このタレントは、かつてRussia Todayとして知られていた放送局、RTに仕事を依頼された。ロシア国営放送で最も著名なコメンテーターであるウラジーミル・ソロビョフは、カールソンが毎晩放送しているパネルディスカッション番組に参加することを歓迎すると述べるとともに、ホワイトハウスへの立候補を検討すべきであると示唆しました。




このビデオはBrighteon.comのSon of the Republicチャンネルからのものです。



タッカー・カールソン ケネディ暗殺の調査計画でCIAがニクソンを倒した。

タッカー・カールソン、シーモア・ハーシュの報告に対するMSMの沈黙を非難: "私たちは質問しただけで攻撃された"




Fox News fires Tucker Carlson after Blackrock buys 15.1% of Fox Corporation
Thursday, April 27, 2023 by: Belle Carter

(Natural News) Political commentator and television anchor Tucker Carlson was forced to leave Fox News, just a few months after investment management giant BlackRock bought a total of 45.74 million shares, or 15.1 percent of Fox Corporation.

BlackRock is now its second largest owner, next to the Murdoch family, who still holds 19 percent of the company. Other smaller institutional investors own the rest.

“It is clear that Blackrock is fast becoming a controlling entity in Fox Corporation,” Dr. Robert Malone commented.

Neither Carlson nor Fox News disclosed the reason why the former was fired, but the Los Angeles Times reported that the decision came from Fox News founder and Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch.

According to Daily Dot, Murdoch was influenced by revelations that came out during the media outlet’s lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems, which saw Fox News settle for $787.5 million over its promotion of false claims regarding voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Private conversations between Carlson and others at the news outlet, which were revealed during the lawsuit, showed the popular host criticizing upper management after the network opted to scale back its coverage of the false election claims. The Wall Street Journal also reported that Carlson’s remarks may have influenced the split.

The broadcaster’s departure ended his decade-plus tenure at the news network during which he rose to become the highest-rated host in prime-time cable news. Carlson, who has a salary of about $20 million a year, will be paid out for the remainder of his contract.

His last show was on Friday, April 21, and the network will bank on a rotation of hosts until a permanent anchor is found in his program. “Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade anchored the show on Monday night, April 24. In opening remarks, Kilmeade acknowledged Carlson’s departure and said he was “great friends with Tucker.”

“It doesn’t take a genius to know that yesterday, we got another really big flag to get off of mainstream news if you seek any unbiased news analysis or editorial content. That the biases, the censorship is only going to get worse,” Malone said in his April 26 Substack newsletter.

“Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own 18 percent of Fox (now almost 21 percent), 16 percent of CBS, 13 percent of Comcast – which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and the Sky media group, 12 percent of CNN and 12 percent of Disney – which owns a number of subsidiaries,” he added, pointing out that the media giants may act as if they are rivals but are actually owned by the same company. (Related: Everything you need to know about BlackRock, the company that owns the world.)

Carlson breaks silence by tweeting about his views on US politics

The primetime host finally broke his silence, two days after his controversial exit from Fox News, by discussing his views on U.S. politics. He did not address his dismissal or his future plans.

“When you take a little time off, you realize how unbelievably stupid the debates you see on television are, they’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years, we won’t even remember that we had them. Trust me, as someone who participated,” Carlson said in his video message posted Wednesday, April 26.

Just a few hours after Fox announced his departure, the TV personality was offered a job at RT, the broadcaster formerly known as Russia Today. Vladimir Solovyov, the most prominent commentator on Russian state TV, said Carlson was welcome to join his nightly panel discussion show while suggesting he should consider a run for the White House.

“You have our admiration and support in any endeavor you choose for yourself next, be it running for President of the United States (which you should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project,” Solovyov wrote in an email, according to a screen grab he shared on his Telegram channel
More stories on mainstream media’s collusion with the government and corporate entities can be found at NewsCartels.com.

Watch the video below where Carlson spoke about the truth being contagious during his recent Heritage Foundation speech.

This video is from the Son of the Republic channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Tucker Carlson gives best speech of his life outlining what Americans must do to save the country.

Tucker Carlson: CIA took down Nixon over his planned Kennedy assassination probe.

Tucker Carlson slams MSM silence on Seymour Hersh reporting: “We were attacked for asking questions.”

BlackRock’s green agenda – not the Ukraine invasion – triggered the global energy crisis.

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