








1986 July1: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI023946-01


1999:ビル&メリサ・ゲイツ財団がGAVI(ワクチンと予防接種のためのグローバル・アライアンス)を設立し、7億5,000万ドルの資金提供を約束。つまり、GAVIはワクチン映画のちょい役俳優にはなれなかったのである。- https://www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavis-partnership-model/bill-melinda-gates-foundation

2000年:5月、ラルフ・バリックが逆転写(RNAからDNAを作ること)により、より小さな断片から28k塩基対のコロナウイルスを構築することに成功。米国特許6,593,111 B2を申請:本発明は、完全長で機能的なコロナウイルスゲノムのアセンブリに限定されるものではないが、例証される。

本発明者らは、伝達性胃腸炎ウイルス(TGE)の全長感染性クローンのアセンブルに成功した。新規なアプローチを用いて、TGEゲノム全体にまたがる6つの隣接するcDNAサブクローンを単離した。各クローンは、隣接する正しいcDNAサブクローンのみを用いて正確で系統的なアセンブリーを指示するユニークなフランキング相互連結接合部を有するように設計され、その結果、長さ約28.5Kbの無傷のTGE cDNA構築物が得られた - https://patents.justia.com/patent/6593111

他の利点として、TGEの完全長感染クローンはコロナウイルスゲノムの正確な遺伝子改変を可能にする - https://patents.justia.com/patent/6593111

2001年4月20日:ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校のRalph Baricらは、NIHの助成金GM63228を受け、自然界ではイヌやウサギの病原体として存在し、動物にのみ病原性を持つオリジナルのSARSコロナウイルスを、肺上皮細胞を標的として人類に病原性を持つように変換するキメラ研究を行った。この研究を正当化する理由は、HIVワクチンを配布するためのベクターウイルスとして設計されたはずだったからである。この結果、米国特許出願US28531801Pが成立した。

2001年5月21日:ラルフ・バリックとボイド・ヨント(ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校に配属)が米国特許6,593,111 B2 Directional Assembly of Large Viral Genomes and Chromosomesを出願 特許庁の調査報告書に記載されている:Lai, Michael M.C "The making of infectious viral RNA:No size limit in sight" PNAS vol 97 No 10, May 9, 2000 pp 5025-5027 そして、それは見つかった:Thiel et al "Infectious RNA transcribed from a cDNA copy of human coronavirus genome cloud in vaccinia virus 92: 1273-1261 (2001)


2002 年 11 月 16 日:中国南部の広東省で初の非定型肺炎患者が報告される。  

2003年 2月25日:ベトナムのハノイで最初の非定型肺炎患者が報告される。












2003年4月25日:CDCの特許が申請され、最終的にUS 7,220,852(RNA配列に関する特許)およびUS 7,776,521(検査方法に関する特許)となる。これらの特許により、米国保健社会福祉省はSARSコロナウイルスの商業的利用をコントロールできるようになった。


2003年1月26日:アンソニー・ファウチ博士がビル・アンド・メリンダ・ゲイツ財団のGlobal Grand Challenges Scientific Advisory Boardに任命される。

2006年 中国の研究者がHCV、HIV-1、SARS-CoV-1、SARS-CoV-2を結合:Huang Q, Cheng Y, Guo Q, Li Q.Huang Q, Cheng Y, Guo Q, Li Q. Chimeric Armored RNA as a Versatile Calibrator for Multiple Virus Assays.Clinchem 2006; 52(7):1446-1448 and Supplement A.Inform1999200020022003.


2009年4月15日:米国デラウェア州でモデルナTX INC.を設立

2010年8月6日:モデルナ(設立前)は米国特許9,447,164を出願し、Flagship Venturesのベンチャーキャピタルの投資(および「発明」)を集める。この特許は、全米科学財団助成金#0434507の支援を受けたハーバード大学医学部のジェイソン・P・シュラム博士の研究から生まれた。出願は2010年8月の優先権を主張しているが、出願が確定したのは2015年10月である。

2010年9月21日:Wildlife Trustはピーター・ザスダックの指揮の下、ECO Health Allianceに改名

ユニセフ事務局長 アンソニー・レイク氏
ジョイ・プマフィ 国際諮問委員会委員長兼アフリカ指導者マラリア同盟事務局長
博士 ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団グローバル・ヘルス担当プレジデント、山田達氏

2011年3月9日:モデルナTX(MODEfied RNA)がマサチューセッツ州で登録される



US9149506B2: セプチン-4をコードする修飾ポリヌクレオチド - https://patents.google.com/patent/US9149506B2/en
US9216205B2: グラニュライシンをコードする修飾ポリヌクレオチド - https://patents.google.com/patent/US9216205B2/en
US9255129B2: SIAH E3ユビキチンプロテインリガーゼ1をコードする改変ポリヌクレオチド - https://patents.google.com/patent/US9255129B2/en
US9301993B2: アポトーシス誘導因子1をコードする改変ポリヌクレオチド - https://patents.google.com/patent/US9301993B2/en

