2022年4月11日(月) 記入者: イーサン・ハフ
(Natural News) 司法委員会の下院民主党員は全員、国内テロ法案の修正案に反対した。この修正案は、深層国家の諜報・保安機関が米国の納税者のお金を使って、武漢コロナウイルス(Covid-19)の「ワクチン接種」を拒否する米国人を「監視、分析、調査、起訴」するのを防ぐためのものである。
Thomas Massie下院議員(共和)はTwitterで党員投票について速報し、"DHSの困った速報により、@RepAndyBiggsAZはCOVID vaxに関する見解によりアメリカ人が標的にされることを防ぐための修正案を提示した "と明らかにした。
"全ての民主党が彼の修正案に反対票を投じた!" マッシーは、民主党が米国人の憲法上の権利を著しく軽視していることを嘆いた。
H.R.350は、2021年国内テロ防止法とも呼ばれ、国土安全保障省(DHS)、司法省(DoJ)、連邦捜査局(FBI)を含む様々な連邦機関が、納税者の資金を使って、 "国内テロ活動を分析・監視" し "国内テロ防止のための措置を取る" ことを許可するものです。
"COVID-19緩和策、特にCOVID-19ワクチンとマスクの義務化は、2020年以降、国内の暴力的過激派によって暴力の正当化に利用されており、今後もこれらの過激派に、これらの対策と関連する政府、医療、学術機関を標的とするよう触発する可能性があります。" メモは続けて、このように述べています。
メモが公開された後、アンディ・ビッグス議員(アリゾナ州選出)は、ワクチン未接種の米国人がこの法案の対象にならないようにするための修正案を提出しました。念のため言っておくが、法案全体はゴミだが、修正案は日常のアメリカ人が "テロリスト"と呼ばれるのを防ぐのに少しは役立っただろう。
「まず都市を作り、愚か者をそこに集めよ。何世代にもわたってバカを住まわせると、その都市の外で生き残る方法を忘れてしまう。そして、彼らの下からカーペットを引き剥がし、経済危機を宣言する」と、Natural Newsに書いている。
Not a single House Democrat supports freedom for unvaccinated Americans; the left wants constant “monitoring and prosecuting” for refuseniks
Monday, April 11, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Every single House Democrat on the Judiciary Committee voted against a proposed amendment to a domestic terrorism bill that would have prevented deep state intelligence and security agencies from using American taxpayer dollars to “monitor, analyze, investigate or prosecute” Americans who refuse to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) broke the news about the party line vote on Twitter, revealing that “Due to a troubling DHS bulletin, @RepAndyBiggsAZ offered an amendment to prevent the targeting of Americans due to their views on COVID vax.”
“Every Dem. voted against his amdt!” Massie lamented about the Democrats’ flagrant disregard for Americans’ constitutional rights.
H.R. 350, also known as the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, authorizes various federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DoJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to use taxpayer money to “analyze and monitor domestic terrorist activity” and “take steps to prevent domestic terrorism.”
The definition of “domestic terrorism” under the Biden regime, however, is extremely loose, encompassing anyone who spreads “conspiracy theories” or “disinformation” online. How many conservatives will get mopped up under this definition?
One particular form of “domestic terrorism” that the Biden regime wants to stamp out are people who question the legitimacy of the 2020 election. A document released back in February specifically singles out such people.
“There is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19,” reads a memo from DHS. “Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.”
“COVID-19 mitigation measures – particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates – have been used by domestic violent extremists to justify violence since 2020 and could continue to inspire these extremists to target government, healthcare, and academic institutions that they associate with those measures,” the memo goes on to state.
Democrats are fully in the pocket of Big Pharma (as are many Republicans)
After the memo was released, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) introduced an amendment to ensure that unvaccinated Americans do not get targeted by the legislation. The entire bill is trash, just to be clear, but the amendment would have helped slightly to prevent everyday Americans from being dubbed as “terrorists.”
But the Democrats would not have any of it. Since a Republican proposed the amendment, every single Democrat opposed it along party lines, demonstrating that fascism a is left-wing value.
“None of the funds authorized to be appropriated in this Act shall be used to monitor, analyze, investigate or prosecute any individual solely because that individual declined the administration of a vaccine to COVID-19 or expressed opposition to such administration,” the amendment reads.
The vote comes amid increased lobbying efforts by pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna to punish those who refuse to take its injections. It appears as though all Democrats are now fully in the pocket of Big Pharma.
Most Republican politicians are no better, just to be clear. But on this issue, the Republicans are more aligned with freedom than the Democrats are, and Americans need to know this as we enter midterm election season.
“First you invent a city and let fools gather there. Let the fools live for generations, only to forget how to survive outside that city. Then you pull the carpet from underneath them and declare an economic crisis,” wrote someone at Natural News about how this was all engineered long ago.
“For oligarchs it’s all fun and games. If you’re so rich and have access to everything and never have to do any honest work, you’ll start rotting and this is what you organize. You make books, movies and board games become alive.”
More related news about the Democrats’ betrayal of Americans’ constitutional rights can be found at Treason.news.
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