
フィリピン、WHOに国際保健規則の改正を "全面的に"拒否すると通告

フィリピン、WHOに国際保健規則の改正を "全面的に"拒否すると通告

火曜日、フィリピン共和国下院(以下「下院」)は、2022年5月27日に世界保健総会(以下「WHA」)で採択された世界保健機関(以下「WHO」)の国際保健規則(以下「IHR」)改正案を拒否する決議を採択した。  さらに、同決議案は、WHAが「現在秘密裏に交渉中」であり、2024年5月に加盟国によって採択される予定の改正案を否決した。




本稿執筆時点で、HORのウェブサイトにアップロードされている最新の決議は、11月13日付けのHR01463である。しかし、市民ジャーナリストでデータサイエンティストのスーパー・サリー888氏の報告によると、11月28日、フェルナンデス議員が提出し、下院で採択された決議案HR1490が提出された。  決議案にはこうある:




⚫︎ 共同決議 - 上院、下院の承認と大統領の署名が必要。承認されると法律と同等の効力を持つ。
⚫︎ 併合決議 - 両院の運営に影響を与える事項に使用され、両院で同じ形式で承認されなければならない。大統領には送付されないため、法律と同じ効力はない。
⚫︎ 単純決議 - 片方の会派内の問題のみを扱う。そのため、大統領には付託されず、法律のような効力はない。





以下は、『WHO IHRSの否決期限が迫る中、フェルナンデス下院議員が否決を求めるHR1490を発表した、WHO IHRSの否決期限が迫る中、フェルナンデス下院議員はHR1490を発行し、否決を促した』という記事から引用した、HORを代表するフェルナンデス議員の書簡の画像で、スーパーサリー888に掲載された。



WHOの憲法は、「疾病の国際的蔓延を防止するための」規則を採択する権限を世界保健総会に与えている。頁 1]


第 61 条 拒否:第六十一条 拒絶:ある国が第五十九条第一項に規定する期間内にこの規則又はその改正の拒絶を事務局長に通告した場合には、この規則又はその改正は、その国について効力を生じない。当該国が既に締約国である第五十八条に掲げる国際衛生協定又は規則は、当該国に関する限り、引き続き効力を有する。[37頁]。


IHRは、「国内IHRフォーカルポイント」と「IHRコンタクトポイント」(IHR保健措置を実施するため)、および「締約国」(IHRに従って事象を検知、評価、通知、報告するため)を指名することを規定している。  しかしIHRは、規則の拒否や脱退という文脈ではこれらの用語を使用しない。その代わり、IHRの脱退または拒否に言及する場合は、"国家 "または "加盟国 "という用語が使用される。

テドロス・ザ・テロリストがどの加盟国の代表から、ある国が "指定された時間内にオプトアウトすることを確約する "という通知を受理するかについて、WHOのウェブサイトで情報を見つけることは、控えめに言っても困難である。

例えば、英国のWHOとの関わりは、公式には保健社会福祉省(DHSC)が管理している。つまり、WHOはDHSCが発行したものでなければ、英国からの通知を受け入れないということだろうか?  WHOの職員が、国を代表する職員からのオプトアウト通知を、どんな口実を使ってでも無視し、ガス抜きをしても不思議ではないほど、このシステムは腐敗している。


フィリピンの愛国者たちは、フィリピン共和国政府への請願を開始した。  フィリピン政府の指導者や公務員に対し、WHOがIHRの改正を通じて押し付ける独裁と医療戒厳令の脅威からフィリピン国民を守るよう求めている。  フィリピン人の方は、こちらの請願書をお読みいただき、署名してください。

世界中のすべての人々のために、WHOの政府間交渉機関(「INB」)交渉の代表者宛の請願書がCitizen Goで開始されました。請願書にはこう書かれている:




Philippines notifies WHO it rejects the amendments to International Health Regulations “in toto”
ON NOVEMBER 30, 2023

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives (“HOR”) of the Republic of the Philippines passed a resolution to reject the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) adopted by the World Health Assembly (“WHA”) on 27 May 2022.  Additionally, the resolution rejected proposed amendments that are “currently being negotiated in secret” by the WHA and due for adoption by member states in May 2024.

Immediately following the passing of this resolution, Representative S. Dan Fernandez, who submitted the resolution to the HOR and is also the Chairman of the Public Order and Safety Committee, notified WHO in writing that the Philippines House of Representatives rejects the IHR amendments adopted in 2022.

In May 2022 the WHA quietly agreed to reduce the period during which nations have to opt out of future amendments to the IHR. For nations to retain the longer 18-month period previously allowed for nations to opt out, countries needed to send WHO a short note that they are opting out of the amendments decided by the WHA in 2022 before 1 December 2023.

In November, the Philippines HOR rejected this amendment and went further. It also rejected the proposed IHR amendments due for adoption by WHO member states in May 2024.

