



最近発表された文書は、パンデミックの初期における科学者たちの審議に光を当てている。『Proximal Origin』論文は、研究室から漏れた可能性があるという議論を葬り去りたがっていたファウチや他の政府高官の影響を受けていたのだろうか?



2023年7月11日、コビド起源に関する小委員会は「Proximal Origin」論文に関する公聴会を開き、論文の著者であるチューレーン大学のロバート・ギャリー博士とスクリップスのクリスティアン・アンダーセン博士に質問を行った。


その日のうちに、数人の著者が逆の結論を導く論文を起草した。『The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2(Sars-Cov-2の近縁起源)』という編集者への手紙は、2020年3月17日に『Nature Medicine』誌に掲載された。この論文は、ウイルスが自然に出現し、種を飛び越えたという科学的コンセンサスの証拠として、企業メディアによって広く引用されることになった。


『インターセプト』誌が2023年7月12日に掲載したライアン・グリムによる記事1 によれば、コビッドの起源を調査している米下院共和党は、"2020年2月と3月に重要な論文を起草した科学者たちの審議の様子を明らかにする新しい文書の山をうっかり公開してしまったようだ"。

問題の論文とは、2020年3月17日に発表された『ネイチャー・メディシン』誌の編集者への書簡2である『サーズ-Cov-2の近縁起源(The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2)』である。この書簡は、ウイルスが自然に出現し、種を飛び越えたという科学的コンセンサスの証拠として、企業メディアによって広く引用されることになった。


この報告書は2023年7月11日に発表され、同じ日に小委員会は「Proximal Origin」論文に関する公聴会を開き、その作成に関わった科学者の一人であるチューレーン大学のロバート・ギャリー博士とスクリップス大学のクリスティアン・アンダーセン博士に質問を行った。インターセプト』紙は、意図した以上の情報がどのようにして公開されることになったかを説明している:3

報告書のPDFのメタデータによると、『Acrobat PDFMaker 23 for Word』を使って作成されており、報告書はもともとWord文書として起草されたことがわかる。しかし、Wordは、他の多くのアプリケーションと同様に、画像をトリミングしても元の画像を保持する。

The Interceptは、あるツイッター・スルースの研究により、自由に利用できるツールを使ってPDFからオリジナルの完全な画像を抽出することができた。すべてのファイルはここで見ることができる。4





しかし、その日のうちに『Proximal Origin』論文の第一稿が書かれ、その3日後の2月4日にファウチに編集と承認のためのコピーが送られた。著者たちは新しい情報が彼らの考えを変えたと主張しているが、その短期間にいったい何がわかったのだろうか?結論から言えば、何もなかった。

インターセプト誌によれば、"スラックメッセージや電子メールによれば、研究室からの脱出に対する彼らの最初の気持ちは、その時間を過ぎてもずっと残っていた "という。つまり、最初に疑われたように、『Proximal Origin』論文は、物語をコントロールするための試みに過ぎなかったようだ。














2023年7月11日の小委員会の公聴会で、アンダーセンはファウチとコリンズは『Proximal Origin』で発表された結論に影響を与えていないと主張したが、疑問は残る。


そして、ファウチとコリンズはこの理論を永久に打ち消す方法を見つけ出さなかったが、彼らは確かに試みようとした。2020年4月19日、コリンズはファウチに電子メールを送り、『Proximal Origin』論文が研究室リーク仮説を打ち消すことができなかったことに落胆し、「この非常に破壊的な陰謀説を打ち消すために、NIHが他にできることはないか」と尋ねた9。



この調査は、モーンズがギャリーやアンダーセンを含む複数の「Proximal Origin」執筆者に宛てた2021年の電子メールを小委員会が公開した後に開始されたもので、その中でモーンズは、情報公開法(「FOIA」)を回避するために個人のGmailアカウントを使っていたことを認めている11。


2020年2月19日の電子メールでは、「Proximal Origin」のもう一人の著者であるエディ・ホームズも、名前は挙げていないが、「圧力」がかけられていることを示唆している:



研究室リーク説を否定することは "不可能"


不採択通知には、ある査読者が、陰謀説を煽ることにならないよう、実験室流出説を決定的に否定しなければならないと考えていることが明記されていた。その査読者によれば、新しいセンザンコウの塩基配列が発表されれば、"研究室由来である可能性は極めて低くなる "という。2020年2月20日、アンデルセンはネイチャー誌にこう返信した:


残念ながら、このようなことは実験室由来を否定する助けにはならない。この可能性は、重大な科学的理論として考慮されるべきであり(それが私たちの仕事である)、別の "陰謀 "説として頭ごなしに否定してはならない。私たちは皆、本当に、本当にそうできればいいのだが(これがこの問題の発端である)、残念ながらデータを見る限り不可能なのだ。



