

2022年4月25日(月) by: イーサン・ハフ


アセンブリビル2223に追加された新しい言語は、 "流産、死産、または中絶、または周産期死亡を含む "彼女の妊娠に関連する "行動や不作為 "のための民事および刑事責任から女性を保護します。

"周産期死亡 "の定義は様々だが、いずれも生後7日以上の新生児の死亡を含む」とカリフォルニア・ファミリー・カウンシル(CFC)は警告している。(関連記事 Gavin Newsomは最近、カリフォルニア州民全員に州の「無料」中絶の費用を強制する法案に署名した)。

Assemblymember Buffy Wicksによって提案されたAB2223は、これらの権利を「行使する妊婦を援助または補助」する者も保護することになる。





AB 2223の背後にある主催者はまた、カリフォルニアでの中絶への「アクセスを拡大し、保護する」立法パッケージの一部として、45ポイントのアクションプランを作成しました。

ニューサム氏も昨年、「中絶の未来会議」を結成し、ゴールデン・ステートを中絶のための「聖域の州」に変えようとしている。そこでは、女性が旅行して "無料 "で中絶手術を受けられるのだ。

同様の法案は、最近メリーランド州でも "新生児を放置して死亡させることを非犯罪化する "ために提案された。つまり、女性が自分の子供を放置して死なせることができ、それがメリーランド州では合法になるというものだ。



Life Legal Defense Foundationのアレキサンドラ・スニーダーは、AB2223について、中絶推進法案であるだけでなく、「いかなる状況下でも、生きて生まれた赤ちゃんを殺すことに対する民事・刑事上の罰則をすべて撤廃する」という声明を発表している。

"この法案は、いかなる人物も法的な反響なしに後期中絶や嬰児殺しを促進することを明示的に許可しています。"と付け加えた。"Life Legalは、子宮内外の赤ちゃんの殺害を正当化し奨励するために、「個人の生殖に関する決定」や「生殖に関する正義」といった婉曲的な表現を用いることを非難する。"

Pacific Justice Instituteのマシュー・マックレイノルズもAB2223を非難し、カリフォルニア州の議員達が "生後数時間、あるいは数週間の乳児の殺害を合法化しようとして、レッドラインを越えてしまった "と警告しています。

"これは中絶の権利を拡大するためのものではなく、政治的にどのように認識しているかに関わらず、圧倒的多数のアメリカ人が我慢できない程度の悪事なのです "と彼は付け加えた。"我々はこの非常識で極悪非道な法案を倒すために活動していく"

弁護士でNational Center for Law and Policyの代表であるディーン・ブロイルズ氏も、"周産期 "という言葉が裁判所によってどう解釈されるかによって、AB2223はカリフォルニア州で "おそらく1歳の誕生日まで "子供を殺害することを合法化する可能性があると述べています。






California is trying to legalize infanticide up to several WEEKS after a child is born
Monday, April 25, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Lawmakers in the Golden State are pushing new legislation that would codify the legalized murder of children days or even weeks after they leave the womb.

New language added to Assembly Bill 2223 would shield a woman from civil and criminal charges for “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal deaths.”

“Although definitions of ‘perinatal death’ vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth,” warns the California Family Council (CFC). (Related: Gavin Newsom recently signed legislation forcing all Californians to pay for the state’s “free” abortions).

Proposed by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, AB 2223 would also protect anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights.

“It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill,” CFC further explains.

“For years, pro-life advocates have argued there is no moral difference between ending a child’s life days before birth or days after birth. California’s pro-abortion legislators now seemingly agree,” says CFC President Jonathan Keller.

“A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill.”

Gavin Newsom formed “Future of Abortion Council” last year to turn California into a “sanctuary state” for baby murder
The organizers behind AB 2223 have also created a 45-point action plan as part of the legislative package that would “expand and protect access” to abortions in California.

Newsom also formed a “Future of Abortion Council” last year to try to turn the Golden State into a “sanctuary state” for abortions, where women can travel to receive the procedure for “free.”

Similar legislation was recently proposed in Maryland to “decriminalize neglecting newborns to death.” In other words, a woman could leave her child to die, and this would be lawful in Maryland.

According to reports, a hearing on the Maryland bill was recently canceled, though it could still be resurrected at some point. California, meanwhile, is moving full-steam ahead to become a destination for legalized abortion and infanticide.

“The first stop for AB 2223 is the Assembly Judiciary Committee, though legislators have yet to announce a hearing date,” CFC says.

Alexandra Snyder of the Life Legal Defense Foundation issued a statement about AB 2223 saying that not only is it a pro-abortion bill, but it also “removes all civil and criminal penalties for killing babies born alive under any circumstances.”

“The bill expressly authorizes any person to facilitate late-term abortions and infanticide without legal repercussions,” she added. “Life Legal condemns the use of euphemisms like ‘personal reproductive decisions’ and ‘reproductive justice’ to justify and encourage the killing of babies in and outside the womb.”

Matthew McReynolds from the Pacific Justice Institute also condemns AB 2223, warning that California lawmakers have “crossed a red line by seeking to legitimize the killing of hours-old and even weeks-old infants.”

“This is not about expanding abortion rights; this is a degree of evil that the overwhelming majority of Americans, regardless of how they identify politically, cannot stomach,” he added. “We will be working to defeat this insane and diabolical bill.”

Dean Broyles, an attorney and president of the National Center for Law and Policy, also says that depending on how the term “perinatal” is interpreted by the courts, AB 2223 could make it legal in California to murder a child “possibly as late as their first birthday.”

“If this barbaric bill is enacted, there will be no criminal or civil liability for the mother or those who assist her with killing her baby post-birth,” Broyles warns.

More related news can be found at Abortions.news.

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