






コビッド19の予防接種を受ける人々の短期的なリスクが恐ろしいものであることは周知の事実である - 従来のどんなワクチンや医薬品よりも悪い。




もし興味があれば、`'Covid-19 Vaccine - Possible Vaccine Side Effects'' または `'Vital Information about the Covid-19 Vaccine'' という私のビデオを見てください。どちらの動画も2020年12月に収録・公開されたもので、今も[Brand New Tube]に残っています。もしYouTubeにアップされていたら、もちろん削除されているはずだ。



ところで、私の信憑性を疑うのであれば、www.vernoncoleman.com の私の予測と警告のリストを見てみてください。





まず、当然ながら心臓の問題がある。多くの健康なスポーツマンが死んだり、倒れたりする原因となっている心臓へのダメージは、私たちが知っているよりもはるかに多くの人々に影響を与える可能性があるようだ。医師は、生きている患者から心臓を摘出して、どれだけの人が深刻な早期の心臓障害に陥っているかを確認することはほとんどできない。そして、心筋炎や心膜炎などの問題に関しても、その初期段階である。この問題は、今や多くの人にとって人生の永遠の一部となっている。そして、それはすべて精密に予測されていたのです。もう一度、この2年間に私が作ったビデオを振り返ってみてください。すべてが予測されていたのです。ビデオはすべてBrand New Tubeにあります。私は、新型インフルエンザで死んだり死ぬよりも、ワクチンで死ぬ方がずっとずっと多いと警告しました。











赤ちゃんが成長したらどうなるのだろう?完全に不妊症になるのだろうか?他にどんな問題があるのだろうか?mRNAは全く新しいタイプの製品です。何が起こるのか、誰も正確に知ることはできません。5 年後、10 年後、15 年後に何が起こるのか、誰にもわからない。待つしかないのです。そして、誰かが嘲笑する前に、それを服用した女性の子供に影響を与えた薬があることを思い出してほしい。



























ヴァーノン・コールマンの新著『They want your money and your life』は、彼のウェブサイトの書籍セクションからペーパーバックとして入手可能だ。

「Facebook Anonymous Fact Checkers Approve Fast Track Injections - The Vaccine (Dis)Information War」(C.J. Hopkins著、2021年2月23日)から引用した画像です。

Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early

I suspect that most of those who allowed themselves to be tricked into accepting the covid-19 jab now wish that they had ignored governments, advisors, media doctors and celebrities.

This is the script of my video which appeared in December 2021. The video can still be seen HERE. It was, inevitably, treated with scorn at the time. I invite the sceptics and 12-year-old ‘fact-checkers’ to take a look and see if they can find anything with which they now disagree.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

It’s the 11th December 2021, or thereabouts.

We all know that the short-term risks for those accepting the covid-19 jabs are horrific – worse than the risks associated with any traditional vaccine or drug that’s ever been made, and there have been some horror stories in the past associated with pharmaceutical products.

Drug companies are the most ruthless of all corporate entities – they make arms companies look positively benevolent. And, as I have pointed out before, they make those involved in the illegal drug trade look comparatively decent.

It was known in late 2020, a year ago, that the covid-19 jabs would cause heart trouble, strokes, neurological problems, myocarditis and pericarditis.

I know this because I made several videos last year, 2020, in which I explained that all these things would happen. And that the adverse events would not be rare or even uncommon.

If you’re interested take a look at my video called `’Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects’ or `’Vital Information about the Covid-19 Vaccine’. Both videos were recorded and published in December 2020 and they are still there [on Brand New Tube]. If they’d been on YouTube they would have been removed, of course.

I’ve written umpteen thousand words about the short-term problems with these jabs.

But I’ve also been investigating the medium and long-term dangers and what I’ve found is truly terrifying. This really is a cull. Most of the vaxxed will, I fear, be lucky to last five years – and all for a jab that doesn’t do what most people think it does. To be honest, anyone who still accepts one of these jabs should be considered suicidal or certified insane. Life expectation is going to fall dramatically – and not just because the quality of health care is deteriorating daily. I honestly find it difficult to believe that there are people around who are so brainwashed and so terrified by the lies they’ve heard that they will accept as many jabs as they are offered.

If you doubt my credentials by the way, take a look at the list of my predictions and warnings on www.vernoncoleman.com

And if you doubt that just read your way through my 20 million words of published books and old columns.

