

2023年3月3日、Rhoda Wilson




今回の英国での取り組みは、地球工学そのもののテストや実験ではありません。MIT Technology Reviewが入手した詳細によれば、その目的は、低コストで制御可能かつ回収可能な気球システムを評価することにあった。

驚くべきことに、このシステムは「SATAN」と命名されている。 これは「Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation」の頭文字をとったものである。

ロンドン大学に所属していた独立研究者のアンドリュー・ロックリーは、高高度気球や宇宙推進システムのエンジニアリングや設計を行うEuropean Astrotech社と共同で、昨年秋にこの活動を主導しました。

彼のSATAN実験に関する論文は投稿されているが、まだ出版されていない。 自分の論文が「リーク」されたことを知ったロックリー氏は、MIT Technology Review誌にメールを書いた:

「リークなんてとんでもない! 私はまっすぐな道を歩み、査読の審判の日を待とうとしたが、どうやら同僚が極悪非道な誘惑に負けてしまったようだ。同僚の仕事を漏らした者には、地獄に特別な場所があり、永遠に燃え続ける硫黄に苦しめられるのだ」。


アメリカン大学のレジデンス学者で、太陽熱地球工学のガバナンスと正義の問題に焦点を当てた非営利団体を設立しているシュチ・タラティ氏は、次のように述べています:「私は、ここでの意図が何なのか、とても気になります。 彼らは道徳的に優位に立ち、この仕事をすることが道徳的に必須であるかのような雰囲気があります」。


ハーバード大学の科学者であり、小規模な成層圏気球の研究計画を進めるために何年も努力してきたデビッド・キース氏は、この努力の科学的価値と技術開発という点での有用性の両方に疑問を呈した。挑発的であることが、この取り組みの部分的な目的であったかもしれないという質問に対して、キース氏は次のように答えた:「ストレートに "SATAN"と呼ばないでください」。

ロックリー氏だけでなく、「気候変動」の研究者は、精神が不安定になっているように見える。最近、国連(以下「国連」)の気候変動狂信者たちから、よりボンヤリした考えが飛び出した。 国連環境計画(「UNEP」)は報告書の中で、気候目標を達成するための提案として、太陽光を宇宙空間に反射させる巨大な鏡を配置することなどを打ち出した。

Independent紙は、気候変動による最悪の影響を緩和するために宇宙鏡が提案されたのは、今回が初めてではないと指摘しています。 元米大統領候補のアンドリュー・ヤンは、2019年に地球をジオエンジニアリングする計画を発表したことが注目されています。 彼の提案では、折りたたみ式の巨大な宇宙ミラーを軌道に乗せることで、4兆8600億ドルの費用がかかり、実施には20年程度かかるとされていました。


● 反射性のあるナノ粒子や二酸化硫黄を大気中に注入する(成層圏エアロゾル注入)。
● サブミクロン塩粒子の海洋雲へのシードによる海洋上の低層雲の輝度化







UNEPの報告書は、大気中に化学物質を注入する正当な理由として、火山の噴火が時に空を灰や硫黄で埋め尽くし、何年も太陽を暗くし、測定可能な地球冷却エピソードにつながることを挙げている。 しかし、イゴール・チュドフは、人類史のもっと暗いページは、破滅的な気候変動を引き起こす火山と関連していると書いている。例えば、1600年、ペルーのフアイナプティーナの噴火は、ヨーロッパで飢饉を引き起こし、大量の死者を出すに至った:

● ロシアでは、1601年から1603年にかけて史上最悪の飢饉が起こり、皇帝が倒される事態になった。
● スイス、ラトビア、エストニアでは、1600年から1602年にかけての冬が異常に寒かったことが記録されている。
● フランスでは1601年のワインの収穫が遅れ、ドイツや植民地時代のペルーではワイン生産が崩壊した。
● 中国では桃の開花が遅れ、日本の諏訪湖では500年に一度の早い結氷があった。



今のところ、彼らはこの計画を「実験」と位置づけているが、UNEPの報告書は、「世界の利害関係者」がこの計画を進めることを決定すれば、わずか数年のうちに空が暗くなる可能性があると脅かしている。 おそらく、企業の科学者たちは皆、同じように考えるよう給料をもらっているのだろう。コビッド注射のように、本物の安全性や有効性を試す必要はなく、単にそれを展開し、全住民と世界を対象に生きた実験を行う。

UK researchers experiment with a solar geoengineering system called SATAN

Last September, researchers in the UK launched a high-altitude weather balloon that released a few hundred grams of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere, a potential scientific first in the solar geoengineering field.

Solar geoengineering is the theory that humans can ease “global warming” by deliberately reflecting more sunlight into space. One possible means, climate alarmists believe, is spraying sulphur dioxide in the stratosphere.

It is highly controversial given, among other issues, that blasting chemicals into our immediate orbit tampers with the natural order, making weather less predictable or threatening populations’ food supplies by causing drought.

The UK effort was not a test of or experiment in geoengineering itself. Rather, the stated goal was to evaluate a low-cost, controllable, recoverable balloon system, according to details obtained by MIT Technology Review.

