
WHOの権力掌握:監視と "トリプル10億 "目標

WHOの権力掌握:監視と "トリプル10億 "目標

ピーター・スウェーデンとのインタビューの中で、ヌール・ビン・ラディンは、世界保健機関(以下、WHO)がいかにあなた方の健康など気にかけていないかを暴露した。  過去100年間、WHOの目的は同じであり、WHOの壮大な監視計画や "トリプル10億 "の目標について語った。

ヌール・ビン・ラディンはニック・セルッティとともに、WHOの真の意図と策略に関する情報を広めるためのウェブサイト「We Hurt Others」を設立した。  ビン・ラディンのツイッターはこちら



グローバリストたちは20世紀を通じてインフラを構築してきたが、国連はそのインフラの非常に重要な一部であると、ビン・ラディンは上のビデオで説明している。国連が設立されたことで、彼らは「一つの世界政府」に向けて権力の集中化を進めることができるようになった。  そして、WHOはグローバリストの構造の重要な一部なのだ。しかし、この計画は国連やWHOが設立されるずっと前から始まっていた。

国際連盟は、第一次世界大戦の終わりに、一つの世界政府を作るために設立された。  連盟は、その後継組織である国連と同様、慈善家とその財団、特にロックフェラー財団国際保健委員会によって推進される保健組織を有していた。





ウッドロー・ウィルソン米大統領は連盟の熱心な推進者であったが、米国は正式に加盟しなかったため、中央集権的な世界政府の計画は失敗に終わった。  ビン・ラディンが説明したように、米国が連盟に参加しなかったのは、米国民が反対していたからである。当時、米国の議会は今日のように腐敗しておらず、政治家は国民の意思に従っていた。

連盟は1946年に正式に清算された。この時すでに、新たな後継組織である国連の創設に向けた話し合いが行われていた。  1945年にサンフランシスコで開かれた会議では、ドイツと日本に宣戦布告し、国連宣言に署名した46カ国の代表が集まり、国連憲章と新しい国際司法裁判所の規約に合意した。  1945年10月24日、国連が誕生した。






現在、WHOはパンデミック条約と国際保健規則の改正に取り組んでいる。  これらの制度は、例えばワクチンパスポートの発行や、彼らが "誤った情報 "とみなすものの検閲を行う権限をWHOに与えることになる。  「彼らは私たちの自由をさらに取り締まる口実としてコヴィッドを使い、自分たちのアジェンダを実行する正当な理由としてコヴィッドを利用しているのです」とビン・ラディンは語った。

ビン・ラディンによれば、WHOが実施しようとしているすべてのことの鍵は "監視 "という言葉にある。  WHOは "健康 "という仮面の裏側で、大衆監視と完全管理システムを導入しようとしているのだ。


上のビデオで、ビン・ラディンはWHOのトリプル10億の目標を強調した。  2019年3月、WHOは「WHO史上最も広範な改革」を発表した:





第3の目標である健康と福祉の向上は、「非常に漠然としていて幅広い」とビン・ラディンは言う。「これは、WHOのマンデートを拡大することであり、さまざまな健康上の緊急事態や気候変動に関連する健康上の緊急事態を含めることです。  これが『ワン・ヘルス』アジェンダです」。





これまでのところ、WHOは世界を監視するためのダッシュボードで、"世界は2025年までにトリプル10億の目標を達成する軌道から外れている "と述べている。  その結果、WHOは2030年までに国連の持続可能な開発目標の関連目標を達成するのに十分な進歩を遂げることはできないだろう。

このままでいこう。#WHO 脱退

画像はイメージ:WHOトリプル10億人目標更新:新たな保健改革を発表、Health Europa、2019年3月7日

WHO’s power grab through surveillance and “triple billion” targets
ON JULY 21, 2023

During an interview with Peter Sweden, Noor Bin Ladin exposed how the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) does not care about your health, but instead, it acts as a globalist organisation under the United Nations (“UN”) to bring about centralised control.  She discussed how the aim has been the same for the past 100 years, WHO’s grand designs for surveillance and its “triple billion” targets.

Together with Nick Cerutti, Noor Bin Ladin founded We Hurt Others, a website to help disseminate information about WHO’s true intentions and machinations.  You can follow Bin Ladin on Twitter HERE.

Peter Sweden: The Truth about their secret globalist agenda, 20 July 2023 (42 mins)
The video above can also be found, for the time being, on YouTube HERE.

The globalists have been building an infrastructure throughout the 20th century and the UN is very much part of that infrastructure, Bin Ladin explained in the video above. With the setting up of the UN, they were able to go ahead with the centralisation of power towards a One World Government.  And WHO is very much a key part of the globalist structure. But this plan began long before the UN or WHO were founded.

