




同筋によると、砲撃を受けているのはTayr Harfa、Ayta ash-Shab、Jibbain、Ramiye、Al-Quzah、Naqoura、Alma ash-Shabの集落。





レバノンのアッバス・ハジ・ハッサン農業大臣代理は、『L'Orient Le Jour』紙に対し、イスラエルが国際条約に反して禁止されているリン弾を使用したことで、レバノンの農業部門に深刻な被害が出ていると述べた。「南部地区での火災により、ここ数日で約4万本のオリーブの木が焼失した」と指摘した。

パレスチナ・イスラエル紛争の停戦は一刻も早く - ラブロフ外相


© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS






REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani





中東では10月7日、ガザを拠点とするパレスチナの過激派組織ハマスの過激派が、ガザ地区からイスラエル領内への奇襲攻撃を行い、緊張が再燃した。ハマス側は、エルサレム旧市街の神殿山のアル・アクサ・モスクに対するイスラエル当局の攻撃的な行動に対抗するためと説明している。これに対してイスラエルは、2. 300万人のパレスチナ人が、この飛び地とレバノン、シリアの一部への空爆を開始した。ヨルダン川西岸でも衝突が起きている。10月27日、イスラエル国防総省のダニエル・ハガリ報道官は、イスラエルはガザ地区での地上軍事作戦の規模を拡大していると述べた。









AP Photo/Hassan Ammar














Israeli artillery delivers strikes on seven settlements in southern Lebanon

It is reported that shells are falling near residential areas, but there is no data about casualties

BEIRUT, November 3. /TASS/. Israeli artillery units have opened heavy fire on Lebanese border areas in response to a Hezbollah attack, a source in the administration of the city of Marjayoun told TASS on Friday.

According to the source, coming under shelling are the settlements of Tayr Harfa, Ayta ash-Shab, Jibbain, Ramiye, al-Quzah, Naqoura, and Alma ash-Shab.

"Shells are falling near residential areas, but there is no data about casualties," the source said. "Israeli drones and fighter jets continue to fly over the area."

Per the source, after Israel's shelling attacks on Thursday, at least 10,000 civilians fled the danger zone and moved to Tyre. "Thus, the number of refugees has increased to 30,000 since October 8," he said.

The Lebanese Red Cross reported that five civilians were killed and three more were wounded in southern Lebanon on Thursday.

In a statement released on his Telegram channel on Friday, Lebanon’s acting Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib condemned Israel’s disproportionate use of force. "Israeli government members are threatening to send our country back to the Stone Age," he stressed. "Why isn’t the international community reacting to such threats to Lebanon?"

Lebanon’s acting Minister of Agriculture Abbas Hajj Hassan told the L’Orient Le Jour newspaper that Israel's use of banned phosphorus munitions against international conventions has caused serious damage to the country’s farming sector. "Fires in southern districts have destroyed some 40,000 olive trees in recent days," he noted.

Ceasefire in Palestinian-Israeli conflict needs to happen as soon as possible — Lavrov

The Russian top diplomat pointed out that Moscow calls for intensifying efforts to create conditions to immediately resume the negotiation process between Israel and Palestine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Moscow sees it as a top priority to get the parties in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone to cease fire, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"We consider it necessary to take urgent measures to reach an immediate ceasefire, open humanitarian corridors to avoid new casualties and provide necessary assistance to the affected civilians," he said at a press conference following talks with his Kuwaiti counterpart Salem Abdullah al-Jaber al-Sabah.

Lavrov pointed out that Russia calls for intensifying efforts to create conditions to immediately resume the negotiation process between Israel and Palestine. "It is clear that it is difficult to do this at the moment, but as soon as we achieve a ceasefire, it is necessary to come back to resuming direct negotiations to establish a Palestinian state, as stipulated by the UN Security Council’s decision, within the 1967 borders, which would coexist in peace and security with Israel," the top diplomat pointed out.

