

2023年6月20日(火) 記:イーサン・ハフ

(Natural News)オーガニック消費者協会(OCA)は今週、Apeelという会社が製造する「Organipeel」という化学物質が、オーガニック農産物の保護コーティングとして見え隠れしていることについて、爆弾発言をしました。

有機材料審査機関(OMRI)は、アピールのオーガニピールに "おそらくクエン酸が有効成分であることを根拠として "許可を与えたと報告されています。しかし、オーガニピールはクエン酸を0.66%しか含んでおらず、残りの99.44%は謎のままです。





2019年10月9日、アペール・サイエンシズが米国食品医薬品局(FDA)に提出したGRAS(Generally Recognized as Safe)の一環である45ページの文書には、この文書ではEdipeelと呼ばれているオーガニピールについていくつかのヒントがあります - アペールでは有機食品への適用方法に応じて複数の物質名で呼ばれています。


2021年11月8日、欧州食品安全機関(EFSA)は、欧州ではE 471として食品に表示されているモノアシルグリセリドについてレビューを実施しました。そのレビューでは、"E 471の消費に起因する有害元素への潜在的な曝露は相当なものになる可能性がある "と結論づけられました。

2017年、EFSAは別のレビューを行い、モノアシルグリセリドに発がん性物質であるグリシドールが含まれている可能性があると結論づけました。そして、そのずっと前の2000年には、世界保健機関(WHO)の国際がん研究機関(IARC)が、グリシドールを "ヒトに対しておそらく発がん性がある "と分類しています。


モノアシルグリセリドも糖尿病と関係があることが判明しています。Diabetes Care誌2012年版に掲載されたエビデンスによると、これらの環境化合物は、現代社会で一種の疫病となっているインスリン抵抗性とそれに伴う糖尿病の「蔓延と慢性」の問題に関連しています。


ところで、ApeelのCEOであるJames Rogersは、2018年に、同社がOrganipeelとEdipeelを作るのに、ワイン作りで残ったブドウの種などの農業副産物から有効成分を抽出し続けるのではなく、まもなく「シンバイオ」を使用すると発言しています。







Beware of WEF- and Bill Gates-funded Apeel “Organipeel” food coating chemical on ORGANIC produce
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has dropped a bombshell this week about a chemical substance called “Organipeel,” produced by a company called Apeel, that is hiding in plain sight as a protective coating on organic produce.

The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) reportedly gave Apeel’s Organipeel the green light “presumably based on citric acid being the active ingredient.” However, Organipeel only contains 0.66 percent citric acid; the other 99.44 percent of the substance remains a mystery.

Perhaps not surprisingly, both the World Economic Forum (WEF) and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates of Microsoft fame are behind Organipeel. The WEF and Gates were instrumental in convincing the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve it for use on organic produce, even though it appears to be anything but organic.

The OCA reported that citric acids is allowed in organic foods, despite technically being non-organic, just so long as it is not synthetically derived – yes, there are different forms of citric acid. However, it is unclear what the rest of the Organipeel formula contains.

(Related: Did you know that organic farming could feed the entire world, if only the government would stop subsidizing GMOs, crop chemicals, and industrial agriculture.)

Organipeel, also known as Edipeel, contains ingredients derived using toxic solvents that may leave behind residues of mercury, cadmium and other poisons on food

A 45-page document submitted by Apeel Sciences to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) submission to the federal agency on Oct. 9, 2019, offers a few clues about Organipeel, which in this document is referred to as Edipeel – Apeel has multiple names for the substance depending on how it is applied to organic food.

The main ingredient, based on this document, is monoacylglycerides extracted from grape seed, which might sound natural until you realize that Apeel’s extraction methods involve the use of multiple toxic solvents. These solvents can leave behind toxic residues of mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, palladium, heptane, and ethyl acetate in the final product.

On Nov. 8, 2021, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) conducted a review of monoacylglycerides, which in Europe is labeled on food as E 471. That review concluded that “the potential exposure to toxic elements resulting from the consumption of E 471 could be substantial.”

In 2017, the EFSA conducted another review that concluded the potential presence of glycidol, a carcinogen, in monoacylglycerides. And long before that in 2000, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glycidol as being “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

Despite all this, the WEF, Gates, and other globalist entities are insistent that monoacylglycerides, the main ingredient in Organipeel and Edipeel, are safe to consume even though they are linked to a cancer-causing carcinogen called glycidol, not to mention all those toxic metals aforementioned that linger on food as well.

It turns out that monoacylglycerides are also linked to diabetes. These environmental compounds, according to evidence provided in the 2012 issue of Diabetes Care, are linked to the “prevalent and chronic” problem of insulin resistance and associated diabetes, which has become a type of plague in modern society.

In 2021, Apeel was valued at $2 billion, thanks to the government’s approval of its questionably toxic Organipeel and Edipeel food preservative coating, which could be hiding in your organic fruits and vegetables. And you have the WEF and Gates to thank for this hidden poison.

Apeel CEO James Rogers, by the way, remarked back in 2018 that his company would soon be using “synbio” to make Organipeel and Edipeel, rather than continue to extract its active ingredient from agricultural byproducts such as leftover grape seeds from winemaking.

More related news can be found at CleanFoodWatch.com.

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