
全米最大のカトリック系医療機関であるプロビデンス・ホスピタル・システムが、最新のCOVIDワクチンを義務付け - 従業員が拒否すれば解雇もありうる

全米最大のカトリック系医療機関であるプロビデンス・ホスピタル・システムが、最新のCOVIDワクチンを義務付け - 従業員が拒否すれば解雇もありうる
09/18/2023 イーサン・ハフ

全米最大のローマ・カトリック系医療機関が、いち早く従業員に新型武漢コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の "ワクチン "接種を義務付けている。

50以上の病院、1,000以上の診療所、12万人以上の従業員を擁する非営利医療組織であるプロビデンス病院システムは、InOurCircleアプリで、全従業員(すでに "ワクチン接種済み "の従業員や "ブースト接種済み "の従業員を含む)に対して、ファイザー社かモデルナ社の全く新しいファウチ・インフルエンザ予防接種を受けなければならない、さもなければ無給休暇を強制されるか、あるいは完全に職を失うことになると通知した。

発表によれば、全従業員が新しい予防接種を受けなければならないのは、"COVID-19の症例が増加傾向にあり、COVID-19ワクチンの最新のアップデートが最新の株による重症化を防ぐのに効果的であることが証明されている "からだという。

プロビデンス病院システムは、この新しい予防注射が一人の人間に対して安全性がテストされたことがないにもかかわらず、"更新された "COVID-19ワクチン接種方針に従って、すべての "介護者は利用可能な最新のCOVID-19ワクチンを受ける必要がある "と決定した。




プロビデンス・ホスピタル・システムの全職員は、職を維持し罰を受けないために、11月30日までに予防接種を受けたことを証明する書類を提示しなければならない。予防接種を見送ることを選択した者は、"辞退届 "を提出する必要がある。"辞退届 "は、「スケジュールから外され、無給休暇となり、解雇の対象となる可能性がある」ことを意味する。


皮肉なことに、プロビデンス・ホスピタル・システムは、すべての人、特に "貧しく弱い立場にある人 "を歓迎し、ケアとサポートを提供する組織であると主張している。選択の自由とはこのことだ。



"訴訟で圧倒する時だ "と別の人は答えた。



「新しい "ウイルスはCOVID MIB - Mail In Ballotウイルスだ。そして "24盗"は続く」。






Providence Hospital System, the largest Catholic health care system in America, imposed mandate for newest COVID jabs – employee refusal could result in TERMINATION
09/18/2023 Ethan Huff

The nation's largest Roman Catholic health care system is among the first to mandate the new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" for its employees.

In its InOurCircle app, Providence Hospital System, a not-for-profit health care organization with more than 50 hospitals, 1,000 clinics, and 120,000 employees, notified all employees – including those who are already "fully vaccinated" and "boosted" – that they must take the all-new Fauci Flu shots from either Pfizer or Moderna, or else be forced to take unpaid leave or even lose their jobs entirely.

The announcement states that all employees must take the new shots because "[w]e've all heard that cases of COVID-19 are on the rise and the latest updates to COVID-19 vaccines are proving effective at preventing serious illness from the latest strains."

Even though the new shots were never tested for safety on a single human being, Providence Hospital System has decided that in accordance with its "updated" COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, all "caregivers need to receive the most up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine available."

Providence Hospital System operates hospitals and clinics in Alaska, California, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

(Related: Remember when Pope Francis, the top dog in the Roman Catholic Church, called for a New World Order in which all human slaves are fully vaccinated?)

Avoid Providence Hospital System like the plague

In order to keep their jobs and not be punished, all Providence Hospital System employees must show proof of injection by November 30. Those who choose to forego the shot will need to submit a "declination form," which means they "will be removed from the schedule, placed on unpaid leave and may be subject to termination."

"Caregivers who are fully remote and never report to an office are encouraged to be vaccinated but are not required to participate," the health care provider did state.

Ironically, Providence Hospital System claims to be an organization that welcomes and provides care and support to all, "especially those who are poor and vulnerable." So much for freedom of choice.

The further irony in all this is that pretty much all vaccines, COVID jabs included, contain ingredients derived from aborted babies. The Roman Catholic Church has long stood against abortion, so why is one of its most prominent and well-known heath care systems forcing employees to take shots that involves baby murder?

"If you work at a job that wants to kill you, you owe it to yourself and your family to get a new job," one commenter wrote. "These people are completely insane!"

"It's time to overwhelm them with lawsuits," responded another.

"Providence doctors, nurses, and other employees should simply walk out, effectively closing down those medical centers," suggested another. "There are plenty of health care jobs out there."

Numerous others noted the convenient timing of all this as COVID 2.0 seems to be arriving right on schedule, just in time for the 2024 presidential election.

"The 'new' virus is COVID MIB – the Mail In Ballot virus," one joked. "And the '24 steal continues."

"Liberals don't care what you do as long as it's mandatory," joked another.

"Here's a real scary thought: Any hospital that would force vaccination makes me believe they'd vaccinate patients without consent," expressed another out of concern. "Especially those under sedation."

When it comes to COVID jab mandates, do not comply. Learn more at ChemicalViolence.com.

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