








2.「国家内および国家間の政治的断層を露呈させ、悪化させた」。コビッド以前には政治的な違いはなかったという意味か?それとも、WHOがその存在に気づいていなかっただけなのだろうか?  典型的なWHOのサイコバブルである。曖昧で無意味な用語である。






しかし、"テロリスト"テドロスは、"過ち"を繰り返さないための解決策を持っており、奇妙なことに、それは "過ち"を繰り返すだけでなく、世界中に適用される法的拘束力のある文書を通じて、"過ち"を倍増させ、増幅させることを含んでいる。




⚫︎ 生命と生活を根底から覆し、社会と経済を混乱させる。
⚫︎ 政治的な "断層 "をなくす。WHOは、政治的な意見の相違や反対意見を覆し、すべての政府がWHOの指示通りに動くようにしなければならない。
⚫︎ WHOの誤報、偽情報、虚偽の物語が、世界の人々ができること、できないことを決定する唯一の声となるように、反対意見を弾圧し、抑圧する。
⚫︎ WHOのスポンサーは、すでに貧しい人々を貧困に陥れているにもかかわらず、その犠牲の上にさらに富を得ようとしているため、不平等が拡大する。


"パニックと怠慢の古いサイクル"  その "パニックと怠慢 "のサイクルは何年前のものなのか?2020年に始まったのだろうか?



[1] 列国議会同盟(IPU)は、「世界中の議会と国会議員に力を与え、平和、民主主義、持続可能な開発を促進する......(IPUは)国際的な公約とその国内実施との間のギャップを埋める手助けをする」ことを目的とする各国議会の世界的組織である。本部はスイスのジュネーブにあり、国連のほとんどの機関や組織と緊密に連携している。IPUは「他の多国間組織と数多くの戦略的パートナーシップを結んでいる」と主張しているが、戦略的パートナーとして名前が挙がっているのは国連(以下「国連」)のみである。  言い換えれば、IPUは国連のアジェンダを実施しようとするもう一つの国連組織にすぎない。



その後、すべての国はWHOへの拠出を停止し、#ExitTheWHO(WHOからの脱退)をしなければならない。  IHR改正パンデミック条約も中止しなければならない。この2つの制度は同じことを目的としており、どちらも世界的な支配権を握ろうとし陰湿なワンヘルスイデオロギーを取り入れている。  WHOが一方では達成できないことを、もう一方では達成しようとしているのだ。だから、どちらも止める必要がある。

なぜWHOの権力掌握を止めなければならないのか、まだよくわからないという方は、以下の2つの短いクリップをご覧いただきたい。1つ目は、DarkHorse Podcastのホストであるブレット・ワインスタインと進化生物学者ヘザー・ヘイングが、IHR改正について議論している。DarkHorse Podcastの全編はこちらからご覧いただけます。続くクリップでは、ジューン・スレーターがパンデミック条約を阻止しなければならない理由を説明している。

Tedros the Terrorist urges parliamentarians to support WHO’s IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty process
ON OCTOBER 27, 2023

In a newly released video statement, the World Health Organisation (WHO”) Dictator General urged nations to support their efforts to bring the amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) and the Pandemic Treaty to a timely conclusion.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian terrorist and human rights abuser, laid out the world’s problems as he sees them and then the solution.

The problem is the covid pandemic didn’t go as well as hoped.  The solution is the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty, which he calls a Pandemic Accord.

The Problem

In the video below, Tedros the Terrorist said the covid pandemic had:

1. “Upended lives and livelihoods, disrupting societies and economies.” No. The response to the manufactured covid pandemic did that.

2. “Exposed and exacerbated political fault lines within and between nations.”  Does that mean before covid, there were no political differences? Or does he mean that WHO just didn’t realise that they existed?  It’s typical WHO psychobabble – vague, meaningless terminology.

3. “It eroded trust between people, governments and institutions fuelled by a torrent of mis and disinformation.”  Yes, that’s true. It’s a natural consequence of governments, institutions and non-governmental organisations, such as WHO, persistently hiding facts, withholding live-saving information and outright lying to the public for nearly four years while at the same time suppressing, censoring and targeting those who dare to question their narrative.

