
化けの皮が剥がれて来た国連 その13

中国の石炭生産量がここ数年で最高水準に 国連世界気候変動会議(と米国の石炭不足)の中で今冬の供給を補うために
2021年11月14日(日) by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) 西洋の指導者、マルクス主義の皇帝、左翼活動家たちは、先週スコットランドのグラスゴーで開催された「世界気候変動会議」に再び集結したが、世界最大の汚染者である中国は、この問題にほとんど関心がないことを表明しながら、このイベントを欠席した。











一方、米国では、バイデン政権が、この冬、アメリカ人のための暖房用燃料が足りなくなるように全力を尽くしている。バイデンは、就任初日に「キーストーンXL」パイプラインを中止し、さらに連邦政府の土地での石油・ガス掘削契約を中止した後、今度はカナダから米国に入ってくる重要な石油・ガスの動脈を閉鎖する準備をしていると、Natural Newsが報じています。







China’s coal production hits highest level in years to shore up supplies this winter amid UN global climate conference (and US coal shortages)
Sunday, November 14, 2021 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) Western leaders, Marxist czars and left-wing activists converged once again for a ‘global climate change conference’ this past week in Glasgow, Scotland, while the world’s biggest polluter — China — skipped the event while announcing how little it cares about the issue.

The reason? The Chinese government is more interested in providing its people with cheap, affordable energy than pursuing some pie-in-the-sky ‘climate agreement’ Beijing wouldn’t follow anyway (because the regime didn’t follow the Paris Accords, either).

“China’s daily coal output has reached 11.93 million tons, the highest level in recent years, and increasing coal supplies have laid a good foundation to ensure energy supply security and residential heating during the winter, the nation’s top economic planner said on Monday, as many parts of the country were hit by a severe coal wave over the weekend,” The Global Times, the state-run media outlet, reported last week.

In short: China is boosting production of the dirtiest fossil fuel because the regime doesn’t want people to freeze to death in the winter (and deal with the unrest and fall-out thereafter).

“Analysts said that officials’ ability to quickly stabilize coal supplies as well as prices underscored the country’s capabilities in dealing with emergencies and its determination to put livelihood at front and center,” The Global Times added.

In addition, Beijing built three times as many coal-fired power plants last year than all other countries combined. And while China still has issues providing enough power for its massive population and sprawling economy, at least the regime doesn’t have to deal with cloudy, rainy days and no wind — two ‘climate’ issues that deal blows to Western nations where idiots in charge of planning have erected thousands of acres of solar panels and wind farms that freeze in the winter and fail to function properly when the weather is overcast.

At the same time, these geniuses shun nuclear power, which is highly efficient and produces zero emissions.

The Global Times went on to describe the scale of China’s coal production:

From November 1-5, the average daily dispatch of coal reached 11.66 million tons, an increase of more than 1.2 million tons from the end of September, as coal mines have been gradually put into operation, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said on Monday.

The thermal coal supply has also continued to increase, and the rebound of coal inventories at power plants has been accelerated. Since early November, the average daily supply of coal at power plants has hit 7.74 million tons and coal inventories have reached 1.6 million tons, according to the NDRC.

On November 6, the stock of coal reserves across the country’s power plants exceeded 117 million tons, an increase of about 40 million tons compared with the end of September.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the Biden regime is doing everything in its power to make sure there are not enough heating fuels for Americans this winter. After Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office and then canceled additional oil and gas drilling contracts on federal land, he is now preparing to shut down a vital oil and gas artery that comes into the U.S. from Canada, Natural News has reported.

“In the short 10 months of Joe Biden’s stolen presidency, America has gone to hell in a handbasket, and it is all due to the purposeful introduction of policies that are designed to crash our economy and bring our country to the brink of ruin so the Marxists running his regime can ‘fundamentally transform’ America into the authoritarian model they have always wanted,” the article summarized.

“How else to explain why an American president would even consider the closure of a vital oil pipeline in the midst of skyrocketing gasoline prices that are hurting the poorest Americans the most — precisely the demographic Democrats claim to care about the most?”

No U.S. leader would do this to his own people while China prepares to take care of its citizens by accident.

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