The politicians, the Government scientists and the journalists claim that there are no medium or long-term dangers associated with the experimental jabs.

But they say that because they seem to know nothing about traditional vaccines which can and do cause medium and long-term problems. And, of course, they know nothing about the experimental covid jabs because no one on earth can say with certainty what is going to happen in one, five or ten years’ time.

I have, however, made a determined, clinical attempt to analyse what I think will happen. And this is what I’ve come up with.

First, of course, there are the heart problems. It seems that the damage to the heart that is responsible for so many fit sportsmen dropping dead or collapsing is likely to affect far more people than we know about. Doctors can hardly remove hearts from living patients to see how many are suffering serious, early stage heart trouble. And its early days as far as the myocarditis and pericarditis and other problems are concerned. This problem is now a permanent part of life for many. And it was all predicted with great precision. Again, just look back at the videos I have made during the last two years. Everything was predicted. The videos are all on Brand New Tube. I warned that more, far far more, will die of the jabs than died or will die of the rebranded flu.

It seems, of course, that the heart problems are made worse by heavy exercise. There will, I fear, be sudden deaths among those labouring, digging snow or doing heavy gardening. Deaths among the elderly will be dismissed as a result of ordinary ageing.

Incidentally, have you noticed that recently the official line is that people who go to the gym are more likely to have strokes or heart attacks – as if simply going to the gym was the problem? No mention of the jab as the cause. They are trying to normalise strokes and heart attacks to cover the jab injuries.

And this is, I suspect, is also why so many young people have been collapsing on the dance floor. The exercise, combined with the heat, has put pressure on damaged hearts. And they’ve collapsed. I think the stories about people being injected in night clubs or drinking spiked drinks are largely just that – stories. Stories designed to cover up the real problem. Bizarrely, I’ve even seen it claimed that global warming is the cause of all the heart problems we’re seeing. That really is pushing it.

I have no doubt, sadly, that we’re going to see more and more people suffering serious heart trouble as a result of their jabs. The elderly will die earlier than they might otherwise have died. But deaths among the young will continue to shock. Already there are calls for defibrillators to be put into schools and sports clubs because of the unprecedented epidemic of heart attacks.

The change in the immune systems of the jabbed will also be of great significance. It has been reported that many of the double jabbed have lost a good deal of their immune system capability. This will mean that they are incredibly vulnerable to many diseases.

So, I suspect the vaxxed will be extremely vulnerable to new variations of the flu. They will constantly be encouraged to accept new jabs, new booster jabs and so on. The ignorant, the fearful and the susceptible will become pincushions, the drug companies will make untold billions in profits, the medical profession will be paid huge fees to give the jabs and the evil conspirators behind the Agenda for a world government will move ever closer to their aim. Vax passports will morph, apparently naturally, into digital passports, containing financial details and so on and the enslavement will be complete. The future is now very, very close.

There will be serious neurological problems too. These are already developing – the facial nerve palsy is well known, of course. But there will be many others that were known about back in 2020.

Will there be fertility problems? My guess is that there will be. Certainly, no one can say that there will not be.

It is astonishing how many women won’t have a glass of wine in case it affects their baby but will happily have an experimental jab. No one knows what will happen to them or their unborn baby.

More and more women who have been jabbed and do get pregnant will be born with underdeveloped babies. Or the babies will have serious heart problems. Who knows? Many babies will doubtless be lost mid-term or born dead. Medical history is littered with examples of drugs which everyone said was safe but which turned out to be not so safe. Thalidomide is just one of many drugs in that history.

And what will happen when those babies grow up? Will they be completely infertile? What other problems will they develop? The mRNA is an entirely new type of product. No one can tell you exactly what is going to happen. No one can tell you what will happen in five, ten or fifteen years. We have to wait and see. And before anyone sneers, let me remind you that there have been drugs which have affected the children of women who took them.

The drug diethylstilboestrol (DES)is a manufactured version of oestrogen. It was given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages. It was thought to be safe though it was useless for this. In 1971, it was found that the drug caused cancer and doctors in America stopped prescribing it. Doctors in Europe carried on for another seven years.

But there’s a twist. It later became clear that the daughters of women who took DES while they were pregnant were at increased risk of developing several types of cancer. I wrote about this in my book Paper Doctors in 1977 – and European doctors then stopped prescribing it for pregnant women. It took 40 years for the cancers to become apparent.