2013:バリッチと中国の科学者がHKU4スパイクタンパク質を持つ3種類のコロナウイルスをコウモリから分離。Yang Y...Baric RS, et al. コウモリコロナウイルスHKU4のレセプター利用と細胞侵入は、MERSコロナウイルスのコウモリからヒトへの感染に関する洞察を提供する。 PNA 2014;111(34):12516-12521.NIHグラントRO1AI089728 & R21AI109094により資金提供。


2015年 Zhengli博士らは、"HKU4スパイクのヒト細胞への感染能力を構築することを目的として、HKU4スパイクの遺伝子組み換えを行った"。"この目的のために、我々は2つの単一変異を導入した...コロナウイルスのスパイクにおけるこれらのモチーフの変異は、ヒト細胞へのウイルス侵入に劇的な効果を示した"

2015年:BaricとZhengliは、より危険で強毒な感染性ウイルスを作ることができると発表した。中東呼吸器症候群コロナウイルス(MERS)のコウモリからヒトへの感染には2つの変異が重要であった。J Virol.2015;89(17):9199-9123.NIH助成金RO1AI089728、RO1AI110700の助成を受けた。


2016年6月2日モデルナ社が二重CGGコドン・フュリン切断部位についてUS9587003B2を申請:腫瘍学関連タンパク質およびペプチドの生産のための修飾ポリヌクレオチド - https://patents.google.com/patent/US9587003B2/en




https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal - エコヘルスアライアンスDARPAの資金提供提案である。

やれやれ。まさに釘付けだ。DARPAは、エコヘルスアライアンスのピーター・ダスザック氏が2018年3月27日に、SARS1にHIV1型のフリン切断部位を追加する提案を提出したことを確認している。SARS CoV 2にはそのフリン切断部位がある。実際、二重CGGコドンのFurin切断部位がCovid-19とバットコロナウイルスRaGT13の主な違いである。ファウチはEco Health Allianceを通じて武漢に資金を提供した。


デイリー・メール』紙はこの提案について、次のように述べている。『デイリー・メール』紙が明らかにした研究計画の中で最も憂慮すべき点は、ウイルスが宿主を攻撃するのを助ける新しいタイプの『フリン切断部位』をウイルスの遺伝子データベースから探すという計画である。提案によれば、これらの部位の "高リスク "バージョンが特定されれば、遺伝子操作によってSARSのようなコウモリコロナウイルスに移植されることになる。COVID-19の原因ウイルスであるSARS-CoV-2にはこのようなフリン切断部位があり、その威力と致死性を高めている。

実際、二重CGGコドンのフリン切断部位は自然界のどのウイルスにも存在しない。 そしてこの提案は、SARS CoV 2とCovid-19の生みの親であるPeter Daszak/ECO Health Allinaceに釘を刺す。このCovid-19は、バットコロナウイルスRaTG13とは、二重CGGコドン・フリン切断部位の挿入と、その他の小さな逸脱によってのみ異なっており、その長さはすべて3塩基対(1コドン)以下である - https://expose-news.com/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/

2018年:Zhengliは2018年11月14日に上海交通大学で "Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its cross-species infection "と題して研究発表を行う。この発表はその後、大学のウェブサイトから削除された。

2019年3月28日:モデルナ社が遺伝子治療用mRNA-1273(アミノ酸鎖)Covid-19ワクチンの最終特許を、感染症発生の6カ月前に出願 - https://www.modernatx.com/patents

US 10,703,789 2019年1月12日出願
US 10,702,600 2020年2月28日出願
US 10,577,403 2019年6月12日出願
US 10,442,756 2017年12月18日出願
2018年6月11日出願 US 10,266,485
米国 10,064,959 2017年4月21日出願
2017年7月27日出願 US 9,868,692


2019年8月7日:メリーランド州のフォートデトリックは、米国のバイオ兵器生産の中心地である。2019年8月7日、その致命的な細菌研究業務は、特に危険物の廃棄に関する重大な安全違反の後、突然停止された - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Detrick CDCは2019年7月15日、フォートデトリックに停止命令を出した。ヘザー・モンギリオが報じたFredericknewspost.comによると、研究所は8月2日にすべての研究を保留し、2019August7日に閉鎖された - https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2019/08/07/fort-detrick-lab-shut-down-after-failed-safety-inspection-all-research-halted-indefinitely/ https://www.military.com/daily-news/2019/11/24/cdc-inspection-findings-reveal-more-about-fort-detrick-research-suspension.html 研究所は2019年11月下旬に部分的に再開し、2020年4月に完全に再開した。リンクは現在変更され、記事は抑制されている。
https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/health/fort-detrick-lab-shut-down-after-failed-safety-inspection-all-research-halted-indefinitely/article_767f3459-59c2-510f-9067-bb215db4396d.html EUの人々にはリンクが機能しなくなった。最初に掲載されたときは機能していた!


