


2020年10月、スイスの弁護士マイケル・ラスクは自身のリンクトインページに、コロナウイルス「パンデミック」をきっかけに、Deagelの「2025年予測」に真剣に注目するよう促す記事を書いた。 ラスクの記事は、NATO諸国と非NATO諸国の国民を比較した人々の経済的幸福に焦点を当てたものである。


Deagel.comの悪名高い2025年の人口予測は2021年4月にウェブサイトから削除されたが、その内容はNobul Artによって参考資料として再現された。


"この数字を切り刻んでいる人たちがいろいろいる "と彼は書き、いくつかの説を論じました。 メタリックマンはこれらの説に同意しているわけではないが、次のように認めた: 「とはいえ、興味深いことが指摘されている。mRNAの予防接種を行っている国とそうでない国との間には、直接的な相関関係があるということです」。





Deagel.com(以下、Deagel)は、軍事航空と先端技術のガイドを自認している。2014年からは「Forecast 2025」を発行し、"西洋の崩壊 "を予言することで有名です。WHO、各国政府、メディアによって「コロナウイルスのパンデミック」として強力に推進されている長期計画的な政治イベントを隠れ蓑に、欧米政府は現在、市民の生命、自由、財産を破壊する組織的キャンペーンに従事しています。以前はあり得なかった「2025年予測」が、今、真剣に注目されている。

このノートでは、Deagelの現在のForecast 2025の内容を概観している。Deagelの現在の予測に基づき、さまざまな国の人口と経済の見通しを示した2つのチャートで構成されています。大まかに言えば、Deagelは米国とNATO複合体(非NATOの米国同盟国(例:オーストラリアやニュージーランド)、NATO属国(例:リビア)については厳しい見通しを示していることに変わりはない。これに対してDeagelは、中国、ラテンアメリカ、東南アジアの一部、そして特にロシアにポジティブな見通しを示している。






選択した範囲内で、Forecast 2025の内容を正確に反映したグラフとなっています。国名はISO 3166-1 alpha-2に基づくコードで識別され、その周囲に共通する記号は共通の地域を示す。


紫色の雲は、DeagelのForecast 2025を考慮し、予言された「西側崩壊」の文脈でNATOコンプレックスから脱却するように見えるNATOコンプレックス諸国をまとめたものである。



Wikileaks#PIZZAGATEwikiは情報源である。ブログ、例えばTheWatchTowers.orgは、関連する解説を提供している。最近のインタビューで、Katherine Horton博士は、Forecast 2025がその一例であるカルテル・シグナリングの実践について説明しています。

Horton博士のウェブサイトにはさらに、Ryan Zimmermanの投稿を引用した2018年3月29日付の適切な参考文書(メタデータ)が含まれている。






Current events suggest Deagel’s Apocalyptic Depopulation Forecast for 2025 is not just an Estimation

In October 2020, Swiss lawyer Michael Lusk wrote an article on his LinkedIn page urging that, in the wake of the coronavirus “pandemic,” Deagel’s 2025 Forecast be given serious attention.  Lusk’s article focused on the economic well-being of people comparing citizens of NATO and non-NATO countries.

Based on Deagel’s Forecast 2025, Lusk wrote: “In Deagel’s [ ] image of 2025, Russia flowers while Europe is ruined. Deagel signals that Great Britain [ ] is to be ruined most comprehensively.”

Deagel.com’s infamous 2025 population forecast was removed from their website in April 2021 but the content was reproduced by Nobul Art for reference purposes.

In a September 2021 article, Metallicman – who described the Deagel corporation as a minor branch of US military intelligence –  explored what the population reduction in the 2025 Deagel Forecast could mean in terms of what we were witnessing at the time.

“There are all sorts of people slicing and dicing these figures,” he wrote and then went on to discuss some theories.  While Metallicman didn’t agree with these theories he conceded: “Nevertheless, they do point out something interesting. That there is a direct correlation between the nations that are giving mRNA vaccinations and those that do not.”