Remarkably, the system has been named – SATAN.  It’s an acronym for ‘Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation’.

Andrew Lockley, an independent researcher previously affiliated with University College London, led the effort last autumn, working with European Astrotech, a company that does engineering and design work for high-altitude balloons and space propulsion systems.

His paper about his SATAN experiments has been submitted but has not yet been published.  When he discovered his paper had been “leaked” Lockley wrote an email to MIT Technology Review:

“Leakers be damned! I’ve tried to follow the straight and narrow path and wait for the judgment day of peer review, but it appears a colleague has been led astray by diabolical temptation. There’s a special place in hell for those who leak their colleagues’ work, tormented by ever-burning sulphur.”

Lockley’s balloons were equipped with instruments that could track flight paths and monitor environmental conditions. They also included several safety features designed to prevent the balloons from landing while still being filled with potentially dangerous gases.

Shuchi Talati, a scholar in residence at American University who is forming a non-profit focused on governance and justice issues in solar geoengineering said: “I’m really concerned about what the intent here is.  There’s a sense of them having the moral high ground, that there’s a moral imperative to do this work.”

Talati said that forging ahead in the way Lockley did is ethically dubious because it takes away any opportunity for others to weigh in on the scientific value, risks, or appropriateness of the efforts before they happen. She added that part of the intent seemed to be a provocation.

David Keith, a Harvard scientist who has been working for years to move ahead with a small-scale stratospheric balloon research program, questioned both the scientific value of the effort and its usefulness in terms of technology development. When asked if being provocative might have been a partial goal of the effort, Keith said: “You don’t call something SATAN if you’re playing it straight.”

Lockley is not the only “climate change” researcher who appears to have become unhinged. More bonkers ideas recently came from the climate change lunatics at the United Nations (“UN”).  In a report, the UN Environment Programme (“UNEP”) put forward proposals to meet climate targets, including positioning giant mirrors to reflect sunlight back into space.

The Independent noted that it is not the first time that space mirrors have been proposed to alleviate the worst effects of climate change.  Former US presidential hopeful Andrew Yang notably published a plan to geoengineer the planet in 2019.  His proposal to place giant foldable space mirrors into orbit would have cost $4.86 trillion and taken around two decades to implement.

Other methods UNEP suggests for cooling our planet by restricting sunlight and darkening our skies are:

Injecting reflective nanoparticles/sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere (stratospheric aerosol injection)
Brightening of low clouds over the ocean by seeding ocean clouds with submicron salt particles
As noted by Igor Chudov, sulphur dioxide – the chemical of choice for both SATAN and UNEP – was a free by-product of coal and oil burning, emitted into the atmosphere until recent decades. Environmental activists and authorities concluded that sulphur dioxide (SO2) was a pollutant gas contributing to the phenomenon of acid rain and causing significant health problems.

Having been assured that sulphur dioxide was bad for us, we spent billions of dollars eliminating it from coal and oil-burning emissions and building sulphur-capture technology to keep SO2 out of the atmosphere.

Now, it turns out that sulphur dioxide is good for us, and we need to spend even more untold billions to inject it into the atmosphere.

Does this sound stupid to you?

I am sure, however, that investors will earn quite a bit of money from “sulphur dioxide atmospheric injections” right after making billions on “eliminating sulphur dioxide emissions” from coal-burning plants.

The UN Discusses Darkening The Skies to Combat Climate Change, Igor Chudov, 1 March 2023
As justification for injecting chemicals into the atmosphere, the UNEP report indicates that volcanic eruptions sometimes fill the skies with ash or sulphur, dim the sun for years, and lead to measurable global cooling episodes.  However, Igor Chudov wrote, much darker pages of human history were associated with volcanoes causing catastrophic climate changes. For example, in 1600, the eruption of the Huaynaputina in Peru caused famines in Europe and led to mass deaths:

In Russia, 1601-1603 brought the worst famine in the country’s history, leading to the overthrow of the reigning tsar.
Records from Switzerland, Latvia and Estonia record exceptionally cold winters in 1600-1602.
In France, the 1601 wine harvest was late, and wine production collapsed in Germany and colonial Peru.
In China, peach trees bloomed late, and Lake Suwa in Japan had one of its earliest freezing dates in 500 years.
Such global sun-dimming projects may indeed cause global cooling at the cost of poisoning the atmosphere, causing acid rain, and leading to the collapse of agriculture in several regions of the world. Additionally, blocked sunlight will prevent plants’ uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) because converting carbon dioxide into plant matter and oxygen needs sunlight.

Never far away from a plot to destroy, control and profiteer, since early last year Bill Gates and other private donors have funded Harvard University’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, SCoPEx, to study effective ways to block sunlight from reaching Earth’s surface.

So far, they are framing their schemes as “experiments” but the UNEP report threatens that should the “global stakeholders” decide to proceed, the skies could be darkened within only a few years.  Perhaps all corporate scientists are paid to think the same way and, as with covid injections, no authentic safety or efficacy trials are required, simply roll it out and conduct live experiments on entire populations and the world.
