
ディープ・ステートが健康被害、経済・環境破壊、気候変動の元凶 その34

2021年11月04日(木) by:マイク・アダムス

(Natural News) 人類に対するグローバリストの大量虐殺戦争は、人間の生命を維持するすべてのシステムに対する多方面からの攻撃であることがわかっています。生物学、エネルギー、経済、自由、自分の体の自己所有権などなど。そして今、新たな情報が入ってきました。それによると、2022年に大規模な農作物の不作を引き起こすために、食糧不足の攻撃ベクトルが肥料のサプライチェーンを狙っていることが明らかになりました。

Free West Mediaの記事では、"Fertilizer shortages could become the death knell for global food production. "と題して、この状況に警鐘を鳴らしている。(Free West MediaはCensored.newsのニュースサイトのインデックスに追加されましたので、今後はそこにクリック可能なヘッドラインが表示されます)






食べ物がどこから来るのかを理解するには、CFインダストリーズを知る必要があります。3,000人以上の従業員と40億ドル以上の年間収益を誇るCF Industries社は、北米(カナダを含む)に数十の流通ターミナルを持ち、英国にも2つの拠点があります。


しかし、CF Industries社は製造工場の閉鎖に悩まされています。Free West Media社の説明によると

ルイジアナ州には、CF Industries社の世界最大のアンモニア工場がありますが、(ハリケーン)アイダが襲来する前日に安全上の理由で閉鎖されましたが、停電のためにアイダが通過した後も生産を再開できませんでした。




同じことが、「天然ガス価格が高すぎる」ヨーロッパの多くの国でも起きている。オーストリアの肥料メーカーであるボレアリスAGと、ドイツ最大のアンモニアメーカーであるドイツのSKW Piesteritzは、生産量を20%縮小した。ドイツの会社は、「現在到達しているレベルでは、もはや経済的に健全な生産ができないため、このような措置を取らざるを得ない」と声明を出しています。


CF Industries Holdings Inc.は水曜日、天然ガス価格の高騰によりBillinghamとInceの製造施設の操業を停止すると発表したが、生産再開の時期については未定である。欧州のガスや電力の先物は、エネルギー集約型の産業が消費を抑制していることを受けて、木曜日に暴落しました。




BMO Capital Markets社のアナリスト、ジョエル・ジャクソン氏は、「ガス価格が落ち着くまでの数日間、欧州全域で窒素や化学品の生産が停止することがあっても不思議ではない」とレポートしている。

これらすべてに関するCF Industries社の公式プレスリリースは、このリンク先にあり、次のように述べている。

CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CF)は、天然ガス価格の高騰により、英国のビリンガムおよびインセの両製造施設の操業を停止することを発表しました。なお、同施設の生産再開時期の見通しは立っておりません。

念のために申し上げますが、当社はCF Industries社に何か悪意があるとは考えておりません。むしろ、世界の約半分を養うための栄養素を提供している同社を称賛すべきだと考えている。CFインダストリーズのウェブサイトには、「グリーンエネルギー」や「環境への配慮」などの言葉が並んでいる。これは、食べ物がどこから来るのかを知らず、エネルギーが魔法のように無から生み出されるというおとぎ話のような幻想を抱いている左翼の狂人たちをなだめるために必要な、今日の美徳の象徴のような言葉だ。グリーン・ニューディール」の狂人たちは、物理学、化学、農業、地球物理学、大気化学などの知識を文字通りゼロにしている。だからこそ、農作物を育てる植物合成において最も重要な栄養素である二酸化炭素を破壊しようとしているのだ。現在の技術をもってすれば、化石燃料を使わずに安価なアンモニアを生産することは明らかに不可能である。安価な食料は安価なエネルギーから得られるものであり、エネルギーが安価でなくなると、食料を安価に生産することができなくなります。これはまさに因果応報です。(世界中がこの教訓を2022年に学ぼうとしているのだ。)


南部バイエルン州のピンズベルグ村の農家、ヘルマン・グライフ氏はAP通信に、来年用の肥料を注文することすらできないことを知ってショックを受けたと語っています。「製品も価格も、契約書さえもないのです。今まで見たこともないような状況です」とグライフさんは言います。 「作物に必要な栄養を与えなければ、収穫量はずっと少なくなる。単純なことです」。



もう一つの衝撃的な要素は、中国が2022年前半のリン酸塩の輸出を禁止したことで、米国をはじめとする西側諸国に対して肥料禁輸を行っているように見えることだ。Free West Mediaより。




