

10/17/2023 イーサン・ハフ


イスラエルのヨアヴ・ギャラント国防相はチャンネル12に対し、ガザ地区に住む約200万人の人々を飢えさせることは、イスラエルの "この地域における存在 "を保証するために必要だと語った。




イスラエル、ガザを積極的に空爆 - 数十人の死傷者が報告される


食料、水、電気、燃料がなければ、ガザの200万人の住民はとても長い間生活することはできないだろう。これは、イスラエルがガザに望んでいる次の "衝撃と畏怖 "の計画のようだ。





ガザ地区に対するイスラエルの "完全な攻撃 "について、「私はすべての拘束を解いた」とギャランはさらに声明で付け加えた。









Israel calls Palestinians “human animals” before cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to Gaza, an open air prison enslaving millions
10/17/2023 Ethan Huff

In retaliation for the string of terror attacks that occurred over the weekend, Israel is cutting off all resources to Gaza, including fuel, electricity, food and even water.

In an announcement – watch below – Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told Channel 12 that starving the roughly two million people who live in the Gaza Strip is necessary to ensure Israel's "existence in the region."

"It will take many weeks," Gallant said about the deprivation operation. "There will be steps here that have never been seen before."

"There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel," he further added. "We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly."

(Related: Christianity could soon be outlawed in Israel if the far-right Knesset, which is part of Benjamin Netanyahu's government coalition, gets its way.)

Israel aggressively bombing Gaza – dozens of casualties reported

As for the water portion, Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Israel Ketz announced the immediate halt of all water flow to the Gaza Strip.

Without food, water, electricity and fuel, Gaza's two million residents will be unable to live for very long, which appears to be Israel's next "shock and awe" plan for that much-desired strip of land.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military is going to town with continuous and heavy airstrikes on Gaza. Already, there have been dozens of reported deaths from these attacks – watch below:

The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine issued a statement about this retaliation calling for it to end, especially since there are millions of innocent people being targeted alongside the terrorists.

"We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce," the body said.

An ambulance director who works in the Gaza Strip further told the media that the situation there is catastrophic. He called it the worst catastrophic humanitarian situation that has occurred there in the past 20 years.

"I have released all the restraints," Gallant further added in a statement about Israel's "full offense" against the Gaza Strip.

"We have (regained) control of the area and we are moving to a full offense," he said at a meeting with Israeli military and defense fighters near the Gaza border.

"You fought with great courage," he commended the Israeli side. "You have seen what we are fighting: human animals."

"You can change the reality here. You have seen the prices (paid) and will see the change. Hamas wanted change in Gaza; it would change 180 degrees from what they thought. They will regret this moment: Gaza will never be what it was."

Gallant would go on to basically state that as long as Hamas "continues to exist," Israeli children will be "murdered in the countryside" This imagery is meant to provoke more hatred and more willingness by Israeli soldiers to commit atrocities against the country's enemies.

According to reports, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have already killed about 830 people, many of them civilians. The Israeli army further claims that some 1,500 Hamas militiamen were killed during the attacks.

The latest news about the situation on the ground in the Middle East can be found at Chaos.news.

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