コビッドの起源に関する小委員会の共和党議員によれば、『Proximal Origin』論文は、コビッドがWIVから生まれた可能性を軽視しようとしたファウチや他の政府関係者によって不当に影響を受けた可能性がある。小委員会委員長のブラッド・ウェンストラップ下院議員(共和党、オハイオ州選出)は次のように述べた:12





ジェレミー・ファーラーは......『Proximal Origin(近縁種起源)』に署名する人々のグループをまとめる上で重要な役割を果たした......彼はまた、コビド起源に関する2020年からのプロパガンダのもう一つの柱であるランセット書簡15の署名者でもあった。

ファーラーは英国で大きな影響力を持つウェルカム・トラストの代表を務めていたが、現在はWHOの主任科学者であり、WHOは "権力掌握 "を試みている。これほど不穏なことはないのだが、公聴会では何も指摘されなかった。


オランダのウイルス学者ロン・フーシェの名前も、『Proximal Origin』の出版につながった会議に参加していたとして挙げられている。フセイニが指摘したように、誰も彼の存在の重要性を説明しようとしなかった。


しかし、フーシェはランセットの書簡にも『Proximal Origin』にも署名していない--そうすれば警鐘が鳴るからだろう」とフセイニは書いている18。



⚫︎ 1, 3, 5, 6 The Intercept 2023年7月12日号
⚫︎ 2 Nature Medicine 2020年3月17日; 26: 450-452
⚫︎ 4 ドキュメントクラウド コロナウイルス小委員会
⚫︎ 7, 8, 9 The Nation 2023年7月12日号
⚫︎ 10 USRTK 2023年4月11日
⚫︎ 11 インターセプト紙 2023年6月29日
⚫︎ 12 ホワイトハウス監視委員会 2023年7月11日
⚫︎ 13、14、18 サム・フセイニ・サブスタック 2023年7月13日
⚫︎ 15 ランセット誌 2020年3月7日;395(10226):E42-E43
⚫︎ 16 サイエンス2012 Jun 22; 336(6088):1534-1541
⚫︎ 17 NYT 2012年1月7日


ジョセフ・マーコラ博士は、Mercola.comの創設者兼オーナーであり、家庭医学認定オステオパシー医、米国栄養学会フェロー、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のベストセラー作家である。 自身のウェブサイトMercola.comでは、幅広いトピックを扱った記事を1日に何本も発表している。

Proof officials knew Covid came from a Lab; the plot to bury the Lab Leak Theory
ON JULY 30, 2023

How was propaganda at the beginning of the pandemic carefully crafted to hide the truth? At what lengths did officials go to bury the truth? This should raise serious questions surrounding the true agenda at play.

Recently published documents shed light on deliberations among scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic. Was the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper influenced by Fauci and other government officials who wanted to bury any discussion of a probable lab leak?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

US House Republicans investigating the origin of covid inadvertently released a trove of new documents that shed light on deliberations among the scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic.

On 11 July 2023, the subcommittee on the origin of covid held a hearing on the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper, in which they questioned Dr. Robert Garry of Tulane University and Dr. Kristian Andersen of Scripps, two of the paper’s authors.

On 1 February 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci convened a conference call with nearly a dozen scientists. Their scientific consensus was that SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be genetically engineered and that the pandemic was likely the result of a lab escape.

Later that day, several of the authors drafted a paper that drew the opposite conclusion. ‘The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2’, a letter to the editor, was published in Nature Medicine on 17 March 2020. It ended up being widely cited by corporate media as evidence of a scientific consensus that the virus emerged naturally and jumped species.

GOP Oversight: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Hearing, 11 July 2023
According to a 12 July 2023 article by Ryan Grim published by The Intercept,1 US House Republicans investigating the origin of covid “appear to have inadvertently released a trove of new documents … that shed light on deliberations among the scientists who drafted a key paper in February and March of 2020.”

The paper in question is ‘The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2’,2 a letter to the editor of Nature Medicine published on 17 March 2020. This letter ended up being widely cited by corporate media as evidence of a scientific consensus that the virus emerged naturally and jumped species.

The House Subcommittee on the origin of covid devoted an entire report to this paper, showing how the authors presented a false conclusion to the public while privately believing the virus had escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”).