Hamas ready for 'complete compromise' to swap prisoners with Israel — official

The media noted that "the Israelis are sure to reject" this demand

Ghazi Hamad
© REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani

NEW YORK, November 3. /TASS/. The radical Palestinian group Hamas is ready for a "complete compromise" deal on the issue of swapping hostages with Israel, Ghazi Hamad, a senior member of Hamas’ political bureau, said in an interview with NBC News.

"We want these people to go home," Hamad said. "And, also, we want our prisoners now to go home. So I think we are ready now to have complete compromise, complete a deal, in order to receive all the hostages, either military or civilians," he explained, adding that Israel must "release all the prisoners from the Israeli detention centers."

The TV channel noted that "the Israelis are sure to reject" this demand. Talking about the conflict in general, the Hamas representative said that the group wants to continue fighting "against the occupation," because it has the "legal right to fight against the occupation" "according to international law."

As for the group’s October 7 attack on Israel, Hamad said that the Hamas militants never intended to kill civilians. "Within our religion in Islam, it is prohibited to harm or to kill any civilians," the official said. "But what happened maybe in the first day that, that when people (the militants - TASS) went inside, and there is a wide area, there’s people, there’s some complication there."

Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza-based Palestinian radical group Hamas staged a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. In response, Israel has announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, and has begun delivering air strikes on the enclave and certain parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are underway in the West Bank as well. On October 27, IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said that Israel was expanding the scale of its ground military operation in the Gaza Strip.

Russian Emergencies Ministry delivers another batch of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents

After unloading, the cargo will be handed over to representatives of the Egyptian Red Crescent and transported to the Gaza Strip

© Russian Emergencies Ministry/TASS

CAIRO, November 3. /TASS/. Russia has delivered another batch of humanitarian aid for the population of the Gaza Strip, it has arrived in Egypt, a TASS correspondent reported.

Two special planes of the Russian Emergencies Ministry landed in Cairo. They delivered 28 tons of cargo, including medicines, hemostatic agents and bandages. After unloading, the cargo will be handed over to representatives of the Egyptian Red Crescent and delivered to the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, the Russian Emergencies Ministry delivered 27 tons of food aid to the Gaza Strip.

At least 36 journalists killed since Israeli-Palestinian conflict broke out

According to the organization, journalists covering events on the ground are facing particularly high risks due to Israel’s devastating air strikes

© AP Photo/Hassan Ammar

NEW YORK, November 3. /TASS/. At least 36 journalists have been killed as a result of the latest Israeli-Palestinian escalation, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said.

"As of November 2, CPJ’s investigations showed at least 36 journalists and media workers were among an estimated 10,000 killed since the war began on October 7," the organization said.

According to the organization, journalists covering events on the ground are facing particularly high risks due to Israel’s devastating air strikes. They have to fulfill their professional duties amid frequent disruptions in telecoms services and power outages.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said on Thursday that at least 46 journalists have been killed worldwide in 2023, and at least 531 have been placed in custody over the reported period.

Tensions in the Middle East flared up again on October 7 after militants from the radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, killing residents of border communities and taking people, including women, children and the elderly, hostage. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza and launched ground operations in the enclave, also carrying out air strikes on targets in the Strip, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.

Russian emergencies ministry sends two planes with humanitarian assistance for Gaza

The overall weight of the delivery is 28 metric tons, comprising various medicines, hemostatic agents and bandaging materials

© Russian Emergencies Ministry/TASS

MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. The Russian emergencies ministry has sent two Il-76 planes to deliver humanitarian assistance for civilians of the Gaza Strip, the ministry’s press service told reporters on Friday.

"In accordance with the Russian president’s decree, two Il-76 planes of the Russian emergencies ministry have been sent to transport humanitarian cargo to the people of the Gaza Strip," a spokesperson said.

The overall weight of the delivery is 28 metric tons. It comprises various medicines, hemostatic agents and bandaging materials.

The cargo will be handed over to members of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society, who are to deliver it to the enclave.

Earlier, the ministry supplied 27 metric tons of food for Gaza residents.
