

10/03/2023 イーサン・ハフ




















Deep state sending hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their DEATH just to gain “inches” against Russia
10/03/2023 Ethan Huff

Despite Kyiv's much-hyped counteroffensive, which began back in June, Russia has gained more ground than Ukraine this year – but not by much.

You see, the amount of territory that has been won and lost by the two sides is so miniscule that it is simply obscene to think about the tragic loss of so much life, all to enrich the bankers and keep their genocidal racket going for as long as possible.

"When both sides' gains are added up, Russia now controls nearly 200 square miles more territory in Ukraine compared with the start of the year," reports Caitlin Johnstone.

(Related: Dictator Zelensky declares no more elections in Ukraine until the war ends, which he and Biden want to be never.)

PRAY for Ukraine's young people that they would be able to FLEE the corrupt nation as quickly as possible to avoid getting sent to the front lines

Keep in mind that tens of thousands of lives have already been lost, with no end in sight, so that the tiny little red and blue blips on the above image could change hands.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is now covered with more landmines than any other place on earth. Experts warn that it will likely take decades to clear them all out once the dust settles – if it ever actually does.

America's fake president, Joe Biden, has promised to keep the war in Ukraine going forever, if need be, to satisfy the bankers' lust for power and money. Countless human lives will have to be lost to make that happen, but the bankers could not care less.

"This giant deathtrap is exacerbated by the cluster munitions that are covering the land with greater and greater frequency, which will go on to detonate and kill civilians (mostly children) for years to come," Johnstone adds.

"The mines and artillery fire on the frontline of this war are reportedly creating tens of thousands of amputees, numbers comparable to what was seen in World War I."

Many of Ukraine's younger, military-aged population is fleeing the corrupt country as quickly as possible because they are uninterested in fighting Zelensky and his banker friends' war. Pray for all of them that they would be successful.

"War is the worst thing in the world," Johnstone writes. "The suffering, trauma and loss of mass military violence is too much to comprehend, even for people who are right there experiencing it."

"And the only thing worse than a war where one side gets completely steamrolled by the other is one in which people keep killing each other and killing each other over tiny gains and losses on the battlefield without an end to the nightmare anywhere on the horizon."

The Western media, which is just about completely controlled by pro-war globalists on both sides of the political aisle, is already setting the stage for the war in Ukraine to last a long, long time – possibly well into the 2030s.

All of this violence is completely nonsensical to normal people, but to the psychopath globalists, it is the price that the human herd must pay so they can assume the throne of global control.

"This is so, so ugly, and it's slated to get even uglier – ?these freaks haven't even gotten started on China yet," Johnstone concludes. "The sooner this monstrous power structure can be brought to its knees, the better it will be for everyone."

The latest news about the situation in Ukraine can be found at WWIII.news.

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