







1. 彼らは、気候が急速急速に変化していると主張するが、気候は常に変化してきたということに触れようとしない。気候は何十億年も前から変化してきたし、これからも間違いなく変化し続けるだろう。多くの嘘をつくが、これらの変化が牛や自動車、飛行機によって悪化したり加速されたりしているという証拠はない。

2. 彼らは、世界が危機に直面していると主張する。彼らは何十年も前からこのことを予測してきた。具体的な予測はすべて、何も起きずに終わっている。海が危険なレベルまで上昇するという主張はまったく架空のもので、無謀で無責任な脅し文句に過ぎない。

3. 二酸化炭素の排出がどのような被害をもたらすか、また、どの程度の関連性があるかは、誰にもわからない。二酸化炭素の量の増加は、石油やガスが普及する以前から始まっている。人間自身が二酸化炭素の自然な生産者であり、気候変動神話を推進する人々の多くは、世界の人口を約80億人から5億人に減らすことが答えだと信じている。

4. 気候変動が存在する、あるいは脅威であるということに、すべての、あるいはほとんどの気候科学者が同意しているというのは事実ではありません。ほとんどの独立した科学者は、メディアが危険性を極端に誇張していることに同意している。最近の論文では、人類が気候変動を引き起こしていることに同意する科学者は、わずか0.3%であると報告されています。気候変動サイコは、97%の科学者が自分たちの主張を支持していると主張するが、これは端的に言って、神話を広めるための危険な戯言である。気候変動のリスクとされるものは、希望的観測に基づく推測に基づく仮定に過ぎない。気候変動神話を推進する科学者や作家の多くは、活動家、圧力団体、非政府組織から巨額の資金を受け取っています。神話の背後には隠された意図がある。

5. 気象予報士は、50年後の天候がどうなっているかを知っていると主張する。数週間先を予測するのは難しいし、明日の天気がどうなるかを伝えるのも難しいようだからだ。

6. ハリケーンや竜巻がより頻繁に発生し、より強くなっていると主張している。証拠は、これが真実でないことを示しています。ハリケーンや竜巻がより強く、より一般的になったという証拠は全くありません。また、吹雪や洪水が数十年前よりひどくなった、あるいは少なくなったという証拠もない。もし家屋への浸水が増えたとしたら、それは家が氾濫原に建てられているか、川が適切に浚渫されていないためです。

7. 彼らは、山火事がより多く発生し、より破壊的であると主張している。これは明らかに事実と異なる。数十年前と比べれば、深刻な山火事の発生は少なくなっています。

8. 彼らは、海面が急速に上昇し、海岸浸食の原因になっていると主張しています。これは嘘です。海岸浸食は一般的で歴史的な問題であり、海面レベルとは何の関係もない。海水面は気候変動の影響を受けていない。海水面の緩やかな変化は正常であり、ほとんど影響はない。

9. 石炭、石油、ガスに代わるものとして広く宣伝されている風力発電は、信頼性に欠け、使い物にならない。風力発電は断続的に(風が吹いたときだけ)発電し、建設と維持に多くのエネルギーを必要とするため、エネルギー的にマイナスとなる。風力発電機の建設と維持に必要なエネルギーは、石油、ガス、石炭から得られる。

10. ソーラーパネルも非効率で信頼性に欠ける。太陽が出ていないときは電気が発生しないので、夜間は電気が発生しないことになります。ソーラーパネルは広大な土地を必要とする上に、非常に非効率的です。生産と設置に多大なエネルギーを必要とする。









注目の画像:"世界のリーダーたちは、破滅的な4度の摂氏温暖化から私たちを救うために、市場にさらに大きく依存している。" Global Dialogue, 2014

Commonest Lies told by Climate Change Psychos
ON MAY 27, 2023

The wild and reckless global warming fascists who claim that the world is getting hotter (or possibly colder) as a result of man’s activities tell a great many lies.

The same lies are then repeated by politicians, journalists, half-crazy alarmists, campaigners, people who demonstrate and children who probably have difficulty with their two-times table but who like to regard themselves as experts on meteorological eccentricities.