Free West Mediaより。










今日の「Situation Update」のポッドキャストでは、これらすべてについてより詳細な議論を行っています。肥料の話は1時間4分からです。


Brighteon.comのHealth Ranger Reportチャンネルでは、毎日新しいポッドキャスト(と新しいインタビュー)をお楽しみいただけます。


SABOTAGE SUSPECTED: Global fertilizer production plants halted, delivery trains crashing, operations compromised, all leading to FOOD CROP FAILURES in 2022
Thursday, November 04, 2021 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) We now know that the globalist genocidal war against humanity is a multi-vectored assault on every system that sustains human life: Biology, energy, economics, freedom, self-ownership of your body and so on. Now, we have new information that reveals the food scarcity attack vector is targeting the fertilizer supply chain in order to unleash massive crop failures in 2022.

An article in Free West Media sounds the alarm on this situation, entitled, “Fertilizer shortages could become the death knell for global food production.” (Free West Media has been added to our index of news sites at Censored.news, so you’ll find there clickable headlines there from now on.)

The article documents the astonishing number of freight train accidents involving fertilizer-carrying trains: (emphasis ours)

Around the world, everything from factories have been destroyed in explosions to trains loaded with fertilizer derailed. In some cases, sabotage is suspected.

An example of devastating accidents occurred in the US state of Iowa on May 16 earlier this year. A freight train transporting fertilizer in no less than 47 wagons then derailed and several of the wagons also started to burn. Less than a day before, another freight train with 28 carriages derailed in Minnesota. It carried, among other things, hydrochloric acid, which is an important ingredient for fertilizer.

These are just two of the unusually high number of accidents that have affected manufacturers and transports of fertilizers in the past year. An American train driver with over 30 years of experience commented that “we have more derailments with fertilizer trains this year than during my entire professional time”.

CF Industries is the primary agricultural fertilizer producer in North America and one of the largest in the world
To understand where food comes from, you need to know about CF Industries. With over 3,000 employees and over $4 billion in annual revenue, CF Industries has dozens of distribution terminals in North America (including Canada), and two locations in the UK:

But CF Industries has been plagued by manufacturing plant shutdowns. As Free West Media explains:

In Louisiana, is CF Industries’ largest ammonia factory in the world, but it was closed down for safety reasons the day before [hurricane] Ida struck, but could not resume production after it had passed due to the power outage.

Fertilizer factories have recently also begun to close down their operations due to the high costs of natural gas, which is used in production.

A couple of examples are two factories in the UK, one in Billingham and one in Cheshire, which closed in mid-September. The two plants account for no less than around 45 percent of domestic demand. Industry insiders have pointed out how they found it strange that these were owned by CF Industries.

Instead of compensating for delays due to the hurricane, CF chose to close two more factories two weeks later.

The same thing has happened in many European countries with “too high natural gas prices”. Austrian fertilizer producer Borealis AG and German SKW Piesteritz, which is Germany’s largest producer of ammonia have scaled down production by 20 percent. The German company said in a statement that “the level that has now been reached no longer enables economically sound production, so we have to take this step”.

As Bloomberg.com reports, it is no longer economically feasible to manufacture fertilizer due to high energy costs. (Emphasis added)

CF Industries Holdings Inc. said Wednesday it’s halting operations at its Billingham and Ince manufacturing complexes due to high natural gas prices, with no estimate for when production will resume. European gas and power futures tumbled Thursday on signs energy-intensive industries are curbing consumption.

The crisis could have severe economic consequences. Soaring prices are exposing the risk of power outages this winter, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Blackouts would likely send energy prices even higher, compounding concerns about inflation and adding to the rising costs businesses are already shouldering for raw materials.

For CF, shutting down these plants, which largely produce ammonium nitrate, will cause the company to lose some production volume, according to Alexis Maxwell, an analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence. The bigger potential impact will likely be on global pricing for fertilizer as concerns grow that other producers will follow suit, she said.

Fertilizer prices are already high, and that’s adding to increasing expenses for farmers, who are paying more for everything from land and seeds to equipment. The higher costs of production may mean even more food inflation is on the way.

“We wouldn’t be surprised to see more nitrogen and chemicals production across Europe idled in the coming days until gas prices moderate,” Joel Jackson, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets, said in a report.

The official CF Industries press release on all this is found at this link, which states:

CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CF), a leading global manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products, today announced that it is halting operations at both its Billingham and Ince, UK, manufacturing complexes due to high natural gas prices. The Company does not have an estimate for when production will resume at the facilities.