The cancer risk for the vaxxed cannot be under estimated. No one knows what will happen.

There are already early signs of problems.

A doctor in Idaho, America reports that he has seen a twenty times increase in the incidence of endometrial cancer in jabbed patients.

And, of course, menstrual problems are known to be a serious problem among the vaxxed. I fear that the incidence of all types of cancer will increase dramatically among the vaxxed. With altered immune systems there are bound to be big problems ahead.

And there is another problem.

Will the vaxxed be able to take prescription drugs or over the counter drugs? If they take aspirin or warfarin, for example, will those bleeding problems get worse? We’re in entirely new territory. I doubt if the mathematicians and psy-op specialists advising the Government have much idea of the problems that can happen with drug interactions with ordinary humans. And, since the covid jab is entirely new, there is no limit to the number of problems which lie ahead.

So what can the vaxxed do to help themselves?

Well, first and foremost, I hope the vaxxed don’t have any more of the notably toxic jabs poked into them. I suspect that the damage is cumulative – maybe that’s why they’re so keen on pumping the stuff into people in such quantities.

The jabbed should avoid strenuous exercise – lest their hearts be damaged in some way. I fear that damage might not always show up when the heart is tested. Gentle exercise only for those who have had the covid-19 jab. The footballers who said `no’ were wise beyond their reputation.

And if I’d been jabbed by accident (and it would have been a hell of an accident for me to have had any jab or vaccine) I’d want to keep my immune system in tip top condition. You can easily buy vitamin D and zinc. You can easily buy supplies of both – but don’t take more than the recommended dose because they can be serious and potentially deadly side effects if you do. The jabbed should check with their doctors first – before taking any medicine or supplement.

Will the vaxxed be a threat to those around them? Well, yes, I fear they will. They will carry some infections without showing symptoms or signs and so I suspect they’ll spread those infections. Asymptomatic spread didn’t happen before the jabs but now there is evidence that the vaxxed may spread the infection without showing symptoms themselves.

I reported a long time ago on the theory that immunosuppressed individuals could provide a reservoir in which viruses might more easily mutate.

And will the vaxxed be vulnerable if they mix with the unvaxxed? Well, again, yes I fear they will. The immune systems of the vaxxed have been changed forever. Just how vulnerable they will be is a big mystery.

The problem is that the authorities will not be honest about any of this. They will claim that deaths among the vaxxed are caused by new variations and whenever they can they will, of course, blame the wise ones who have refused to allow themselves to be jabbed with the most deadly, toxic brew ever invented and promoted by governments, drug companies and the medical establishment.

And will the jabs have any effect on the brains of the vaxxed? Well, I’d be surprised if they didn’t. Anything which seems to affect circulatory system and the immune system seems likely to affect the brain in some way. Apart from major bleeds what is going to happen to the intelligence of the jabbed?

Maybe that explains why those who have been jabbed all seem so darned stupid. Most of them are wearing masks which is about as stupid as you can get. And, of course, the masks will increase the stupidity because those wearing them will be breathing in a reduced amount of oxygen.

The bottom line is that I fear that the jabbed have a massively reduced life expectation. And I don’t believe that’s an accident.

How long will they live?

Well, some will probably live long lives. Some cigarette smokers live into their 90s. The human body doesn’t always behave as expected – that’s the whole point.

But I fear many will die during the winter months. Mortality rates are going to soar over the next few years. Governments will blame new variants of the rebranded flu. But that will be yet another lie.

On average, I fear many of the jabbed may have no more than another five years before they become a statistic.

The fact checkers will say I can’t prove this.

And they’re right. I can’t. All I can do is look at the facts we do have and draw conclusions. And I would remind you that I have been absolutely right about this fake pandemic and the jabs since March 2020. I have, I believe, been far more accurate than any government spokesman I’ve seen. And my videos, articles and columns are all still there for you to check if you like.

This video and transcript were first published in 2021.

Vernon Coleman’s new book They want your money and your life is available as a paperback via the books sections of his website.

Featured image taken from ‘Facebook Anonymous Fact Checkers Approve Fast Track Injections – The Vaccine (Dis)Information War’ by C.J. Hopkins, 23 February 2021
