





世界保健総会(以下、WHA)は、2023年5月21日から30日まで開催されます。この会合の準備のために、彼らは文書をアップロードしている。 その中には、「レポートO」と呼ばれる進捗報告書も含まれています。 この報告書には、グローバルデジタルヘルス認証ネットワークを実施するつもりであることが書かれています。

30. 事務局はまた、特にcovid-19パンデミックに関連して実施された措置との関連で、ワクチン接種または予防接種の国際証明書のデジタル化のためのオプションを検討しており、このようなデジタル証明書の有効性を検証するための相互運用性プラットフォームのオプションについても引き続き検討する予定です。文書A76/37(報告O)で言及されているように、WHOは、加盟国が国際保健規則(2005年)に基づいて発行された予防接種証明書やその他の保健文書の真正性を検証できるようにすることを目的とした、グローバルデジタル保健認証ネットワークの設立に向けてパートナーとともに取り組んでいます。[強調は当社独自のものです]。


彼らは、"まあ、自主的なものだから "と言う。 [しかし、彼らがしてきたことは、インフラの構築です。地球上のすべての人を追跡・追跡できるようにするために必要なインフラを想像してみると、それは大規模なシステム作業です」と、ジェームズ・ローガスキーはスティーブ・バノンの『ウォー・ルーム』に語った。「このようなシステムを構築するには、時間もお金もかかるのです」。これはおそらく、彼らが本当に「任意」であることを長く続けるつもりはないことの表れだろう。


2021年12月1日、インドネシアのG20議長国がスタートした。 2022年11月、サディキンはB20サミットで、インドネシアがG20議長国時代に達成したことを誇った。 B20は、G20が世界の経済界と対話するための公式フォーラムである。 B20は、公的利益と私的利益の境界線を曖昧にし、選挙で選ばれないビジネスマンが運営する世界というイデオロギーに世界を近づけようとしている組織である。




「対策」とは軍事用語であり、サーシャ・ラティポワが研究の中で取り上げた用語と同じものである。ラティポワは、私たちに「コビドワクチン」として販売されたものについて、米国防総省が武器を発注するのと同じ秘密の枠組みで、製薬会社に「デモンストレーション」を発注したと説明しました。 ラティポワは、米国防総省が武器を発注するのと同じ秘密の枠組みで、製薬会社に「デモンストレーション」を発注したのだと説明した。 ラティポワは「対策品に医薬品の規制は適用されない」と警告した。






パンデミック条約とIHRの改正に関するRoguskiの懸念は、G20首脳が宣言に採用した「グローバル・デジタル・ヘルス認証」を中心とするものです。 G20首脳は、2022年11月15日~16日の2日間、インドネシアのG20議長国がバリ島で主催したG20サミットの終了後に宣言を発表しました。 この宣言には、特に次のように記されています:



そして、「(今度のWHA会議の準備のためにアップロードされた資料の)レポートOには、基本的に、彼らはそれをやるだけだと書かれている。 彼らはただやるだけだ。 彼らはグローバルなデジタルヘルス認証ネットワークを導入するだけだ。 条約を忘れ、(IHRの)改正を忘れ、彼らはただそれを実施することで精一杯なのです」とRoguskiは語った。

このインタビューのショーノートは、James Roguski's Substack HEREでご覧いただけます。また、Global Digital Health Certificateについては、Reject Digital Enslavementでご覧いただけます。

バノンの戦場:James Roguski、「彼らはグローバルデジタルヘルス認証ネットワークを実装するつもりなだけだ」、

WHO is forging ahead with plans to implement a Global Digital Health Certificate
ON APRIL 26, 2023

The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) are a completely different set of proposals to the “Pandemic Treaty” that will not need to be signed by any President or Prime Minister, nor would the proposed amendments require the advice and consent of the Senate or Parliament.

Amendments to the IHR were adopted in 2022 without Senate/Parliament confirmation. The amendments that are currently being proposed could easily be adopted in the same manner in either May 2023 or 2024.

Among the 307 amendments to the IHR proposed by 94 member nations of the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) are several that would seek to implement a Global Digital Health Certificate.

The World Health Assembly (“WHA”) meets from 21 to 30 May 2023. In preparation for this meeting, they have been uploading documents.  These documents include a progress report referred to as ‘Report O’.  This report states that they going to implement a Global Digital Health certification network.