4. “And it laid bare the inequalities of our world with the poorest and most vulnerable communities the hardest hit.”  There is an element of truth to this but not in the way the Dictator General hopes you will think.  For example, the communities that were hardest hit by unnecessary, ineffective and destructive shutdowns were the poorest who were told to stay at home without receiving any income. Also, those who have been vaccine-injured in the poorest communities have little to no hope of getting the assistance they need.  On the other hand, covid has laid bare the inequalities between the self-styled elites and the world’s population.  The world’s megalomaniacal wealthiest have been exposed as hypocritical, deceptive and the greatest risk to our lives, our livelihoods, our communities, our economies and our world.

The Solution

“The next pandemic is not a question of if, but of when,” the Dictator General said. “And we cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.”

This is true: We cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.  WHO has proved itself to be an incapable, untrustworthy and corrupt organisation that is serving the interests of private entities.  We should recognise WHO for what it is and not allow it to have any influence or involvement in any policies, particularly health.

However, Tedros the Terrorist has a solution to avoid repeating “the mistakes” and, bizarrely, it involves not only repeating “the mistakes” but doubling down and amplifying them through legally binding instruments that apply worldwide.

“That’s why we are negotiating a Pandemic Accord and amendments to the International Health Regulations,” he said with a straight face as if he believed every word he said.

The reason for these new WHO instruments, Tedros claimed, is “to strengthen the legal framework for the global response to pandemics.”

To strengthen the legal framework, not for the sake of our health but to solve the problems before WHO declares the next pandemic.  We remind ourselves what Tedros the Terrorist sees as the problems that this legal framework needs to solve.  He listed them earlier in his video.  Translating his stated problems into what the instruments aim to achieve, we surmise that WHO is seeking to legally bind nations in such a way that WHO can strengthen its ability to:

Upend lives and livelihoods, and disrupt societies and economies.
Eliminate political “fault lines.”  WHO must be able to override political disagreement and dissent so that all governments move in lockstep as and when WHO dictates.
Suppress and oppress dissenting voices to enable WHO’s misinformation, disinformation and false narratives to be the sole voice to dictate what the world’s population can or cannot do.
Increase inequalities as WHO’s sponsors intend to enrich themselves further off the backs of the poor that they have already gone a long way to impoverishing.
“For the sake of future generations, we must not go back to the old cycle of panic and neglect that left our world vulnerable,” he said.

“The old cycle of panic and neglect.”  How old is that “panic and neglect” cycle? Did it begin in 2020?

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Twitter, 26 October 2023 (2 mins)
In what seems like an act of desperation, Tedros the Terrorist included a plea when he tweeted his video: “I urge IPU Parliament [1] members to support these negotiations towards a timely conclusion, by the 2024 World Health Assembly in May.”

[1] Inter-Parliamentary Union (“IPU”) is the global organisation of national parliaments to “empower parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development around the world … [The IPU] helps bridge the gap between international commitments and their national implementation.” Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland, and it works closely with most of the UN bodies and agencies  IPU claims to have a “number of strategic partnerships with other multilateral organisations,” but the United Nations (“UN”) is the only named strategic partner.  In other words, IPU is just another UN organisation attempting to implement the UN agenda.

Tedros the Terrorist is urging Members of Parliament to support WHO in their task but we have a better idea: We must #StopTheWHO .  We must urge our Members of Parliament to withdraw all support and approval of WHO and what it is doing.

Firstly, and immediately, member states can opt out of the 2022 IHR amendments. We previously wrote about this HERE.

Thereafter, all countries must stop contributing to WHO and #ExitTheWHO .  Both the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty must be stopped.  The two instruments are aiming to do the same thing – both attempt to seize global control and both incorporate the insidious One Health ideology.  What WHO is unable to achieve with the one, it will achieve with the other.  So, both need to be stopped.

If you’re still feeling unsure why we MUST stop WHO’s power grab, below are two short clips you may find useful.  In the first, the host of DarkHorse Podcast, Bret Weinstein, and evolutionary biologist Heather Heying discuss the IHR amendments.  You can watch the full DarkHorse Podcast HERE. In the clip that follows, June Slater explains why the Pandemic Treaty must be stopped.