The League of Nations was established at the end of World War I to create a One World Government.  The League, like its successor the UN, had a health organisation that was driven by philanthropists and their foundations – specifically the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board.

Public health became the ideal vehicle through which Rockefeller philanthropy could apply scientific findings to the public good.

Rockefeller’s business, scientific, and philanthropic advisers Frederick T Gates, Charles Wardell Stiles, and Wickliffe Rose perceived anaemia-provoking hookworm disease to be both a key factor that explained the economic “backwardness” of the USA’s southern states and an impediment to its industrialisation. These men helped orchestrate the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease that operated from 1910 to 1914.

This campaign uncovered the possibilities of public health in eliminating the disease through an anthelmintic drug; the promotion of shoe-wearing and latrines; and public health propaganda. Following this success, the [Rockefeller Foundation] created an International Health Board, which was reorganised as the International Health Division (IHD) in 1927.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the international health agenda, Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Elizabeth Fee, The Lancet, 11 May 2013
Although US President Woodrow Wilson was an enthusiastic proponent of the League, the United States did not officially join and so the plans for a centralised world government failed, for which we must thank the American public.  As Bin Ladin explained, the USA didn’t join the League because the American population was against it; at the time the US legislature was not corrupt as they are today, meaning politicians followed the will of the people.

The League was formally liquidated in 1946. By this time, discussions had already taken place to create a new successor organisation – the UN.  At a conference in San Francisco in 1945, delegates from 46 nations – nations which had declared war on Germany and Japan and had subscribed to the UN Declaration – met and agreed on the UN Charter and the Statute of the new International Court of Justice.  On 24 October 1945, the UN came into existence.

When country representatives met to form the UN in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organisation. WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948.

The Narrative Has Been the Same For 100 Years

Bin Ladin found correspondence dated in 1922 from a Director of the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board to his colleague stating that “we needed to recognise the limitations of nation-states in dealing with certain health matters of an international nature.”

“The narrative 101 years ago … was exactly the same as the narrative that they’re using today … that these so-called health emergencies and these so-called pandemics show that there needs to be international coordination and there needs to be a supranational body like the WHO in order to manage, respond, prepare [and] prevent,” Bin Ladin said.

Further reading: Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board, Re:Source, 6 January 2022

Now they are working on a Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations which will allow them dangerous levels of control over individual nation-states.  These instruments will hand power to WHO to, for example, impose vaccine passports and censor what they deem to be “misinformation.”  “They are using covid as the excuse to further crackdown on our liberties and using it as a justification to implement their agenda,” Bin Ladin said.

According to Bin Ladin, the word “surveillance” is key to everything WHO is wanting to implement.  Behind the mask of “health,”  WHO is ushering in a mass surveillance and total control system.

Triple Billion Targets

In the video above, Bin Ladin highlighted WHO’s triple billion targets.  In March 2019, WHO announced “the most wide-ranging reforms in the Organisation’s history”:

The changes are designed to support countries in achieving the ambitious “triple billion” targets that are at the heart of WHO’s strategic plan for the next five years: one billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage (UHC); one billion more people better protected from health emergencies; and one billion more people enjoying better health and well-being. [Emphasis our own.]

WHO unveils sweeping reforms in drive towards “triple billion” targets, World Health Organisation, 6 March 2019
The first target regarding universal health coverage is about centralising and making the entire health care system uniform, globally, Bin Ladin said. “And with that, we’re looking at the digitisation of the healthcare infrastructure.” Bill Gates’s global digital ID will come into play here.

The second target regarding protection from health emergencies is where the amendments to the International Health Regulations, the Pandemic Treaty and the surveillance programme come in.

The third target of better health and well-being is “so vague and broad,” Bin Ladin said. “This is about broadening the WHO’s mandate … [to include] different health emergencies and [health emergencies] related to climate as well.  This is the One Health agenda.”

Bin Ladin highlighted some text from WHO’s Triple Billion targets:

Two words – measurable impact – are at the heart of WHO’s plans to transform the future of public health. The focus is on using timely, reliable, actionable data to improve the health of billions of people. The Triple Billion targets are fundamental to how this plan will be achieved and monitored.

Crucially, the Triple Billions help countries to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) … The Triple Billion indices use a sub-set of 46 outcome indicators. These include 39 SDG indicators …

The Triple Billion targets, A visual summary of methods to deliver impact, World Health Organisation
So far, WHO states on its dashboard to monitor the world, “the world is off track to achieve the triple billion targets by 2025.”  Consequently, WHO will not have made enough progress to meet the related targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Let’s keep it that way. #ExitTheWHO

Featured image: WHO triple billion target updates: unveiling new health reforms, Health Europa, 7 March 2019