The report was published on 11 July 2023, the same day the subcommittee also held a hearing on the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper, in which they questioned Robert Garry, PhD, of Tulane University and Kristian Andersen, PhD, of Scripps, two of the scientists involved in its creation. The Intercept explains how more information than intended ended up out in the open:3

According to the metadata in the PDF of the report, it was created using ‘Acrobat PDFMaker 23 for Word,’ indicating that the report was originally drafted as a Word document. Word, however, retains the original image when an image is cropped, as do many other apps …

The Intercept was able to extract the original, complete images from the PDF using freely available tools, following the work of a Twitter sleuth. All the files can be found here.4

The original subcommittee report has now been taken down.


On 1 February 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (“NIAID”) and Dr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) convened a conference call with 11 scientists to discuss covid-19.

On that conference call, Drs. Fauci and Collins were warned that covid may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”) – and that the virus appeared to be the result of genetic engineering. Minutes from the call reveal a lab escape was in fact the consensus among the gathered experts on that day.

Yet later that very day, a first draft of the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper had been written, and three days later, on 4 February, Fauci was sent a copy for editing and approval. The authors have maintained that new information changed their minds, but what, exactly, could they have learned in that short time? As it turns out, nothing.

According to The Intercept, “Slack messages and emails show that their initial inclination toward a lab escape remained long past that time.” So, as initially suspected, the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper appears to have been nothing more than an attempt to control the narrative.

Zoonotic Origin Pushers Suspected Lab Leak

“In a Slack exchange on 2 February 2020, between Andersen and Andrew Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh’s Institute of Evolutionary Biology in the School of Biological Sciences, it becomes clear how seriously the authors took the hypothesis that covid may have leaked from a lab … before they ultimately became dedicated to publicly dismissing it,” Grim writes.5

In that Slack exchange, Andersen wrote:

I believe RaTG13 is from Yuanan, which is about as far away from Wuhan as you can be and still be in China. What are the chances of finding viruses that are 96% identical given that distance? Seems strange given how many SARS-like viruses we have in bats.

RaTG13 refers to a virus found in a Chinese mine in 2013 after several miners had fallen ill with covid-like symptoms. This virus was stored and researched at the WIV. Rambaut replied to Andersen’s comment:6

I personally think we should get away from all the strange coincidence stuff. I agree it smells really fishy but without a smoking gun it will not do us any good.

The truth is never going to come out (if [lab] escape is the truth). Would need irrefutable evidence. My position is that the natural evolution is entirely plausible and we will have to leave it at that. Lab passaging might also generate this mutation but we have no evidence that that happened.

Rambaut also noted:7

Given the shitshow that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release, my feeling is we should say that given there is no evidence of a specifically engineered virus, we cannot possibly distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content with ascribing it to natural processes.

While Andersen agreed with Rambaut’s comment, saying “Yup. I totally agree that that’s a very reasonable conclusion,” he still, clearly, did not believe that covid was caused by zoonotic transfer. Earlier in that same Slack thread, Andersen stressed that:8

The main issue is that accidental escape is in fact highly likely – it’s not some fringe theory. I absolutely agree that we can’t prove one way or the other, but we never will be able to – however, that doesn’t mean that by default the data is currently much more suggestive of a natural origin as opposed to e.g. passage. It is not – the furin cleavage site is very hard to explain.

The choice of words is ironic, considering the lab leak theory was dismissed as a fringe conspiracy theory in large part thanks to Andersen’s ‘Proximal Origin’ paper, which boldly proclaimed that: “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus” and that “we do not believe any type of laboratory scenario is plausible.”

How Involved Was Fauci?

During the 11 July 2023 subcommittee hearing, Andersen insisted that Fauci and Collins had not influenced the conclusions presented in ‘Proximal Origin’, but doubts linger.

On 5 February 2020, Andersen wrote that suspicions of genetic engineering and bioweapons research were “definitely not going away,” and that he was being approached by journalists about it. “There might be a time where we need to tackle that more directly head on,” he wrote, “but I’ll let the likes of Jeremy [Farrar] and Tony [Fauci] figure out how to do that.”

And while Fauci and Collins didn’t figure out how to quash the theory for good, they sure tried. On 19 April 2020, Collins emailed Fauci expressing dismay that the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper had failed to quash the lab leak hypothesis, and asked Fauci if there was anything else the NIH could do to “put down this very destructive conspiracy theory.”9

The next day, Fauci cited the paper from the White House podium and told reporters that covid was “totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”10

There are also questions about whether Fauci and other government officials may have used private emails to cover up their coverup. During the hearing, the subcommittee chairman reported that the National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) is investigating the conduct of Dr. David M. Morens, senior scientific adviser to Fauci.