Naturally, the hysterical fruitcakes who believe in climate change (like the idiots who promote the covid-19 vaccine) refuse to debate their beliefs.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Here are just a few of the most egregious lies which are told by this miserable band of lunatics:

1. They claim that the climate has changed and is changing rapidly. What they don’t bother to mention is that the climate has always changed. It has changed for billions of years and will doubtless continue to do so. Although a good many lies are told there is no evidence that these changes have been exacerbated or accelerated by cows, motor cars or aeroplanes.

2. They claim that the world is heading for a crisis. They have been forecasting this for decades. Every specific forecast has come and gone without anything happening. Claims that the sea is going to rise to dangerous levels are entirely fictitious and are nothing more than reckless, irresponsible scaremongering.

3. No one knows just what damage carbon dioxide emissions may do or how relevant they are. The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide began before oil and gas were in wide use. Human beings themselves are natural producers of carbon dioxide and many of those promoting the climate change myth believe that the answer is to reduce the world’s population from around 8 billion down to 500 million.

4. It is not true that all or even most climate scientists agree that climate change exists or is a threat. Most independent scientists agree that the media has wildly exaggerated the dangers. A recent paper reported that just 0.3% of scientists agree that humans are causing climate change. The climate change psychos claim that 97% of scientists support their arguments but this is, quite simply, dangerous nonsense designed to promote a myth. The alleged climate change risks are merely assumptions based on guesses based on wishful thinking. Many of the scientists and writers who promote the climate change myth are receiving huge sums of money from activists, pressure groups and non-governmental organisations. There are hidden agendas behind the myth.

5. Weather forecasters claim to know what the weather will be like in 50 years’ time. This is odd because they admit that forecasting a few weeks ahead is difficult and much of the time they seem to have trouble telling us what the weather will be like tomorrow.

6. They claim that hurricanes and tornadoes are more frequent and stronger. The evidence shows that this is not true. There is absolutely no evidence that hurricanes or tornadoes are stronger or more common. Nor is there any evidence that snowstorms or floods are worse or less than they were decades ago. If there is more flooding of houses it is because houses are built on flood plains or that rivers are not properly dredged.

7. They claim that wildfires are commoner and more destructive. This is palpably untrue. There are fewer serious wildfire events today than there were decades ago.

8. They claim that sea levels are rising rapidly and are the cause of coastal erosion. These are lies. Coastal erosion is a common, historical problem and has nothing to do with sea levels. Sea levels have been unaffected by climate change. Modest changes in sea levels are normal and of little consequence.

9. Wind turbines which are widely promoted as an alternative to coal, oil and gas are unreliable and therefore useless. They produce electricity intermittently (only when the wind blows) and they require so much energy to build and maintain that they are energy negative. The energy required to build and maintain the wind turbines comes from oil, gas and coal.

10. Solar panels are also inefficient and unreliable. No electricity is produced by them when the sun is not out and this means that no electricity is produced at night. Solar panels require huge amounts of land and are remarkably inefficient. They require a good deal of energy to produce and install.

The myth of climate change is being promoted by a toxic mixture of rancid politicians, businessmen, celebrities and journalists – most of whom have a vested financial and political interest in selling their lies.

Most of those promoting the climate change myth are acting in their self-interest and not in the interest of the planet or the people. Indeed, their actions are directly opposed to the public good.

Everywhere you look the lies stand out.

The production of batteries to store electricity and the making of electric cars are a waste of time, money and energy and they require the building and running of massive mines in order to find and dig up the minerals required.

The evidence proves conclusively that electric cars are considerably more damaging to the planet than cars driven by internal combustion engines. The self-righteous bleatings of those promoting, making, selling and using electric cars would be pitiful if they were not so dangerous and damaging.

If you want to know the startling truth about climate change please read ‘Greta’s Homework’ by Zina Cohen.

If you want to know more about oil, and why it is so essential, please read ‘A Bigger Problem than Climate Change: The End of Oil’ by Vernon Coleman.

Both books are available on Amazon.

Featured image: “World leaders are relying even more heavily on the market to save us from a catastrophic 4-degree centigrade warming,” Global Dialogue, 2014
