

2022年7月18日(月) by: JD Heyes

(Natural News)世界一の富豪が、世界で最も影響力のあるソーシャルメディアの一つであるTwitterを買収する計画を発表したとき、左派はヒステリーを起こして決裂した。


News Punchによると、TeslaとSpaceXを設立し、その両社のCEOを務めるMusk氏は、プラットフォーム上の「ユーザー」の90%もが実在せず、むしろグローバリスト・エリートが彼らの物語を推進し大衆心理を作り出すために使用している人工知能によって生成されたボットだと考えるようになったとのことです。









"マスクのツイッター買収の取引は深刻な危機に瀕している "とワシントン・ポストが報じ、マスクのチームは、同社が提供したスパムの数値は検証不可能であると考えているため、資金調達に関する投資家との話し合いを中止しているという。





Twitterの取締役会議長であるBret Taylor氏は、取締役会がイーロン・マスク氏を提訴し、彼が拒否した440億ドルの合併を完了させる予定であり、Twitterは勝訴すると「確信している」とツイートしています。





’90 percent bots’: Billionaire Elon Musk puts his purchase of Twitter on hold until company can prove it’s not a deep-state mass psychosis operation
Monday, July 18, 2022 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) When the world’s richest man announced a plan to buy Twitter, one of the most influential social media platforms in the world, the left broke down in hysteria.

While the most common explanation for their breakdown was that Twitter was often used to silence conservative voices and censor any dissent to the deep state regime, it turns out that the panicking is likely due to something much more sinister.

According to News Punch, Musk, who founded Tesla and SpaceX and serves as the CEO for both of those companies, has come to believe that as many as 90 percent of the ‘users’ on the platform are not real, but rather artificial intelligence-generated bots that are used by the globalist elite to drive their narratives and create mass psychosis.

The outlet reports:

Based on his assessment, Musk alleges that up to 90 percent of Twitter’s entire user base is fake. This situation has obvious implications for the valuation of the company. If most of the users are fake, advertisers will be far less interested in spending money to place ads on the platform. But the implications of the bot count don’t stop there and reveal much about the true, inner workings of Big Tech.

Because Musk’s assessment reveals that Twitter’s fake accounts are not just about ad revenue. The vast majority of Twitter’s “daily users,” it appears, are automated spam bots that the Big Tech giant uses to induce mass formation psychosis and other forms of social conditioning.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is likely behind the AI bot front on Twitter. Now that we know Twitter is controlled by spam bots, its not a stretch to assume the same spam bots are also likely present on Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

“After all, it’s no secret that the powers that be are conducting military-grade psy-ops on the public,” noted Vince Quill. “All of us have at one point or another encountered bots, sometimes it was obvious, other times not so much, but 90% of the users being bots is just beyond the pale.”

To that end, Musk and his legal team have been pressuring Twitter executives to turn over more accurate information about the real number of bots on the platform, which Twitter has been reluctant to reveal, for obvious reasons.

“For nearly two months, Mr. Musk has sought the data and information necessary to make an independent assessment of the prevalence of fake or spam accounts on Twitter’s platform,” Musk’s team noted earlier this month. “Twitter has failed or refused to provide this information.”

A new report reveals that Musk is reviewing his options after his team accused Twitter of not disclosing enough information about bot and spam accounts on the platform.

“Musk’s deal to buy Twitter is in serious jeopardy,” the Washington Post reported, saying Musk’s team has stopped engaging in discussions with investors about the funding because they believe the spam figures provided by the company are not verifiable.

Musk’s team is seeking information on the true number of active daily users on Twitter but apparently, the social media platform is not providing enough information.

Musk’s team is poised to take “potentially drastic action,” the report said.

Twitter’s CEO and board of directors, however, aren’t about to let Musk out of the $44 billion purchase agreement, which is based on a share price of around $54 each.

According to a report from the Associated Press, shortly after Musk sent a letter — via his attorneys — stating that he was walking away from the deal, Twitter fired back stating they will sue the Tesla and SpaceX founder.

“The chair of Twitter’s board, Bret Taylor, tweeted that the board plans to sue Elon Musk to complete the $44 billion merger he just rejected and that Twitter is ‘confident’ it will prevail,” the outlet tweeted.

But if Twitter’s executives allow this case to go to court that will mean during discovery the company will be forced to reveal the precise number of bots on the platform — which will likely destroy it.

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