




「2020年3月、私の世界は一変しました。  いつだったか......私はこんなことをツイートしたんだ:このウイルスが感染するのは高齢者とすでに病気にかかっている人だけなのに、なぜメディアはみんなを怖がらせるのか?」とル・ティシエは言った。

「まあ、このような反応が返ってくるとは思ってもいませんでした。それまでは、ソーシャルメディアに投稿するネタに数百の『いいね!』をもらう程度だった。  でも、そのツイートをしたとき、ソーシャルメディア上で見たこともないような下劣な罵倒が飛んできたんだ。でも同時に、2020年3月のそのツイートには40,000もの「いいね!」がついた。あんなことは初めてだった」。


その時点で、コビッドの「ワクチン」はすでにメディアで議論されていた。  ル・ティシエはすでに「そのワクチンには近づかない」と決めていた。「常識とちょっとした批判的思考」が、ワクチンはそんな短期間で製造されるものではないと教えてくれたからだ。「11ヶ月の間に長期的な安全性データなど得られるはずがない」と彼は言った。



若く、健康で、体力のある選手たちが倒れるにつれ、ル・ティシエは、なぜ調査が行われないのかと不満を募らせた。2021年11月、ル・ティシエはこうツイートした;「おい、FIFPRO、試合中に何人の会員が心臓に問題を抱えているのか、少しは気にならないのか?  もしそうなら、彼らのためにどのような行動をとっているのか?」。

ツイートから5分もしないうちに、ル・ティシエの電話が鳴った。それは元サッカー選手のボビー・バーンズで、現在はFIFPRO(国際プロサッカー選手連盟)の代表だった。ル・ティシエはバーンズとの会話の中で、以前は選手がフィールドで倒れることは非常にまれで、どちらも現役時代にそのような出来事を目撃したことはなかったと認めさせることができたにもかかわらず、バーンズとFIFPROは "ほとんど何もしなかった"。





2022年11月、ル・ティシエは「人生で最大のショックを受けた」と語った。 あるメールへの返信で、FAの医師はさりげなく彼に言った:「ご存知のように(彼は知らなかったが)、イングランドのプロサッカー選手はもう予防接種を受けることを推奨されていない」。




Matt Le Tissier speaks about his fight to get the football establishment to recognise vaccine injuries and stop pushing covid injections onto footballers
ON OCTOBER 12, 2023

Footballing legend Matt Le Tissier has been a fierce critic of the UK government’s covid policy.  His views saw him attacked by corporate media and he was fired by Sky Sports. However, he stood firm in the face of these attacks and has seen the support for his stance grow as the truth started to emerge about what really went on in government during the covid fiasco.

At a Gala Dinner hosted by The People’s Health Alliance (“PHA”) at the end of September, Le Tissier told his story and exposed the truth relating to the football industry in the context of covid.

“In March of 2020, my entire world changed.  When … I tweeted out something that said something like this: ‘Why are the media scaring everybody when this virus only affects the very old and those that are already ill?’,”  Le Tissier said.

“Well, I wasn’t really prepared for the response that I got,” he told the dinner attendees flashing a cheeky grin. “Up until then, I was kind of getting maybe a few hundred likes on stuff that I would post on social media, mostly about sports.  [But] when I tweeted that, it came along with the most vile abuse I think I’d ever seen on social media.  But at the same time, that tweet in March 2020, got 40,000 likes. I’d never had anything like that before.”

The vile abuse he received made him realise that something wasn’t quite right.  He continued to question the Government’s covid narrative and in August 2020, “Sky Sports had finally had enough of me and decided to sack me,” he said.

At that point, covid “vaccines” were already being discussed in the media.  Le Tissier had already decided that he wasn’t “going anywhere near those vaccines” because “common sense and a little bit of critical thinking” told him that vaccines don’t get produced in such a short period of time. “How can you possibly have any kind of long-term safety data in the space of 11 months,” he said.

Asking all these questions came along with a lot more abuse on social media.

In 2021, after the rollout of the covid injection campaign, Le Tissier noticed several footballers started to collapse on the playing field and games were being stopped because of medical emergencies.  A phenomenon he hadn’t witnessed before in his long career.  He contacted the Professional Footballers Association (“PFA”), the players’ union, and told them his concerns.  He got an unsatisfactory response.

As more young, fit, healthy athletes collapsed, Le Tissier got more and more frustrated why no investigation was being conducted.  In November 2021, he tweeted; “Hey, FIFPRO, are you not a little concerned about how many of your members are suffering heart problems during matches?  And if you are, what action are you taking on behalf of them?”

Within 5 minutes of his tweet, Le Tissier’s phone rang.  It was former footballer Bobby Barnes, who was now the head of FIFPRO, the International Federation of Professional Footballers.  Even though Le Tissier was able to get Barnes to admit during their conversation that previously it was so rare that a player collapsed on the field that neither had witnessed such an event during their playing careers, Barnes and FIFPRO did “just about nothing.”

In the summer, two Premier League footballers, from two different clubs, told Le Tissier that only about 50% of the players at their clubs had been vaccinated. This is while corporate media had been saying that 95% of Premier League players had been vaccinated.  “That’s pretty interesting,” Le Tissier thought at the time.

With that in mind, he contacted Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Clare Craig and together they devised a plan to write to the PFA a letter which would be signed by a number of former football players.  Le Tissier messaged just under 100 former players.  “To my astonishment,” Le Tissier said, “99% of them agreed to sign the letter.  Not many spoke out publicly but they were privately concerned about what they were seeing as well.”

This letter seems to have made a difference at the PFA because Le Tisser received a phone call from the chairman of the Association and a meeting was arranged.  After the meeting, the chairman decided the best thing to do would be to pass the information on to the Football Association (“FA”).

A virtual meeting was organised with the proviso that no one was allowed to talk about what was discussed at the meeting.  Dr. Malhotra joined the meeting with the FA so that he could discuss his concerns with the FA doctor.  Le Tissier has stuck to the agreement not to divulge what was discussed at the meeting but for a couple of months afterwards, whenever another footballer collapsed, he emailed a cutting of the event to the doctor at the FA and simply said: “Oh look, there’s another one.”

In November 2022, “I received the shock of my life,” Le Tissier said.  In a reply to one of his emails, the FA doctor casually told him: “As you know [which he didn’t], professional footballers in England are no longer being encouraged to have any more vaccinations.”

“Having read that, a real sense of relief washed over me because it felt like we’ve had a small victory,” Le Tissier said.  “A small victory in what is a rather massive war.”

Dear Matt Le Tissier, from all of us, thank you for what you’ve done for footballers and thank you also for never giving up.

Matt Le Tissier at the PHA Gala Dinner, 29 September 2023 (12 mins)
