

マイケル・バクスター著 - 2023年11月10日



目撃者は "コバルトの稲妻が一瞬見えた "と語った。エキゾチックな技術に興味を持つ自称陰謀論者である彼は、この事件を弟に話し、ホワイトハットがすでにDEWがマウイ島の大火災を引き起こしたかどうかを調査していると推測した。彼は、他の5人の化学工場の従業員が光の筋を目撃しており、彼の話を裏付けることができると言った。その目撃者は、化学工場の膨大な数の監視カメラが、彼らが見たものの映像を捉えているはずだと言った。









White Hats Suspect Deep State D.E.W. Caused Texas Chemical Plant Explosion
By Michael Baxter - November 10, 2023

A Deep State Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) may have caused the explosion at a chemical plant in Shepherd, Texas, that sent plumes of black smoke into the sky and prompted the Polk County Emergency Management Office to issue “shelter in place” orders for residents of the Livingston and Shepherd areas.

A White Hat officer’s brother, who works at Sound Chemical Solutions, located at 731 FM 1127 in Shepherd, claims to have seen a blue flash of light streak down from the sky moments before containers of phosphoric acid and xylene erupted in a colossal fireball that shook the ground and forced an immediate evacuation of the plant. The cascading explosion spread to diesel and sulfuric acid containers, producing poisonous clouds of potentially deadly carcinogens.

The witness said he saw a “cobalt lightning pulse lasting only a split second.” A self-described conspiracy theorist interested in exotic tech, he mentioned the incident to his brother, speculating that White Hats had already investigated whether DEW had caused the Maui inferno. He said five other chemical plant employees witnessed the streak of light and could corroborate his story, though none had photographed or taken video of the alleged DEW strike because it transpired in the blink of an eye. The witness said the chemical plant’s vast array of security cameras should have captured footage of what they had seen.

However, White Hats at first doubted the story because if the Deep State indeed possessed DEW, why target a secluded chemical plant instead of more tempting targets like Camp Pendleton of Fort Bragg, as a strike against either would decimate White Hat operations. Their initial skepticism waned Thursday afternoon when Chemical Solutions’ management announced an improbable cause, claiming a “forklift accident” triggered the explosion. Apparently, a forklift operator punctured a 55-gallon drum of turpentine.

White Hats consulted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and independent chemical engineers who said the odds of turpentine spontaneously combusting when exposed to air were infinitesimally small. On the other hand, if the forklift blade gouged the drum and caused a spark, the turpentine, which has a flashpoint of 95°F, could have conflagrated, but the resultant fire would not have spread beyond the fire-suppression-equipped concrete structure in which the 55-gallon drums were stored.

Moreover, White Hats discovered that Chemical Solutions executives told OSHA the inferno “vaporized” all interior and exterior surveillance cameras and incinerated the security shack where the company had stored footage. The witnesses said Chemical Solutions neglected to inform OSHA that Chemical Solutions had a backup video on cloud storage.

“The company’s omission makes the official story less credible,” a White Hat source told Real Raw News. “Unfortunately, the employees that supposedly saw a DEW can’t access the cloud video if it’s there. They’re hiding something, but if they know unusual weaponry was used against them, why cover it up? And if it was DEW, was it terrestrial or up in the sky somewhere. Many unanswered questions.”

He added that White Hats would prefer to have tangible evidence before launching a full-scale investigation.

“I don’t gotta tell you we’re stretched thin now. We will look deeper into the story and see what we find out.”

In closing, we asked the source whether White Hats controlled any DEWs.

“That’s above my grade, but if we did, wouldn’t it be foolish to talk about it,” he said.