2019年10月グレン・ベック、武漢の10病院でCovid-19感染者が出た証拠を発見 - https://100percentfedup.com/bombshell-glenn-beck-reveals-nih-and-moderna-worked-on-mrna-vaxx-together-before-pandemic/



2019年:12月31日 武漢市衛生委員会がCOVID-19肺炎について論じた報告書を削除。



この年表は、新しいタイプのコロナウイルスが出現し、人類の健康を脅かすようになる前に、バリック、ダザック、ゼンリの悪夢のようなチームが、フォーチのNIAIDとコリンズのNIH、そして米国政府から1億1400万ドル以上の資金援助を受けて、その新しいタイプのコロナウイルスを自分たちで作る能力を開発していたことを証明している。これはSARS Cov 1、MERS、SARS CoV 2(Covid-19)に当てはまる。

つまり、ファウチのNIAIDと米国政府は、バリックとダザックに資金を提供し、これらの生物兵器を作らせたのである。しかし、能力が開発されると、貪欲さが生まれ、非常に有益なビジネスモデルが目につくようになった。さらに、世界的なリセットによる政治的な人口抑制モデルも登場した。この2つのモデルは、あまりにも多くの権力者にとって魅力的だった。そのため、これらの兵器が作られてから間もなく、公開する決断が下されたのである。SARSのCoV 2(Covid-19の原因)が人為的に作られたものであることは疑う余地がない。なぜなら、このウイルスには天然のウイルスには見られない二重CGGコドン・フュリン切断部位があるからである。- https://expose-news.com/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/

NIAIDやNIH、あるいは米国政府から資金提供を受けていないウイルスは存在しない。つまり、これは米国政府のプログラムなのである。それゆえ、コビッド19の起源を調査するようバイデンが情報機関に指示した結果、こう明らかな嘘をついたのだ:我々は知らない。この一つの結論は、それ自体が米国の諜報機関がパンデミックの背後にいるという証拠である。なぜなら、彼らはそれが人為的なものであることを知っているからである。実際、『The Exposé』の読者なら誰もがそのことを知っている。

米国情報機関が『The Exposé』の存在に気づいていない可能性はゼロに等しい。5カ国のコビッド19の統計部門はすべて、『The Exposé』の記事に対し、数値の公表を中止するか、部門長を非難するか、数値の計算方法を変更するか、あるいは数値を不正に操作している。つまり、彼らは隠蔽しているのだ。だから有罪なのだ。また、2019年10月に武漢の10の病院で感染が起こる2カ月前の8月に、フォートデトリック(米国の主要な生物兵器施設)が情報漏えいにより閉鎖されたことは、あまりにも近すぎる。











米国政府 武漢ウイルス研究所への資金援助

武漢研究所は、2015年から2019年までの4年間にわたり、オバマ大統領が承認した370万ドルの助成金を米国政府から得た。- https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-admin-wuhan-lab-grant/

ファウチはまた、NIAID(国立アレルギー感染症研究所)から370万ドルを彼らに与えた-2019年、NIAIDの後ろ盾のもと、国立衛生研究所は、いくつかの機能獲得研究を含む研究のために6年間で370万ドルを約束した。このプログラムは、2019年に終了したコウモリコロナウイルスの収集と研究のための別の370万ドル、5年間のプロジェクトに続くもので、合計で740万ドルになる。- https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741


ノースカロライナ州チャペルヒルでの研究に加え、生物兵器としてのコロナウイルスの研究は、米メリーランド州フォートデトリックで行なわれていた。 この研究所は、適切な封じ込め基準を維持していなかったとして、2019年7月に米国疾病予防管理センター(CDC)から指摘を受けている」-https://www.fromrome.info/tag/fort-detrick/


2001年5月1日:https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-GM063228-03 2001年から2004年までの4年間で$1,007,735。
バリック、ラルフ S.

2004年2月15日 : https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI059136-01 2004年から2008年までの5年間で140万2316万ドル。

目的1:完全長SARS cDNAクローンを開発し、生化学的アッセイとマカク挑戦実験を用いて、救出した分子クローンウイルスの表現型を野生型と比較する。

2004年5月15日 : https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI061819-01 2004年度367,042ドル

2005年5月1日: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/P01-AI059443-01A1 2005年分$1,676,513

ノースカロライナ大学のRalph Baricに対するNIAIDの助成金総額は$46,958,414であった。 (https://grantome.com Baric, Ralphに対するすべての助成金)

デビッド・マーティン博士 - https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf (完全な正確ではない)
https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_6f632cc8d75d4d8c8b90cc749262f4b4.pdf Richard Flemming (comprehensive).
www.lordswitnesses.net/downloads/Flemming.pdf リチャード・フレミング(包括的)。
https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20030411/sars-timeline-of-outbreak (詳細)




A: 指導者が大量殺戮的で、私たちが長く生き残るためには排除しなければならない種である。



ウイルスが宿主を攻撃するのに役立つ新しいタイプの「フリン切断部位」をウイルスの遺伝子データベースから探す。この提案によれば、これらの部位の "危険度の高い "バージョンが特定されれば、遺伝子操作によってSARSのようなコウモリ・コロナウイルスに移植されることになる。

SARS-CoV-2が作られたのはまさにこの方法である(基本的に、二重CGGコドンPRRAR Furin Cleavage部位がRaTG13コウモリコロナウイルスに挿入された)。自然界にはどのウイルスにも二重CGGコドンのフリン切断部位は存在しないからである。











CONFIRMED – COVID-19 is Man-Made & Fauci, Bill Gates, Daszak & Moderna are responsible

The US government funded Peter Daszak’s ECO Health Alliance to the tune of $61,491,183 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. It also directly or indirectly funds the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $7.4 million dollars to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. Meanwhile, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded Ralph Baric to the tune of $46,958,414 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans.

This totals more than $114 million in the period from 2000 to 2020 to make new coronaviruses which are infectious to humans.

There is no question that SARS CoV 2 (causing Covid-19) is man-made. Here’s the evidence…

By a concerned reader

A Brief History of man-made pathogens designed by Baric, Daszak, Zhengli and Moderna and funded by Fauci, the NIH, the NIAID and the US Government to carry out the research necessary for the creation of SARS, MERS and Covid-19 –

1984: Dr Anthony Fauci is appointed director of the NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious diseases) – There is an Orwellian Appointment for you.

1986 July1: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI023946-01 1986 – 1999 funding amounts not specified and then funded by $1,987,840 over 7 years from 2000 to 2007 excluding 2002.
NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases) funding Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Subject: Mechanism of MHV Replication (Mouse Hepatitis Virus). This was the start of the partnership between Fauci and Baric.

1999: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses.

1999: The Bill and Mellisa Gates Foundation set up GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) with a promise of $750 million in funding. So it was never going to be a bit part actor in the vaccine movie. – https://www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavis-partnership-model/bill-melinda-gates-foundation

2000: In May Ralph Baric successfully constructs a 28k base pair Coronavirus from smaller fragments by reverse transcription (making DNA from RNA)  He makes an infectious TGE (Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus – which is a type of Coronavirus) clone from isolated components of the genome. He files for US Patent 6,593,111 B2: The invention is exemplified by, although not limited to, the assembly of full-length, functional coronavirus genomes.

The present inventors have successfully assembled a full length infectious clone of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGE). Using a novel approach, six adjoining cDNA subclones that span the entire TGE genome were isolated. Each clone was engineered with unique flanking interconnecting junctions which dictate a precise, systematic assembly with only the correct adjacent cDNA subclones, resulting in an intact TGE cDNA construct of about approximately 28.5 Kb in length – https://patents.justia.com/patent/6593111 .

Among other advantages, full-length infectious clones of TGE permit the precise genetic modification of the coronavirus genome –  https://patents.justia.com/patent/6593111

2001: April 20: NIH Grant GM63228 funds Ralph Baric et al at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to do Chimera research to transform the original SARS Coronavirus which was pathogenic only to animals, existing in nature as a pathogen for dogs and rabbits, to make it pathogenic to mankind targeting lung epithelial cells. The justification for this research was that it was supposedly designed as a vector virus to distribute HIV vaccines. This resulted in US patent application US28531801P

2001 May21: Ralph Baric and Boyd Yount (Assigned to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) file US Patent 6,593,111 B2 Directional Assembly of Large Viral Genomes and Chromosomes  The Patent Office search report found: Lai, Michael M.C “The making of infectious viral RNA: No size limit in sight” PNAS vol 97 No 10, May 9, 2000 pp 5025-5027 And it found: Thiel et al “Infectious RNA transcribed in vitro from a cDNA copy of human coronavirus genome cloud in vaccinia virus 92: 1273-1261 (2001)

2002: April 19: The University of North Carolina files US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors were: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric

2002 November 16: The first case of an atypical pneumonia is reported in the Guangdong province in southern China.  

2003 February 25: First cases of unusual pneumonia reported in Hanoi, Vietnam.

2003 February 28: WHO officer Carlo Urbani, MD, examines an American businessman with an unknown form of pneumonia in a French hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam.

2003 March10: Urbani reports an unusual outbreak of the illness, which he calls sudden acute respiratory syndrome or SARS, to the main office of the WHO. He notes that the disease has infected an unusually high number of healthcare workers (22) at the hospital (in Hanoi, Vietnam).

2003 March11: A similar outbreak of a mysterious respiratory disease is reported among healthcare workers in Hong Kong.

2003 March15: WHO issues a heightened global health alert about the mysterious pneumonia with a case definition of SARS after cases in Singapore and Canada are also identified. The alert includes a rare emergency travel advisory to international travellers, healthcare professionals and health authorities.

2003 March17:  An international network of 11 leading laboratories is established to determine the cause of SARS and develop potential treatments.

2003 March24: CDC officials present the first evidence that a new strain of a virus most frequently associated with upper respiratory infections and the common cold in humans called the coronavirus might be a likely cause of SARS.

2003 March29: Carlo Urbani, who identified the first cases of SARS, dies as a result of the disease. Researchers later suggest naming the agent that causes the disease after the infectious disease expert.

2003 April4: President George W. Bush adds SARS to the list of quarantinable diseases, which gives the CDC the authority to isolate persons who might have been exposed to the disease.

2003 April12: Canadian researchers announce they have completed the first successful sequencing of the genome of the coronavirus believed to cause SARS.

2003 April14: CDC officials announce their laboratories have sequenced a nearly identical strain of the SARS-related coronavirus. The CDC version includes an additional 15 nucleotides, which provides the important beginning of the sequence.

2003 April16: A new form of a coronavirus never before seen in humans is confirmed as the cause of SARS according to Koch’s postulates, which are four specific conditions that must be met for a pathogen to be confirmed as a causal agent of disease.

2003 April 25: CDC Patent filed and ultimately becomes US 7,220,852 (the patent on the RNA sequence) and 7,776,521 (the patent on the testing methodology). These patents give the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the ability to control the commercial exploitation of SARS coronavirus.

2003 July2: WHO removes Toronto, Canada from its list of areas with recent local SARS transmission after 20 days passed since the last SARS case was reported and isolated.

2003 January26: Dr. Anthony Fauci appointed to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Grand Challenges Scientific Advisory Board (served through 2010 – when he joined their Global Vaccine Action Plan).

2006 Chinese researchers combine HCV, HIV-1, SARS-CoV-1 & SARS-CoV-2: Huang Q, Cheng Y, Guo Q, Li Q. Preparation of a Chimeric Armored RNA as a Versatile Calibrator for Multiple Virus Assays. Clinchem 2006; 52(7):1446-1448 and Supplement A.Inform1999200020022003.

2007: NSF Grant IIS-0513650 (Italy, France and Indiana University) study addresses FIRST CRITICAL STEP to control a pandemic – shutdown International Travel. Given this knowledge why did Fauci tell Trump a Travel Ban was unnecessary?

2009 April15: ModernaTX INC is incorporated in Delaware USA

2010 August 6: Moderna (prior to its establishment) files U.S. Patent 9,447,164 which attracted the investment of (and “inventorship” for) venture capitalists at Flagship Ventures. This patent grew out of the work of Dr. Jason P. Schrum of Harvard Medical School supported by National Science Foundation Grant #0434507 . While the application claims priority to August 2010, the application didn’t get finalized until October, 2015.

2010 September21: Wildlife Trust is rebranded to become ECO Health Alliance under the directorship of Peter Daszak.

2010: The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.   https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2010/12/global-health-leaders-launch-decade-of-vaccines-collaboration.
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

2011 March9: ModernaTX (MODEfied RNA) was registered in Massachussetts

2012 September22: UK Identifies first case of MERS

2012-April2: Moderna claims priority to US201261618957P in its 5 patents cited below all of which refer to a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site.

2013 December 16: Moderna files 4 patents referring to a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site.
US9149506B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding septin-4 – https://patents.google.com/patent/US9149506B2/en
US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin – https://patents.google.com/patent/US9216205B2/en
US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 – https://patents.google.com/patent/US9255129B2/en
US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 – https://patents.google.com/patent/US9301993B2/en

2013: Baric and Chinese scientists isolate 3 coronaviruses from bats with HKU4 spike protein – unable to infect human cells. Yang Y…Baric RS, et al. Receptor usage and cell entry of bat coronavirus HKU4 provide insight into bat-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus. PNAS 2014;111(34):12516-12521. Funded with NIH grants RO1AI089728 & R21AI109094.

2014 October 17: Obama Administration halts Gain-of-Function Research

2015 Dr. Zhengli et al “reengineered HKU4 spike aiming to build its capacity to infect human cells.” “To this end, we introduced two single mutations…mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.”

2015: Baric and Zhengli announce they can make a more dangerous, virulent and infectious virus. Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS). J Virol.2015;89(17):9199-9123. Funded by NIH grants RO1AI089728, RO1AI110700.

2015 July: South Korea had its last case of MERS. There were 2,494 confirmed laboratory cases and a total of 858 deaths in 27 countries; 80% of these cases came from Saudi Arabia. So the mortality rate for MERS was 34.4%. But it was not very transmissible. Infections were limited to family members, other hospital patients and health care workers who encountered MERS patients.

2016 June2: Moderna files US9587003B2 referring to a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site: Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides  – https://patents.google.com/patent/US9587003B2/en

2017: Gain-of-Function Research Ban Lifted

2018: US Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS Coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to he US National Institute for Health (NIH) – who funded it in the first place.

2018 March 27: Peter Daszac and the Eco Health Alliance in 2018 submitted a proposal to DARPA to do gain of function research on SARS coronaviruses to insert is furin cleavage site (such as is found in HIV1) in an optimal position into the coronavirus gene. COVID-19 has a furin cleavage site optimally positioned to infect humans. https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/

Let’s look at the big picture: A novel SARS coronavirus emerges in Wuhan with a novel cleavage site in it. We now have evidence that, in early 2018, they had pitched inserting novel cleavage sites into novel SARS-related viruses in their lab,” said Chan. “This definitely tips the scales for me. And I think it should do that for many other scientists too.”
https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal  – this is the Eco health alliance DARPA funding proposal.

Oh dear. That really nails it. DARPA confirms that Peter Daszac of the Eco Health Alliance submitted a proposal on 2018March27 to add an HIV1 type furin cleavage site to SARS1. SARS CoV 2 has that furin cleavage site. In fact the double CGG codon Furin cleavage site is the main difference between Covid-19 and the Bat Coronavirus RaGT13. Fauci funded Wuhan through the Eco Health Alliance.

Here is Peter Daszak admitting that he and Ralph Baric made new forms of SARS in the lab –

The Daily Mail said of this proposal – The most alarming aspect of the research plan revealed in the documents is a plan to search viral genetic databases for new types of ‘furin cleavage sites’ which help a virus attack a host. According to the proposal, ‘high-risk’ versions of these sites, once identified, would then be grafted onto SARS-like bat coronaviruses via genetic engineering. This revelation is alarming because SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, has just such a furin cleavage site, which increases its power and deadliness, but a similar feature has never been observed in other SARS-like coronaviruses in nature.

Actually the double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site does not exist in ANY virus in nature. And this proposal nails Peter Daszak/ECO Health Allinace at the creator of SARS CoV 2 and Covid-19. which differs from the Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 only by the insertion of double CGG Codon Furin cleavage site and by other smaller deviations all of which are 3 or less base pairs (1 codon) long – https://expose-news.com/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/  

2018: Zhengli presents research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on 14 Nov. 2018 entitled “Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its cross-species infection.” This presentation has since been deleted from the University website.

2019 March 28: Moderna files their final patent application for their gene therapy mRNA-1273 (amino acid chain) Covid-19 vaccine, 6 months before the outbreak of the disease.-  https://www.modernatx.com/patents

US 10,703,789 filed January 12 2019
US 10,702,600 filed February 28 2020
US 10,577,403 filed June 12 2019
US 10,442,756 filed December 18 2017
US 10,266,485 filed June 11 2018
US 10,064,959 filed April 21 2017
US 9,868,692 filed July 27, 2017

The 2nd patent, filed on February 28 2020 was a continuation of an earlier patent application number 16/368,270 which was filed on March 28, 2019

2019August 7: Fort Detrick in Maryland  si the centre of all US bio weapons production. On August 7th, 2019, its deadly germ research operations were abruptly shutdown following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Detrick  The CDC issued a Cease and Desist to Fort Detrick on 2019July15. The lab put all research on hold on August2 and was shut down on 2019August7 according to Fredericknewspost.com reported by Heather Mongilio – https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2019/08/07/fort-detrick-lab-shut-down-after-failed-safety-inspection-all-research-halted-indefinitely/  https://www.military.com/daily-news/2019/11/24/cdc-inspection-findings-reveal-more-about-fort-detrick-research-suspension.html  The lab reopened partially in late November 2019 and fully reopened in April 2020. The Link has now been changed, the article has been suppressed.
https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/health/fort-detrick-lab-shut-down-after-failed-safety-inspection-all-research-halted-indefinitely/article_767f3459-59c2-510f-9067-bb215db4396d.html  Link does not work for EU people any more. It worked when it was first posted!

2019: Summer deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology Corona Virus data bank.

2019 October: Glen Beck discovers evidence that 10 hospitals in Wuhan had Covid-19 cases – https://100percentfedup.com/bombshell-glenn-beck-reveals-nih-and-moderna-worked-on-mrna-vaxx-together-before-pandemic/

2019: November: University of North Carolina, Moderna and NIH began the sequencing of the 1273 amino acid spike protein vaccine a month before the outbreak officially occurred.

2019 November 12: Black and Vetch sends $369,511  to Labyrinth Global Health in Ukraine for ” Covid-19 Research” before Covid-19 was know or named publicly..

2019: December 31 Wuhan Municipal Health Commission report discussing COVID-19 pneumonia – deleted.

2019: December31: WHO is informed of a pneumonia type outbreak in Wuhan.


This timeline proves that before every new type of Coronavirus appeared and became a threat to the health of mankind, the nightmare team of Baric, Daszak and Zhengli funded by Fauci’s NIAID and the NIH of Collins and the US government with more than 114 million dollars (see below for the breakdown), had developed the capability to make that new type of Coronavirus themselves. This is true of SARS Cov 1, of MERS and of SARS CoV 2 (Covid-19).

So it seems to the writer that Fauci’s NIAID and the US Government, funded Baric and Daszak to make these bioweapons – possibly for legitimate national security reasons. But when the capability had been developed, then greed set in and a very profitable business model became visible. Furthermore a global reset political population control model also appeared. These two models were too appealing to too many powerful people. So the decisions were made to release these weapons not long after they were made. There is no question that SARS CoV 2 (causing Covid-19) is man made, because the virus has a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site which does not appear in any natural virus. – https://expose-news.com/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/

There is no candidate for its creation that is not funded by the NIAID or the NIH or the US government. So this is a US government program. Hence Biden’s instruction to his intelligence services to investigate the origins of Covid-19 resulted in the obvious lie that: WE DON’T KNOW. That one conclusion, is in itself a proof that the US intelligence services are behind the pandemic. Because they do know that it was man made. Indeed every reader of the Expose knows that.

The chances of the US intelligence services being unaware of the existence of the Expose in circumstances where every Covid-19 stats department in the 5 eyes countries has responded to their articles by either stopping producing figures, or castigating department heads or changing the way figures are calculated or straight up rigging their figures, are Zero. So they are covering up. So they are guilty. Also the closure of Fort Detrick (the premier US bioweapons facility) due to a leak, in August, 2 months before the October 2019 infections in 10 hospitals in Wuhan, is far too close for comfort.

When you add to this the fact the Eugenicist Bill Gates and his foundation have been vaccine mad since 1999. You begin to see that this may not have been a legitimate national security endeavour from the start.

When you consider that Fauci’s NIAID has been funding Baric since 1986, you see that these players are part of a long standing team.

When you consider how much money they have received from the US government, you see who really is managing this team.

When you consider the number of biolabs discovered in Ukraine, you see how seriously the US government takes bioweapons research.

When you consider that Moderna had all 7 of its vaccine patents filed 6 months before the outbreak of the disease, and has the double CGG codon cited in 5 of its patent applications dating from 2013, you realise that they are on the inside of this game and a part of the team (through Fauci presumably).

So we know it was man made. We know who funded its creation. We know who created it. We know who profited from it. We know who used it for political control. All that remains is to determine whether those who profited from it and funded it and sought control from it deliberately arranged for its release in order to realise those profits and that control. That is for the reader to decide.

What I will say is that the US funded Biolabs were not located in Ukraine in order to target Genetic Russians in my opinion. Because first of all I do not think mankind has that capability yet (thank God). And secondly the Russians developed their own vaccines denying their market to the nightmare team above. And thirdly even if a virus could be designed which preferentially targeted some aspects of a typical Russian genome, that would constitute a war crime against every nation. Because genetic Russians do not only live in Russia and are not only Russian citizens.

They live all over the globe in large numbers in every country. Such a weapon would be a universal world war, the minute it was released. I think those labs were in Ukraine in order to further the globalist agenda.  Perhaps when they released the next pathogen, they were going to blame it upon Russia, rather than upon China? Or maybe just admit the US did it. Whatever the globalists think will case the most damage to the system they are trying to destroy or should I say reset, in order to build back better.

Funding for the creation of Covid-19
US Government Funding for Peter Daszak and ECO Health Alliance

US government Funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The Wuhan lab got a $3.7 million grant from the US government approved by Obama running over 4 years from 2015 to 2019. – https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-admin-wuhan-lab-grant/

Fauci also gave them $3.7 million from the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)  – In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million. – https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741

“The controversy was such that it led to a Congressional moratorium on chimeric research in the USA. At which point, Dr. Antonio Fauci diverted 3.7 Million U.S. Dollars of U.S. Taxpayer monies to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to continue the research. Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel to U. S. President Donald Trump, and former Mayor of New York city, recently demanded an explanation from Dr. Fauci for this transfer, which violated U.S. Laws against funding the research.

In addition to the research done at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the specific kind of research into Coronaviruses as possible biological warfare agents, was being done at Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA, by the U. S. Army, which has a Level 3 and 4 Biowarfare Lab at the military base. This lab was cited by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July, 2019 for failure to maintain proper containment standards” – https://www.fromrome.info/tag/fort-detrick/

NIAID and NIGMS Funding of Ralph S. Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2001 May1: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-GM063228-03 $1,007,735 over 4 years from 2001 to 2004
NIGMS (National Institute of General Medical Sicences)
Reverse Genetics with A Coronavirus Infectious Construct
Baric, Ralph S.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2004 February15: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI059136-01 $1.402,316 million over 5 years from 2004 to 2008.
Reverse Genetics
Baric, Ralph S.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Aim 1, we will develop a full length SARS cDNA clone and compare the phenotype of rescued molecular cloned viruses with wildtype using biochemical assays and macaque challenge experiments.
Aim 2, we will develop high titer SARS single hit replicons for use as expression vectors and vaccines.
Aim 3, we will select for SARS host range mutants that replicate in murine (mouse and rat) cells, identify the mechanism of SARS cross species transmission using reverse genetic approaches and evaluate the pathogenicity of these viruses in rodents and non human primates. The goal of this application is to establish genetic control over the SARS genome and provide uniform reagents that will be used by other groups throughout the country.

2004 May15: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI061819-01 $367,042 for 2004
Remodeling SARS Coronavirus Genome Regulatory Networks
Baric, Ralph S.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2005 May1: https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/P01-AI059443-01A1 $1,676,513 for 2005
Developing Vaccine Candidates for the SARS Coronavirus
Baric, Ralph S.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Total NIAID funding for Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina was $46,958,414. (https://grantome.com all grants to Baric, Ralph)

Dr David Martin – https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf (not entirely accurate)
https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_6f632cc8d75d4d8c8b90cc749262f4b4.pdf Richard Flemming (comprehensive).
www.lordswitnesses.net/downloads/Flemming.pdf Richard Flemming (comprehensive).
https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20030411/sars-timeline-of-outbreak  (detailed)

So the US government funded Peter Daszak’s ECO Health Alliance to the tune of 61,491, 183 dollars. It directly or indirectly funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of 7.4 million dollars and the NIAID (with a million or so from the NIGMS) funded Ralph Baric to the tune of 46, 958,414 dollars. This totals more than 114 million dollars in the period from 2000 to 2020 to make new Coronaviruses which are infectious to humans.

Q: What kind of a species succeeds in making the common cold more dangerous, but fails to find a cure for it?

Q: What kind of a species makes and enforces a vaccine for a disease which is more lethal than the disease itself?

A: A species whose leadership is genocidal and needs to be removed if we are to survive much longer.


Peter Daszak’s DARPA proposal to…

Search viral genetic databases for new types of ‘furin cleavage sites’ which help a virus attack a host. According to the proposal, ‘high-risk’ versions of these sites, once identified, would then be grafted onto SARS-like bat coronaviruses via genetic engineering.

Is precisely how SARS-CoV-2 was made (essentially the double CGG codon PRRAR Furin Cleavage site was inserted into the RaTG13 Bat Coronavirus). It was man made, because nature does not have a double CGG codon furin cleavage site in any virus  

The way man made it was to add that cleavage site as Daszak proposed. DARPA rejected his proposal quite rightly (under Trump), because it is a really dangerous thing to do as we have now all discovered. But Daszak had other sources of funding and the proposal became a reality

This is a lot more evidence and detail for Daszak’s role in the creation of Covid-19 in the website https://eco-healthalliance.org/  I do recommend looking at it. It is written by a victim of Covid-19 who has done a massive amount of research. He discloses the Daszak introduced Ralph Baric to Shi Zheng Li and postulates that Daszak orchestrated the whole show.

He reveals that Daszak was a fact checker at Facebook for a while! He represents that his father was a Nazi death camp executioner in Ukraine during WW2. The author of the site is embittered against Daszak and the site is a Daszak take down. But the passion he feels has driven him to do a lot of interesting research – which should be seen.

Ironically, the way I proved that Covid-19 was man made was to do precisely what Peter Daszak wanted DARPA to pay him to do, not for any human targeting Furin Cleavage site but for the particular embodiment of it found in SARS2 (the one that Daszak and the nightmare team eventually settled on i suspect).

When I found that no natural virus had that embodiment at all, I knew that Covid-19 was man made. Having read the DARPA proposal I believe that man was Peter Daszak, the guy who organised the letter to the Lancet from 27 scientists organised by Peter Daszak who said:

“We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”

Well, in my book they are none of them are scientists. Because science is about making hypotheses from evidence and formulating theories to be tested by experimentation. It is not about strongly condemning those who follow the scientific method and slandering their efforts using derogatory language.

These 27 are now shown up for what they truly are. I challenge all 27 of them to show me a virus which occurred in nature before 2019 and has a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site (PRRAR). If they cannot find one then retract their name from that self-condemning letter, and return to being what they were trained to be..

Allow me to explain something to the 27 of Daszak. When two scientists get together and formulate a new scientific theory by discussion, that is a conspiracy theory, a theory arising out of their ‘breathing- together’. If you ban conspiracy theories from science, then any theory which results from any meeting between scientists must be thrown out.

That would abolish most of science. Because even when a scientist by himself formulates a theory as a result of a moment of inspiration, that theory will have had seeds planted through many preceding moments of conspiration. In short, if you condemn conspiracy theories, then you are a 21st century politician, not a scientist. You may very well be offered a nice lucrative job as a fact checker at facebook, youtube or twitter, however.