30. The Secretariat has also been exploring options for the digitalisation of the International Certificate for Vaccination or Prophylaxis, particularly in the context of the measures implemented in relation to covid-19 pandemic, and will continue to explore options for interoperability platforms for the verification of validity of such digital certificates. As referred to in document A76/37 (Report O), WHO is working with partners to establish a Global Digital Health Certification Network, which is intended to enable Member States to verify the authenticity of vaccination certificates issued under International Health Regulations (2005), as well as other health documents. [Emphasis our own.]

Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005), World Health Organisation, 21 April 2023, page 7
“They say, ‘Oh well, it’s on a voluntary basis’.  [But] what they’ve been doing is building the infrastructure – if you could imagine the infrastructure needed to be able to track and trace everybody on the planet, it’s a large systems task,” James Roguski told Steve Bannon’s War Room. “Building these systems – it takes time, it takes money.” This perhaps is an indication they don’t really intend for it to be “voluntary” for long.

Also, considering the context that the Indonesian Health Minister, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, referred to the Global Digital Health Certification at the B20 Summit last year, it seems unlikely the intention for it is to be on a “voluntary basis” despite what they claim.

Indonesia’s presidency of the G20 began on 1 December 2021.  In November 2022, Sadikin boasted of what Indonesia had achieved during its G20 presidency at the B20 Summit.  B20 is the official forum for G20 dialogue with the global business community.  It is yet another organisation that is blurring the lines between public and private interests and pushing the world closer to the ideology of a world run by unelected businessmen who will of course ensure they cannot be held to account while they manipulate government policies to maximise profits regardless of the cost to human life, liberty or rights.

Sadikin told the B20 attendees that Indonesia needs to invest in “emergency medical countermeasures” and the “business opportunities” this creates:

What are the business opportunities for you? Then business for emergency medical countermeasures which is diagnostic, vaccine, therapeutics or medicine will grow very very fast globally.

B20 Summit Indonesia 2022 | Day 1, 13 November 2022
“Countermeasures” is a military term and is the same term Sasha Latypova highlighted in her research. Referring to what was marketed to us as “covid vaccines,” Latypova explained that the US Department of Defence ordered “demonstrations” from pharmaceutical companies using the same secretive framework they use to order weapons.  While telling us they were pharmaceutical products, for legal reasons they described them as emergency use authorised “countermeasures.”  No pharmaceutical regulation applies to countermeasures, Latypova warned.  

At the B20 summit, Sadikin then went on to market the idea of a global surveillance system using the language of a war-like footing while at the same time emphasising the business opportunities it offers:

We understand that our enemy is not human being. Our enemy is pathogen … These pathogens need surveillance system like when you are being attacked by alien out of the country. Globally, all countries will link the radar system so they have a great surveillance if the enemy is coming from outside the Earth. Now the same thing happens we need to strengthen and link our radar system for pathogen … And what are the opportunities for you? This is an opportunity for you to move into biotechnology. Because this is the biggest threat of humanity. So, people, the government, will politically be push to spend into this sector.

The fourth agreement that we’ve achieved … when we have another pandemic, we understand that to stop the spreading of the virus we have to limit not stop the movement of the people … so let’s have a digital health certificate, acknowledged by WHO, if you have been vaccinated or tested properly then you can move around.

G20 country has agreed to have this digital certificate using WHO standard and we will submit into the next World Health Assembly in Geneva as the revision to International Health Regulations.

B20 Summit Indonesia 2022 | Day 1, 13 November 2022
Roguski’s concerns about the Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the IHR centres around the Global Digital Health Certification which was adopted into the declaration by the G20 leaders.  The G20 leaders issued a declaration at the end of the two-day G20 Summit on 15-16 November 2022 hosted by the Indonesian G20 presidency in Bali.  The declaration stated, among others:

We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognising digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics … [Emphasis our own.]

G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, Bali, Indonesia, 15-16 November 2022, pt. 23, pg. 8
And then, “Report O in [the documents uploaded in preparation for the upcoming WHA meeting] stated that, basically, they’re just going to do it.  They’re just doing it.  They’re just implementing a global digital health certification network.  Forget the Treaty, forget the [IHR] amendments, they’re just busy implementing it,” Roguski said.

You can find the show notes for the interview below on James Roguski’s Substack HERE and you can find out more about the Global Digital Health Certificate at Reject Digital Enslavement.

Bannon’s War Room: James Roguski, “They’re just gonna implement a Global Digital Health Certification Network”,
24 April 2023 (24 mins)
