

2023年8月21日 13時30分





HumanProgress.orgは週末に、過去30年間で緑の植生が14%増加したというビデオを公開した。  この増加の70%は大気中のCO2によるもので、1982年から2009年まで毎年植生が増加しているとしている。  この増加は、米国の国土2個分の面積に相当する。

「緑化」は、気温が高くCO2濃度が高い乾燥地帯で最も顕著である。  これは、植物が蒸散する際に水分を保持しやすくするためで、乾燥した時期に役立ち、植物を "水ストレス "から解放する。  CO2が増加すると作物の収穫量が増え、より多くの食料と野生生物の繁栄につながる。  このビデオでは、過去30年間で作物の収穫高が3兆ドル以上増加したと主張している。

しかし、左派のばかげた論理に基づく終末予言は止まらない。今月初め、ジョー・バイデンは、大気中の炭素を吸引して地下深くに貯蔵する掃除機に12億ドルを費やす計画を発表した。  同時に、社会主義者のバーニー・サンダースは司法省に対し、彼らの気候変動説に異を唱える化石燃料産業関係者を起訴するよう求めていた。

“Climate Change” Crusher: HumanProgress.org Publishes Video Claiming 14% INCREASE in Green Vegetation. Mostly Due to Excess Carbon in Air
By Brian Lupo
Aug. 21, 2023, 1:30 pm

The Climate Cultists won’t like this video released by HumanProgress.org’s Twitter account yesterday:  a 2016 paper published in Nature by 32 authors from 24 institutions in 8 countries has revealed that an analysis of satellite data shows that there has been a 14% increase in green vegetation over 30 years.

This analysis aligns with elementary school-level science as well as statements made by Green Peace co-founder and Director at co2coalition.org, Dr. Patrick Moore, during an interview:

“One of my missions is to turn on its head the idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and somehow dangerous, when in fact it is the most important nutrient for all life on Earth. And without it, this would be a dead planet.

I say not only is carbon dioxide good, it is essential. And it’s a good thing that we are putting some more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because it was running low before we came along. If we had definitive proof that CO2 was causing serious problems and we could prove it, don’t you think they would write that down on a piece of paper somewhere so people could read it? They don’t have definitive proof.

HumanProgress.org published a video over the weekend that claims a 14% increase in green vegetation over the last 30 years.  The video cites that 70% of this increase is attributed to CO2 in the air and that vegetation has increased every year from 1982 to 2009.  The increase amounts to the equivalent of two landmasses the size of the United States in new green vegetation.

The “greening” is most impactful in arid regions where they have high temperatures and higher CO2 concentrations.  This helps plants to retain more water during transpiration which will help during dry spells and make the plants less “water-stressed.”  The increased CO2 results in higher crop yields, which equates to more food and a thriving wildlife.  The video claims upwards of a $3 trillion increase in crop yields over the last 30 years.

This won’t stop the Leftist from their doomsday prophecies based on absurd logic.  Earlier this month, Joe Biden announced plans to spend $1.2 billion on essentially a vacuum cleaner to suck carbon out of the air and store it deep underground.  At the same time, socialist Bernie Sanders was asking the DOJ to prosecute people in the fossil fuel industry who dissent on their climate change narrative.