At the time of writing, the latest resolution to be uploaded onto HOR’s website is HR01463 dated 13 November.  However, as reported by citizen journalist and data scientist Super Sally 888, on 28 November resolution HR1490, which had been submitted by Rep. Fernandez and then adopted by the House of Representatives, was filed.  The resolution states:

It is hereby resolved by the House of Representatives to urge the Government to reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations adopted on 27 May 2022, and the proposed amendments that are currently being negotiated in secret and due for adoption in May 2024 as they pose a threat to public order and safety, being violative of well-established health protocols and prejudicial to our fundamental democratic principles.

With the Deadline for Rejection of the WHO IHRS Looming, Hon. Representative Fernandez has issued HR1490 Urging Rejection, Super Sally 888, 29 November 2023
The Philippines Congress is made up of the lower house, the House of Representatives, and the upper house, the Senate.  In the Philippines, resolutions fall into one of three categories:

Joint resolutions – require approval from the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the signature of the President. They have the force and effect of a law once approved.
Concurrent resolutions – used for matters affecting operations of both chambers and must be approved in the same form by both. These are not transmitted to the President; hence, they do not have the same force and effect of a law.
Simple resolutions – deal with matters entirely within one of the chambers. As such, these are not referred to the President and do not have the force and effect of a law.
It’s unclear which type of resolution HR1490 falls into but presumably, it is a concurrent resolution as WHO diktats will affect the functioning of both houses.

To not miss WHO’s deadline, as Chairman of the Public Order and Safety Committee, on 28 November Rep. Fernandez notified WHO in writing of the HOR’s decision:

We are writing to inform you that we hereby reject in toto the amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations … that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on 27 May 2022.

One of the reasons given for the rejection of the 2022 IHR amendments was that the HOR had only recently opened an investigation into excess deaths relating to the response to the covid pandemic. “This congressional inquiry may still not be completed by the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of May 2024, which is the target date for the adoption of the substantial 300+ IHR amendments,” Rep. Fernandez told WHO’s Dictator-General-in-waiting.

Below are images of Rep. Fernandez’s letter on behalf of the HOR taken from the article ‘With the Deadline for Rejection of the WHO IHRS Looming, Hon. Representative Fernandez has issued HR1490 Urging Rejection. He has also sent a Rejection Letter to the WHO from the HOR in his position’ as published by Super Sally 888.

Will the Bill Gates-funded WHO accept notification from the Philippines HOR?

The IHR states:

The Constitution of WHO confers upon the World Health Assembly the authority to adopt regulations “designed to prevent the international spread of disease” which, after adoption by the Health Assembly, enter into force for all WHO Member States that do not affirmatively opt out of them within a specified time period. [pg. 1]

These Regulations shall enter into force 24 months after the date of notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, except for: (a) a State that has rejected these Regulations or an amendment thereto in accordance with Article 61. [pg. 36]

Article 61 Rejection: If a State notifies the Director-General of its rejection of these Regulations or of an amendment thereto within the period provided in paragraph 1 of Article 59, these Regulations or the amendment concerned shall not enter into force with respect to that State. Any international sanitary agreement or regulations listed in Article 58 to which such State is already a party shall remain in force as far as such State is concerned. [pg. 37]

International Health Regulations (2005), Third Edition, 2016
The IHR provides for nominating “National IHR Focal Points” and “IHR Contact Points” (for implementing IHR health measures); and, “State Parties” (to detect, assess, notify and report events according to the IHR).  However, the IHR does not use these terms in the context of rejecting or opting out of the Regulations.  Instead, the terms “State” or “Member State” are used when referring to opting out or rejection of the IHR.

It is a challenge, to say the least, to find any information on WHO’s website regarding from which representatives of member states Tedros the Terrorist will accept notification that a country “affirmatively opts out within a specified time.”

For example, the UK’s engagement with WHO is officially managed by the Department of Health and Social Care (“DHSC”). Does that mean WHO would only accept notification from the UK if it was issued by DHSC?  The system is so corrupted that it would not be surprising for WHO officials to use any excuse to ignore and gaslight opt-out notices from officials who represent a country.

In the case of the Philippines, Super Sally 888 noted: “[Rep. Fernandez’s] letter is not, alone, sufficient for the Philippines to reject the IHR amendments; formal notification must also come from the Office of the President [or] Department of Foreign Affairs. However, the House Resolution 1490, and the letter to the WHO issued on HOR letterhead [will] push the issue. The President will need to take a stand!”

Filipino Patriots have begun a petition to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.  It calls on Filipino government leaders and public officials to defend the Filipino people against the threatened dictatorship and medical martial law that will be imposed by WHO through the amendments to the IHR.  For those who are Filipino, you can read and sign the petition HERE.

For all peoples of the world, a petition has been started on Citizen Go to the delegates of WHO’s upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (“INB”) negotiations.  The petition states:

The upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting set to take place this coming 4-6 December will uncover whether there is “sufficient” global consensus to ratify the Pandemic Accord across member states.

The urgency to act is now, as the next Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting is just a week from now. Will you sign to oppose this totalitarian power grab? Add your voice by signing our petition today.

Urgent Call to Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty NOW, 23 November 2023