For the record, we are not attributing anything nefarious to CF Industries. The company should be celebrated, in fact, for providing the nutrients that contribute to feeding about half the world. CF Industries’ website talks a lot about “green energy” and “environmental stewardship” and so on. This is today’s necessary virtue signaling talk to appease left-wing lunatics who don’t know where food comes from and who live in fairy tale delusions where energy is magically created out of nothing. All the “Green New Deal” lunatics have literally zero knowledge of physics, chemistry, agriculture, geophysics, atmospheric chemistry, and so on, which is why they are trying to destroy carbon dioxide, the single most important nutrient in phyotosynthesis that grows food crops. Given current technology, it is patently impossible to produce affordable ammonia without using fossil fuels, period. Affordable food comes from affordable energy, and when energy is no longer affordable, food simply cannot be produced in an affordable manner. That’s straight up cause and effect. (The whole world is about to learn this lesson in 2022, it turns out…)

The fertilizer shortage is already so bad that in some areas, farmers can’t even order fertility for their 2022 crops:

Hermann Greif, a farmer from the village of Pinzberg in the southern state of Bavaria, told AP that he was shocked when he discovered that he could not even order fertilizer for next year. “There is no product, no price, not even a contract. It is a situation we have never seen before,” said Greif. “If I do not give my crops the nutrition they need, the yield will be much lower. It’s that simple.”

The Ice Age Farmer is warning about the same situation, revealing that farmers are unable to acquire the supplies they need to grow food (including fertilizer):

China is the world’s top fertilizer exporter… and they BANNED exports of phosphate until June 2022
The other shocking element in all this is that China appears to be engaged in a fertilizer embargo against the United States and other Western nations, as they have banned phosphate exports for the first half of 2022. From Free West Media:

…[O]n July 30, when the Chinese Communist Party CCP ordered its phosphate manufacturers to suspend their exports one year ahead, until June 2022. China is the world’s largest exporter of phosphate fertilizers and had time to deliver in the first half of this year, before the export ban.

This happened after CCP has already reduced production due to “climate emission issues at production facilities”. Thus, globalists demand reduced carbon dioxide emissions and CCP reduces production so much that they then realize that they probably can no longer export. The effect of these decisions had an immediate effect on prices, as China accounts for almost a third of the world’s phosphate trade.

Thus, the left-wing push for decarbonization of the world is actually causing the de-crop-ization of the world, meaning accelerating famine and mass starvation due to food scarcity stemming from a lack of fertilizers.

3.8 billion human beings depend on nitrogen fertilizers to grow affordable food… and those fertilizers are being cut off like never before
From Free West Media:

According to studies (Erisman et al.) Published in the scientific journal Nature, 48 percent of the world population in 2008 was dependent on nitrogen fertilizers for their daily access to food. “This means that nitrogen fertilizers in 2015 provided food security for 3,5 billion people who would otherwise have starved to death.”

Translated to today’s population figures, the lack of chemical fertilizers would lead to 3.8 billion people being left without food, with mass starvation, mass death, war, chaos and social decay that have not been seen since the previous Grand Solar Minimum.

Beyond the 3.8 billion lives depending on nitrogen fertilizers, we also have the data point that says 49.9% of the world population has been injected with spike protein biological weapons labeled “vaccines.” According to Our World In Data, another 27 million people are being injected each day.

That means there are very nearly 4 million people who have been injected with biological weapons. Many of those will die over the next several years as cancer, autoimmune disorders, AIDS-like conditions and heart conditions explode.

Importantly, vaccine uptake is very poor in developing nations, but poverty is rampant and those nations are highly susceptible to starvation due to fertilizer disruptions. Yet vaccine update is very high in wealthy nations, where food scarcity is rarely a concern (although the situation is rapidly worsening in those nations anyway, due to supply chain problems).

This leads me to the following astonishing conclusion:

Fertilizer scarcity is engineered to kill off populations in developing nations, while vaccines are engineered to kill off the populations in wealthy nations.

Between starvation and bioweapons “vaccination,” the vast majority of the current world population will be subjected to one of these two genocidal vectors. When globalists state they want to reduce the world population by 90%, they mean it. In fact, they’ve figured out exactly how to pull it off.

Food riots, food rationing and rampant food inflation are now all inevitable.

I offer a more detailed discussion of all this in today’s Situation Update podcast. The fertilizer discussion begins at 1 hour and 4 minutes:


Enjoy a new podcast (and new interviews) each day at the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com:

