

ローダ・ウィルソン 2023年9月10日




9月5日、HJIは記者ブリーフィングを行い、その後パート1文書をウェブサイトにアップロードした。  第1部文書の内容:

⚫︎ コバックス・ファシリティ/Gaviアライアンス-コミットド・パーチェス契約(2020年12月11日付)。
⚫︎ ヤンセンファーマスーティカ - 事前購入契約(2021年2月26日付)。
⚫︎ ヤンセンファーマスーティカ - 先行購入契約、追加用量(2021年4月)。
⚫︎ ヤンセンファーマスーティカ - タームシート(2020年11月19日)。
⚫︎ ファイザー - 製造供給契約(2021年3月30日)。
⚫︎ ファイザー - 製造供給契約の修正(2021年6月4日)。
⚫︎ ファイザー - 拘束力のあるタームシート。
⚫︎ Serum Institute of India - ワクチン購入契約(2021年1月18日)。
⚫︎ Serum Institute of India - タームシート(2021年1月7日)。

HJIが2020年7月に南アフリカで発足したことは注目に値する。"パンデミックの最中もそれ以降も、地域的にも世界的にも、より包括的で公平な公衆衛生システムを提唱するため "である。HJIは、グローバリストのアジェンダに沿った言葉を使って設立された。






5.1 購入者の認識。

購入者は、COVID-19 パンデミックの緊急事態により、本ワクチンおよび本ワクチンに関連する材料、ならびにそれらの構成要素および構成材料が急速に開発されており、本契約に基づき購入者に本ワクチンが提供された後も研究が継続されることを認める。購入者はさらに、本ワクチンの長期的な効果および効能は現時点では不明であり、本ワクチンには現時点では不明な副作用が存在する可能性があることを了承する。さらに、適用される範囲において、購入者は、本製品がシリアル化されていないことを認める。中略

ファイザー社(Pfizer Laboratories Proprietary Limited)と南アフリカ共和国政府(National Department of Health of South Africa、以下「NDOH」という、30 March 2021






5.2 政府購入者は、以下を認め、同意する:

(b) SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19に対して1人の個人を防御するために必要なCOVIDワクチンの最終的な総投与量および投与スケジュールは、発効日[2021年4月xx日]時点では決定されておらず、5.2(c)項を損なうことなく、進行中の臨床試験で得られたデータに基づいてヤンセンのみが決定するものとする。ヤンセンは、発効日以降、進行中の臨床試験の一部として生成されたデータに基づき、本契約に定 めるワクチン用量の定義を一方的に調整する権利を有する。[12 ページ]

(c)ヤンセンは、ワクチン用量が COVID-19 に対して一人の個人を防御するのに十分であること、または COVID ワクチンの安全性もしくは有効性を保証するものではありません。

13.4 ... ヤンセンは、法律で認められる最大限の範囲において、SARS-Co V-2/COVID-l 9 に対して 1 回のワクチン投与で 1 名の個人を保護するのに十分であること、または COVID ワクチンの安全性もしくは有効性に関するすべての保証を放棄する。[22頁] 。

SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19ワクチン(追加用量)の事前購入契約、ヤンセン・ファーマシューティカJVと国家保健省を通 じて行動する南アフリカ共和国政府(「政府購入者」)、2021年4月




臨床試験参加者は、彼らが臨床試験に参加しているか否かにかかわらず、医療従事者であった。2月21日までの1週間で、J&Jのシソンケ・コビド・ワクチンの治験の一環として、約15,000人が注射を受けた。  翌週の2月28日までに、71,000人以上の医療従事者がシソンケ試験の一環として注射を受けた。



この試験の初期の安全性データは、2021年6月の『ニューイングランド・ジャーナル・オブ・メディシン』誌に報告された。  著者らは、ワクチン誘発性免疫性血栓性血小板減少症(「VITT」)として知られる血液凝固症の症例が南アフリカの試験で検出されなかったことを指摘した。しかし、他国のワクチン接種者では28例が確認されている。しかし、シソンケの研究では5人の参加者が血栓を発症しており、5例のうち4例はワクチンと関連があったが、1例は関連がある可能性があった。

2021年6月、米国の製造工場で適切な基準が守られていないことが判明し、J&Jワクチンの南アフリカでの展開に遅れが生じたとニュース24が報じた。  ボルティモアの工場で製造された南アフリカ向けJ&Jワクチンの原材料が汚染されていた可能性があるとの米国の裁定を受け、南アフリカ向けJ&Jワクチンは一時中断された。  米国食品医薬品局は2021年6月11日、J&Jの「ワクチン」の一部のバッチは使用に適さないと発表した



南アフリカ政府はウェブサイト上で、注射は "安全で効果的 "であると国民に保証した。このウェブページがアップロードされた日付も、最後に更新された日付も示されていないが、国民が注射を受ける前であることは明らかである:



南アフリカは、1,200万人分のワクチンを確保することでCOVAX施設と合意に達した。これは、アフリカ連合のアフリカ・ワクチン獲得タスクチーム施設を通じて南アフリカが入手可能な他のワクチンで補完される。 ファイザー社は、第1四半期末に2000万人分のワクチンの納入を開始することを約束した。政府は、人口の67%への予防接種を確実にするため、様々な製薬会社との協力を続けている。


HIJに渡された残りの文書であるパート2で何が明らかになるかはわからないが、ワクチン契約書だけを見れば、南アフリカ国民が嘘をつかれていたことは明らかである。政府はそのような主張をする根拠がないことを知りながら、コビッド注射は "安全で効果的 "だと言われたのである。




They said it was “safe and effective”; covid vaccine contracts with the South African government show it was a lie

In August, a South African Court ordered the National Department of Health (“NDOH”) to release covid vaccine contracts and other related documents.  At the beginning of September, the first batch of documents was released.

On Thursday 17 August 2023, the Pretoria High Court ruled in favour of the Health Justice Initiative’s (“HJI’s”) bid to compel the NDOH to provide access to all covid “vaccine” procurement contracts and other documents.  The Court ordered that all covid vaccine contracts (“Part 1”) and negotiation-related documents (“Part 2”) must be made public within 10 court days of the Judgment.

On 1 September, HJI issued a press statement saying that NDOH had handed documents for Part 1 to HJI’s legal team. NDOH has undertaken to share the remainder of the documents, Part 2, which it was ordered to disclose, and in agreement with HJI, by no later than 29 September 2023.

On 5 September, HJI held a press briefing after which they uploaded the Part 1 documents to their website HERE.  The Part 1 documents comprise:

COVAX Facility/Gavi Alliance – Committed Purchase Agreement (dated 11 December 2020).
Janssen Pharmaceutica – Advance Purchase Agreement (26 February 2021).
Janssen Pharmaceutica – Advance Purchase Agreement, Additional Doses (_ April 2021).
Janssen Pharmaceutica – Term Sheet (19 November 2020).
Pfizer – Manufacturing and Supply Agreement (30 March 2021).
Pfizer – Amendment to Manufacturing and Supply Agreement (4 June 2021).
Pfizer – Binding Term Sheet.
Serum Institute of India – Vaccine Purchase Agreement (18 January 2021).
Serum Institute of India – Term Sheet (7 January 2021).
It is worth noting that the HJI was launched in July 2020 in South Africa “to advocate for a more inclusive, equitable public health system, locally and globally, both during and beyond the pandemic.”  It was established using all the verbiage of the Globalist agenda.

The founder of HJI is Fatima Hassan, a South African human rights lawyer and social justice activist.  She is the former executive director of the Open Society Foundation of South Africa, founded by infamous globalist George Soros.

We can safely assume that HJI is under the influence, if not the control, of the Globalists.

Further reading: How the British Invented George Soros, Lew Rockwell, 19 June 2021

Pfizer Covid Vaccine Contract

In the March 2021 manufacturing and supply agreement (“vaccine contract”) between Pfizer and NDOH, there is a paragraph that admits the safety and the efficacy of Pfizer’s covid injection were unknown:

5.1 Purchaser Acknowledgement.

Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized. [Emphasis our own.]

Manufacturing and Supply Agreement Between Pfizer Laboratories Proprietary Limited and the Government of the Republic of South Africa Acting Through the National Department of Health of South Africa ( “NDOH” ), 30 March 2021
Janssen Covid Vaccine Contract

The NDOH contract with Janssen shows a similar lack of confidence in the “safety and efficacy” of its covid injection.

The Janssen covid injection was developed by Janssen Vaccines in Leiden, Netherlands, and its Belgian parent company Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of American company Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”).

The South African government signed two agreements with Janssen.  The first was an ‘Advance Purchase Agreement’ dated 26 February 2021, to secure 11 million doses, followed by a second for the supply of additional doses on an unspecified date in April 2021.

Additional Vaccine Volume

5.2 The Government Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that:

(b) the final total dosage and administration schedule of COVID Vaccine required to protect one (I) individual against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 has not been determined as of the Effective Date [xx April 2021] and, without prejudice to clause 5.2(c), shall be determined solely by Janssen based on data generated in ongoing clinical trials; Janssen shall be entitled to unilaterally adjust the definition of Vaccine Dose set out in this Agreement after the Effective Date based on data generated as part of its ongoing clinical trials. [pg.12]

(c) Janssen provides no warranty that a Vaccine Dose will be sufficient to protect one (I) individual against COVID-19, or that the COVID Vaccine is safe or efficacious [pg.12]

13.4 … Janssen disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, all warranties … relating to the sufficiency of a single Vaccine Dose to protect one (I) individual against SARS-Co V-2/COVID-l 9 or the safety or effectiveness of the COVID Vaccine. [pg. 22] [Emphasis our own.]

Advance Purchase Agreement for SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 Vaccine (Additional Doses), Janssen Pharmacuetica JV and the Government of the Republic of South Africa Acting Through the National Department of Health (the “Government Purchaser”), April 2021
Notably, on the ‘Additional Doses’ purchase agreement’s title page is an EMEA document reference. EMEA refers to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, a geographical grouping used by global corporations to define regional business activity.  Does this mean that Janssen used the same contract for all countries in the EMEA region?

Bottom of the title page for Advance Purchase Agreement for SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 Vaccine (Additional Doses), Janssen Pharmacuetica JV and the Government of the Republic of South Africa Acting Through the National Department of Health (the “Government Purchaser”)
According to Wikipedia, South Africa began its mass covid injection campaign on 17 February 2021.  This is not true. It is more than a week before NDOH signed its first contract to purchase injections on 26 February.  The date Wikipedia gives is, in fact, the date when the trial for Janssen’s vaccine in South Africa began.

The trial participants were healthcare workers, whether they realised they were taking part in a trial or not. In the week ending 21 February, nearly 15,000 people had been injected as part of J&J’s Sisonke covid vaccine trial.  By the end of the following week, 28 February, more than 71,000 healthcare workers had been injected as part of the Sisonke trial.

Enrolment in the Siskone study began on 17 February 2021 and as of 12 April 2021, a total of 288,368 healthcare workers had received J&J’s Ad26.COV2.S vaccine, among whom 5898 (2%) reported adverse events.  Fifty of the trial participants, in other words, healthcare workers, had serious side effects including 12 people who had allergic reactions and six who had neurologic conditions, including a case of Guillain-Barre syndrome and another with Bell’s palsy.  The majority (85%) of participants experienced mild to moderate effects.

In April 2021, South Africa suspended the use of J&J covid injections as a “precautionary measure” and J&J delayed its European vaccine rollout following an FDA decision to pause the jabs while blood clot cases are examined. A few days later, South Africa announced it had resumed its J&J vaccination rollout.

The trial’s early safety data was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine in June 2021.  The authors noted that no cases of the blood clotting condition, known as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (“VITT”), were detected in the South African study. Although, around 28 cases had been identified in vaccinated people in other countries. However, five participants in the Sisonke study did develop blood clots – four of the five cases were linked to the vaccine, while one case was possibly linked.

In June 2021, there was a delay in the South African rollout of the J&J vaccine after it was found that there was a lack of adherence to proper standards at a manufacturing plant in the United States, News24 reported.  The J&J injections intended for South Africa were suspended following a US ruling that ingredients for the country’s doses may have been contaminated during production in a plant in Baltimore.  The US Food and Drug Administration said on 11 June 2021 that some batches of the J&J “vaccine” were not fit to use.

Did the Government Fully Inform the Public?

Did the South African government fully inform the public about the lack of safety and efficacy? No.  In fact, the Government did the opposite.

On its website, the South African government assured the public that the injections were “safe and effective.”  There is no indication of the date the webpage was uploaded or when it was last updated, however, it is clear it is before the public had been subjected to any of the injections:

The first doses of the vaccine are from Johnson & Johnson as its vaccine has proved effective … The country has secured 11 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. [The ‘Advance Purchase Agreement’ with J&J is dated 26 February 2021.]

Vaccines undergo rigorous trials to ensure they are safe and effective. All vaccines go through a comprehensive approval process by medical regulators to ensure that they are safe. Pharmaceutical companies hand over all laboratory studies and safety trials to validate that the vaccine does work.

South Africa reached an agreement with the COVAX Facility to secure 12 million vaccine doses. This will be complemented by other vaccines that are available to South Africa through the African Union’s African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team facility. Pfizer has committed 20 million vaccine doses commencing with deliveries at the end of the first quarter. Government continues to work with various pharmaceutical companies to ensure we immunise 67 per cent of the population.

COVID-19 Coronavirus vaccine, South African Government
We don’t know what Part 2, the remaining documents given to HIJ, may reveal, but from the vaccine contracts alone it is apparent that the South African public was lied to.  They were told the covid injections were “safe and effective” when the Government knew they had no basis to make that assertion.

As of 4 September 2023, more than 39 million doses had been injected into the population – 8 million people had been injected with J&J and 14.7 million had been injected with Pfizer.  The vast majority of injections were administered during the 12 months between May 2021 and April 2022.

By now, there should be at least 23 million very angry South Africans.

Featured image: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa receives the Johnson & Johnson covid injection in South Africa on 17 February 2021.  Source: Sowetan Live
