
反トランプの共和党、有権者を動かせず - NYT

2023年 9月 29日 21:02
反トランプの共和党、有権者を動かせず - NYT



「Win It Back」と呼ばれるこのグループは今週、寄付者に対し、トランプの「保守的な信任」を削ごうとする試みはすべて効果がなかったとメモで伝えたと、『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』紙が金曜日に報じた。メモのコピーを入手した同紙によれば、PACはアイオワ州で400万ドル以上、サウスカロライナ州で200万ドル近くを反トランプ広告に費やしたという。

「共和党の予備選挙有権者に、トランプ大統領が予備選挙有権者にとって不愉快な発言をしているビデオを、完全な文脈とともに見せても、彼らはそれを合理化して否定する方法を見つける」と、Win It Backのチーフ、デビッド・マッキントッシュはメモの中で述べている。"トランプ大統領を攻撃する従来のポストプロダクション広告はことごとく裏目に出るか、トランプ大統領の投票支持率や好感度に何の影響も与えなかった。"

マッキントッシュ氏は、トランプ大統領が "自分の口からリベラルな発言や愚かな発言をする "様子を映したCMであっても、トランプ支持者を動かすことはできなかったと嘆いた。同団体は、40本の反トランプCMをテストした結果に基づいている。


NYT紙が指摘したように、Win It Backのメモは、トランプ氏の有権者支持率を低下させるような攻撃材料を探している共和党候補者に「ほとんど安心感を与えない」。マッキントッシュによれば、同PACは、コヴィド19のパンデミックへの対応から国境の壁の建設の失敗、"覚醒問題と戦うことの拒否 "に至るまで、多くの問題でトランプに対して効果的なパンチを打つことができなかったという。同団体は、デサンティスがトランプに対して使って失敗したのと同じ論法の多くを採用している。

インディアナ州選出の元共和党下院議員であるマッキントッシュは、クラブ・フォー・グロースと呼ばれる著名な反税金団体を率いている。彼は今週のメモの中で、元大統領をターゲットにした攻撃広告は、"トランプ嫌い "の視点からのものであるように見せて反発を招かないように注意しなければならないと献金者に語った。


写真上:サウスカロライナ州サマービルで今週開催された集会で、ドナルド・トランプ前大統領への支持を表明する米国の有権者。© Getty Images / ショーン・レイフォード

29 Sep, 2023 21:02
HomeWorld News
Anti-Trump Republicans fail to sway voters – NYT

A group devoted to defeating the former president has reportedly admitted that its attack ads have had no effect

A US political action committee that has spent around $6 million on commercials attacking Donald Trump in key battleground states for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination has reportedly conceded that it’s failing to influence supporters of the former commander-in-chief.

The group, called ‘Win It Back’, told its donors in a memo this week that all attempts to chip away at Trump’s “conservative credentials” had been ineffective, the New York Times reported on Friday. The PAC spent more than $4 million on anti-Trump ads in Iowa and nearly $2 million in South Carolina, according to the newspaper, which obtained a copy of the memo.

“Even when you show video to Republican primary voters – with complete context – of President Trump saying something otherwise objectionable to primary voters, they find a way to rationalize and dismiss it,” Win It Back chief David McIntosh said in the memo. “Every traditional post-production ad attacking President Trump either backfired or produced no impact on his ballot support and favorability.”

Trump leading Biden by double digits – poll READ MORE Trump leading Biden by double digits – poll
McIntosh lamented that the commercials were failing to sway Trump supporters, even when they showed him “saying liberal or stupid comments from his own mouth.” The group based its findings on testing of 40 anti-Trump commercials.

Trump is polling as far and away the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination. He’s currently supported by 63% of Republican voters, more than 50 percentage points ahead of the No. 2 contender, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, according to a Morning Consult poll released on Friday. Trump’s support has increased by five percentage points since a poll taken before Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate, which he didn’t attend.

As the NYT noted, Win It Back’s memo offers “little reassurance” to Republican candidates who are looking for lines of attack that might erode Trump’s voter support. McIntosh said the PAC had failed to land an effective punch against Trump on a host of issues, ranging from his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic to his failure to build a border wall to his “refusal to fight woke issues.” The group has employed many of the same arguments that DeSantis has used unsuccessfully against Trump.

McIntosh, a former Republican congressman from Indiana, also heads a prominent anti-tax group called the Club for Growth, which spent millions of dollars in a failed effort to block Trump from winning the party’s 2016 presidential nomination. He told donors in this week’s memo that attack ads targeting the ex-president must be careful not to cause a backlash by appearing to come from the perspective of a “Trump hater.”

“Broadly acceptable messages against President Trump with Republican primary voters that do not produce a meaningful backlash include sharing concerns about his ability to beat President (Joe) Biden, expressions of Trump fatigue due to the distractions he creates and the polarization of the country, as well as his pattern of attacking conservative leaders for self-interested reasons,” McIntosh said.

Photo top: A US voter declares her support for former President Donald Trump at a rally this week in Summerville, South Carolina. © Getty Images / Sean Rayford
