






マッカロー博士は、"COVID後およびワクチン傷害症候群 "の主な原因である、人体の組織や臓器に存在するスパイクタンパク質の負担に対処するアプローチについて、数週間前から科学界や一般大衆にメッセージを送ってきたと述べた。





マッカローが "心配している "と言うのは、初期反応を起こし、その後数日から数週間体調を崩した人たちである。"ワクチン接種後2年でも心筋炎や心停止の発症が遅い"、"ワクチン接種後2年でも血栓の発生が見られる"からである。


しかし、同医師はスパイク・プロテインには予防法があると主張する。「3つの言葉」と彼は言い、「ベース・スパイク解毒法」と説明し、この解毒法は米国の医学文献、すなわち『Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons』に発表された "最初の"解毒プロトコルであると説明する。



⚫︎ ナットウキナーゼ:大豆の発酵から得られる酵素。日本では伝統的に心血管系に良いとされ使用されてきた。前臨床試験では、スパイクタンパク質を分解することが示されている。
⚫︎ ブロメライン:パイナップルの茎から得られる酵素で、傷の局所治療薬としてFDAに認可されている。ナットウキナーゼと同様、スパイクタンパク質のクリアランスを促進することが示されている。
⚫︎ クルクミン:ウコンに含まれる活性化合物で、抗炎症作用があるとして広く用いられている。クルクミンはスパイクタンパク質のさらなる損傷も緩和する。



⚫︎ ナットウキナーゼ:2000フィブリンユニット(100ミリグラム)を1日2回、食事なしで経口投与する。

⚫︎ ブロメライン:500ミリグラムを1日1回食事抜きで経口投与

⚫︎ クルクミン:500ミリグラムを1日2回経口投与(ナノ化、リポソーム化、ピペリン添加が望ましい)。




バイデン政権が長いCOVID研究に10億ドルを投資したにもかかわらず、ワクチン傷害の研究には1ドルの資金も向けられていない。ということは、政府ではなく、博士のような異論を唱える医師たちであろう。 ワクチンによる傷害の最適な治療法と管理法の発見をリードすることになるマッカローは、Vigilant Newsに次のように語っている。









Vigilant News ( - 製品を宣伝するスポンサー記事).


The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.
ON AUGUST 29, 2023

“People who took the vaccines for the first time took an injection of foreign genetic material that produced spike protein in their body for an uncontrolled duration [of] time and quantity,” says  Dr. Peter McCullough, who adds “Many of you still have the spike protein in your cells and your tissues.” “Every study that’s looked at this has actually identified this central issue. The human body does not seem to have enzymes that can break down this protein like it could any other natural protein and have us get rid of it.”

However, Dr. McCullough explains that there is a detoxification protocol that allows individuals to proactively address the issue head-on by using three natural substances, nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, “to help the body clear this very dangerous protein from [their] cells and tissues.”

”Although the protocol has not yet been scientifically validated through double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials, Dr. McCullough argued that clinical observations indicate a positive impact.

No Therapeutic Trials Have Been Planned

Dr. McCullough said that he had been messaging the scientific community and the public for several weeks about an approach addressing the burden of Spike protein in tissues and organs in the human body that is largely responsible for “post-COVID and vaccine injury syndromes.”

”Why?” “It’s because this protein is not natural,” argues McCullough.

The effects of the unnatural Spike protein have been devastating.

Professional basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames collapsed mid-game in 2021.
He blamed vaccine-induced myocarditis for the incident.
Two years later, he unfortunately died during a stress test
at a health center in the Dominican Republic.
The vaccines have left about 15% of those who’ve taken them with some form of a medical problem,” according to McCullough, who rightly says, “That is a huge number, […] “Now, fortunately, about a third of people who took the vaccine; have had no side effects whatsoever, and they appear to be exhibiting no side effects emerging. So, if one took the shot and they’re perfectly fine, didn’t even have a sore arm, they’re extremely unlikely now to develop a problem,”

It is people who developed an initial reaction and were sick for a few days or weeks afterward that McCullough says he “worries about” because of the “late development of myocarditis and cardiac arrest even two years after the vaccine” and “Blood clots have been seen to have developed even two years after the vaccine”

Is There a Prevention?

However, the doctor argues that there is a prevention to the spike protein, “Three words” he says “Base Spike Detoxification.” and explains that it is the very first detoxification protocol  that was “the very first”  published in the U.S. medical literature, namely, the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin

“The Health Benefits of Nattokinase”: explore.globalhealing.com
Nattokinase: An enzyme derived from the fermentation of soy. It has been traditionally used in Japan for its supposed cardiovascular benefits. Preclinical trials show it degrades the Spike protein.
Bromelain: A set of enzymes derived from pineapple stems, approved by the FDA as a topical treatment for wounds. Like nattokinase, it has also been shown to accelerate the clearance of Spike proteins.
Curcumin: The active compound in turmeric, widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also mitigates further damage from the Spike protein.
The Protocol

The recommended doses in the protocol are as follows, per Dr. McCullough’s Substack:

• Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food

• Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food

• Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested).

Dr. McCullough recommended taking this treatment triad for at least three months for anyone suffering from or worried about post-COVID or vaccine syndromes, but he also suggested that those who have received multiple injections may need to take it for twelve months or longer.

Clinical Observations and Limitations

In Dr. McCullough’s clinical observations, “patients indeed are getting better on this approach.” He said he has observed people experience relief from symptoms such as numbness, tingling, heart racing, headaches, and loss of senses under this protocol. However, these observations have not yet been supported by large-scale scientific trials.“

Despite a billion-dollar investment in long COVID research by the Biden administration, not a single dollar of funding has been directed toward researching vaccine injuries. So, it won’t be the government but dissenting doctors, like Dr. McCullough, who will be leading the way in discovering optimal treatments and management for vaccine injuries, says Vigilant News

Safety Concerns

“The main safety caveats are bleeding and allergic reactions, both of which are manageable. It is our experience that both nattokinase and bromelain can be used in addition to antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs with physician monitoring,” wrote Dr. McCullough on his Substack page.

Overall, “Base Spike Detoxification” looks promising. and ”Bromelain, curcumin, and nattokinase are available over the counter at just about any health food store or pharmacy.

The full manuscript is linked and serves as your reference. While we are seeing case examples of improvement, we aim to collaborate with others as we did with the McCullough Protocol, to demonstrate clinical effectiveness of Base Spike Detoxification as a fundamental strategy for a large number of individuals who have suffered long-term consequences from SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination.


Dr Peter McCullough on Substack

Click to access mccullough.pdf


Vigilant News ( – sponsored article promoting a product).

Disclaimer: The views above are those of Dr. Peter McCullogh and are being shared here for those individuals who may have worries following COVID-19 vaccinations and wish to be proactive in seeking possible prevention for adverse effects. The Expose cannot make any guarantees concerning the above advice or any benefits that have been claimed.