The investigation was launched after the subcommittee released a 2021 email by Morens to several ‘Proximal Origin’ authors, including Garry and Andersen, in which he admitted that he was using a personal Gmail account to evade the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”).11

Pressure From on High

In a 19 February 2020 email, Eddie Holmes, another one of the ‘Proximal Origin’ authors, also alluded to “pressure” being applied, although he didn’t name names:

Well, that’s suspicious … he comes back 15 minutes after I submit? A natural phenomenon? I’m not sure we can exclude the hypothesis of deliberately engineered responsibility shirking. Anyway, it’s done. Sorry the last bit had to be done without you … pressure from on high.

According to Grim, “officials with the communications department at the NIH had been asking about the status of the submission,” and “taken as a whole, the messages undercut the claims that the NIH took a hands-off approach to the paper.”

“Impossible” to Reject Lab Leak Theory

Andersen’s reply to the journal Nature also reveals that dismissing the lab leak theory was impossible from the very beginning, based on the data. Before the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper was submitted to Nature Medicine, it had been pitched to – and rejected – by Nature.

The rejection letter specified that one reviewer thought the lab leak had to be conclusively rejected, lest it fuel conspiracy theories. According to that reviewer, once new pangolin sequences were published, “a lab origin will be extremely unlikely.” In a 20 February 2020 reply to Nature, Andersen wrote:

Had that been the case, we would of course have included that – but the more sequences we see from pangolins (and we have been analysing/discussing these very carefully) the more unlikely it seems that they’re the intermediate hosts.

Unfortunately, none of this helps refute a lab origin and the possibility must be considered as a serious scientific theory (which is what we do) and not dismissed out of hand as another “conspiracy” theory. We all really, really wish that we could do that (that’s how this got started), but unfortunately it’s not possible given the data.

However, by the time the paper was submitted to Nature Medicine, it had been further edited to more strongly dismiss the possibility of a lab leak.

A Deeper Cover-Up at Play?

According to Republicans on the subcommittee on the origin of covid, the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper may have been unduly influenced by Fauci and other government officials who sought to downplay the possibility that covid might have emerged from the WIV – a lab with a long history of US funding of questionable gain-of-function research. Subcommittee chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, said:12

We are examining whether government officials, regardless of who they are, unfairly and perhaps biasedly tipped the scales toward a preferred origin theory …

And, overall, we’re examining whether scientific integrity was disregarded in favour of political expediency – maybe to conceal or diminish the government’s relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology …

Or maybe to avoid blaming China for any complicity, intended or otherwise, in a pandemic that has killed more than 1 million Americans and has had a crushing effect on all humankind itself.

Meanwhile, Garry, Andersen and certain Democrats tried to shift blame onto others, such as Sir Jeremy Farrar. However, by doing so, they only “highlight how insidious the process was,” independent journalist Sam Husseini – who live-tweeted the hearing – writes.13 Quoting from Husseini’s Substack article:14

… Jeremy Farrar … played a crucial role in pulling together the group of people who would sign ‘Proximal Origin’ … he was also a signer of the Lancet letter,15 the other main pillar of propaganda from 2020 on covid origins.

Farrar had been head of the highly influential Wellcome Trust in Britain and is now chief scientist for the WHO as it attempts a “power grab.” This could hardly be more disturbing, but none of this was pointed out in the hearing.

Time and again, Farrar’s name was invoked to let Fauci off the hook and never was it brought up to show how there was a deeper coverup going on.

Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier was also named as taking part in the meetings that led to the publication of ‘Proximal Origin’. As noted by Husseini, no one bothered to explain the importance of his presence either.

Fouchier launched a firestorm of controversy in 2011 when he used serial passage to make the avian flu airborne.16 The New York Times warned that his work might lead to an “engineered doomsday.”17

“But Fouchier didn’t sign any either the Lancet letter or ‘Proximal Origin’ – quite likely because his doing so would have made alarm bells go off,” Husseini writes.18

This shows how the propaganda put out at the beginning of the pandemic was highly orchestrated to hinder people from seeing the possibility of lab origins for covid and the dire threats involved. This raises further questions as to the wider agendas at play.

Sources and References

1, 3, 5, 6 The Intercept July 12, 2023
2 Nature Medicine March 17, 2020; 26: 450-452
4 Document Cloud Subcommittee on Coronavirus
7, 8, 9 The Nation July 12, 2023
10 USRTK April 11, 2023
11 The Intercept June 29, 2023
12 White House Oversight Committee July 11, 2023
13, 14, 18 Sam Husseini Substack July 13, 2023
15 The Lancet March 7, 2020; 395(10226): E42-E43
16 Science. 2012 Jun 22; 336(6088): 1534–1541
17 NYT January 7, 2012

About the Author

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder and owner of Mercola.com, a Board-Certified Family Medicine Osteopathic Physician, a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a New York Times bestselling author.  He publishes multiple articles a day covering a wide range of topics on his website Mercola.com.