Read more: UN Predicts Sharp Decline in Working Age Population for Japan and Europe Beginning 2025

While the forecast population reduction raises many questions, Lusk’s analysis adds another perspective considering what we are witnessing two and a half years later with the splitting of the world into two – NATO and BRICS. Below is Lusk’s article.

The following slideshow shows captured screenshots of Deagel.com’s Forecast 2025 which has since been removed from their website.

Premonition of 2024

Deagel.com (“Deagel”) has self-identified as a guide to military aviation and advanced technologies. Since 2014 it publishes Forecast 2025, which notoriously predicts a “Western collapse.” Under cover of a long-planned political event vigorously promoted by the WHO, governments and media as a “coronavirus pandemic,” Western governments presently engage in a systematic campaign to destroy citizens’ life, liberty and property. The formerly implausible Forecast 2025 now warrants serious attention.

This note provides an overview of the content of Deagel’s current Forecast 2025. It comprises two charts illustrating population and economic prospects for a wide range of countries, according to Deagel’s present indications. Broadly speaking, Deagel continues to foreshadow grim prospects for the US and the NATO-complex, incorporating non-NATO US allies (e.g., Australia and New Zealand) and NATO-vassal States (e.g. Libya). By contrast, Deagel foreshadows positive prospects for China, parts of Latin America and Southeast Asia, and especially for Russia.

The first chart shows the prospects for an individual’s relative economic well-being as a function of population change in the relevant country in 2025 as compared to 2017.

The second chart shows the prospects for a country’s relative economic well-being as a function of change in its military spending in 2025 as compared to 2017.

The charts show a change in each country’s position from the modelled perspective of 2025 relative to the same country’s position in 2017.

This does not necessarily match countries’ modelled positions relative to each other in 2025. Each chart plots a selection of countries drawn from a common subset of 77 out of the 179 countries presented in the current Forecast 2025.

In making the selections I aimed to ensure legibility by allowing only peripherally overlapping entries. In each chart, the selection has a European bias, and otherwise usually shows the more populous rather than the less populous country in case of overlap.

Within the scope of the selections made, the charts accurately reflect the content of Forecast 2025. Countries are identified by codes according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, with common surrounding symbols indicating common regions; e.g. where a country code is placed within a violet square, the violet square signifies South Asia.

Geopolitical relations, or at least perceived similarities, among countries, are indicated by coloured clouds. NATO-complex countries are indicated by blue clouds.

Purple clouds unite NATO-complex countries which, having regard to Deagel’s Forecast 2025, seem to be breaking away from the NATO complex in the context of the foreshadowed “Western collapse.”

Countries outside the NATO complex are encompassed by yellow clouds. Countries in the latter category may have no other similarities to each other.

Readers should form their own views regarding Deagel.

Wikileaks and #PIZZAGATEwiki are informative sources. Blogs, e.g., TheWatchTowers.org, provide relevant commentary. In a recent interview, Dr. Katherine Horton explained the practice of cartel-signalling, of which Forecast 2025 may be an example.

Dr. Horton’s website further includes a pertinent reference document dated 29 March 2018 (metadata), citing a post by Ryan Zimmerman.

Deagel apparently comprises a think tank informed by the CIA, NSA and others inside the Beltway. Accordingly, it seems that Washington insiders persistently signal the imminent demise of the US empire including NATO, with China and Russia emerging as hegemons [with dominant influence or authority over others].

The picture painted by Deagel may be contrasted with the cartoon map published in the 1890 special Christmas edition of Henry Labouchère’s weekly journal Truth. Presumably the work of British insiders, the then bizarre map foreshadowed the emergence of European “republics” and the reduction of Russia to a “desert,” each being a transformation substantially achieved by the end of World War I.

In Deagel’s contrasting image of 2025, Russia flowers while Europe is ruined. Deagel signals that Great Britain, i.e., the principal architect of the “Russian desert,” is to be ruined most comprehensively.

On the other hand, Deagel indicates Finland, Hungary and The Netherlands may navigate the foreshadowed European upheaval with relatively little loss.

However, Rushi Sunak’s government seems determined to deliver that particular outcome for the UK ahead of schedule.
