
サンクトペテルブルク経済フォーラムに100カ国以上の代表団が参加 - 知事

2023年6月13日 12:42
サンクトペテルブルク経済フォーラムに100カ国以上の代表団が参加 - 知事


ロシアは水曜日、毎年恒例のサンクトペテルブルク国際経済フォーラム(SPIEF 2023)を開催する準備が整い、数千人の参加者が予想されます。


「地政学的な変化は、確かに影響を及ぼしている。しかし、SPIEFは依然としてグローバルなイベントです」と、アレクサンドル・ベグロフ氏は火曜日にRIA Novostiに語り、今年のフォーラムにはCIS、中国、インド、ベトナムを含む100カ国以上から代表者が集まる予定であると付け加えた。









Jun 13, 2023 12:42
RT News
Delegates from over 100 countries to attend St. Petersburg Economic Forum – governor

The four-day international event will focus on key economic issues facing Russia, emerging markets, and the world as a whole

Russia is ready to host the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2023) on Wednesday, with thousands of participants expected for the annual event.

Interest in the forum is growing as more countries aim to expand cooperation with Russia, despite Western pressure not to, the governor of St. Petersburg remarked.

“Geopolitical changes have certainly taken their toll. But the SPIEF remains a global event,” Aleksandr Beglov told RIA Novosti on Tuesday, adding that this year the forum will bring together delegates from more than 100 countries, including the CIS, China, India, and Vietnam.

A significant number of guests are expected from other countries of Southeast Asia as well, including ministerial-level delegations from Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. “The countries of this region are very active. We are currently working on expanding cooperation with them in the IT sector, shipbuilding, medicine, and education,” Beglov said.

According to the governor, delegations from more than 20 African countries will attend SPIEF this year.

“We are looking forward to a large representation from the Middle East, [including] from the United Arab Emirates, as well as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain. We will greet our friends from Iran and Syria very warmly. We have things to discuss and business offers for the Arab states,” Beglov said.

He also confirmed that government delegations from Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, and Mexico would be among the participants at the economic event.

Beglov explained that in light of “unprecedented challenges,” global businesses need a platform for direct dialogue and that the St. Petersburg forum provides a great opportunity for that.

The West continues to put pressure on nations that want to work with Russia, according to Beglov, but it cannot prohibit those outside the EU and NATO from participating in SPIEF.

“We are open to friends. We are ready to continue a constructive dialogue with all interested foreign partners, to build mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership,” the governor stated.

The 26th annual SPIEF is set to take place June 14-17. Participants are expected to discuss key issues and prospects related to the Russian and global economy.
