

2023年8月21日 ローラ・ハリス

昨年のノーベル物理学賞受賞者であるジョン・クラウザー博士は、1,600人以上の科学者や専門家とともに、"気候危機は存在しない "という宣言に署名した。








クラウザーは "気候緊急事態"に反対するキャンペーンに参加したため、沈黙させられた


しかし、Co2連合によると、IMF独立評価局のパブロ・モレノ局長からの電子メールによると、クラウザー氏のプレゼンテーションは "延期 "されたとのことで、セミナーは中止となった。この決定は、量子エコシステムの革新に焦点を当てた国際会議「Quantum Korea 2023」での講演で、気候危機の存在に異議を唱えたクラウザー氏の最近の発言を受けたものだ。


この発言は、クラウザーが以前、"本当の気候危機 "は存在せず、むしろ間違った気候科学が悪化させたエネルギー危機であるとの見解を示したことと呼応している。






活動家たちが言い続ける "気候危機 "はどこにあるのか?




ノーベル賞受賞者のDr. ジョン・クラウザーによれば、気候危機など存在しない...すべては政治的目的のために流されたデマだという。





Nobel Prize laureate, over 1,600 scientists and professionals declare: There is NO climate crisis
08/21/2023 Laura Harris

Dr. John Clauser, last year's winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, has joined more than 1,600 scientists and professionals in signing a declaration that says "there is no climate crisis."

The signatories from across the world are members of the Global Climate Intelligence Group (GCIG), an affiliate of the Climate Intelligence Foundation, a think tank operating in the fields of climate change and policy.

The members of GCIG, consisting of experts in climate science, policy and other related fields, believe that the climate discourse is a misinterpretation of data and the undue influence of media hysteria. They aim to present an alternative perspective on climate change and its perceived urgency. (Related: CCP proves ‘climate’ fight not really about climate.)

According to the members of the GCIG, historical geological records demonstrate that the planet has undergone different natural cycles of both warm and cold phases throughout its existence, including the recent end of the Little Ice Age from the 13th to the 19th century. With that, the declaration contends that natural factors rather than exclusively human activities contribute to shaping the natural Earth patterns.

They also point out the claim that the pace of global warming is slower than previously predicted by climate models. This discrepancy between real-world observations and model predictions underscores the complexity of climate science and the challenges in understanding the intricacies of climate change.

The declaration further criticizes the reliance on climate models as a basis for policy decisions. These models have inherent shortcomings and often exaggerate the effects of greenhouse gases while neglecting the positive aspects of factors such as increased atmospheric CO2. They contend that CO2 is not a pollutant but rather an essential component of the ecosystem, essential for plant growth and global plant biomass.

Contrary to the claims of climate scientists, the GCIG members argue that there is no solid statistical evidence linking increased global warming to more intense or frequent hurricanes, floods and droughts. Instead, the signatories suggest that the focus should shift towards adaptation rather than drastic mitigation measures.

According to the signatories, the measures aimed at mitigating CO2 emissions have proven detrimental without delivering proportional benefits. They suggest that these efforts could result in significant economic losses while having little effect on the climate.

Clauser was silenced for joining the campaign against "climate emergency"

Clauser, a renowned physicist who recently joined the campaign against climate emergency, was supposed to make a presentation at an International Monetary Fund (IMF) seminar on July 27.

But according to the Co2 Coalition, the seminar was called off after an email from IMF Independent Evaluation Office Director Pablo Moreno, the Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of IMF stated that Clauser's presentation had been "postponed." This decision followed the recent comments of Clauser disputing the existence of a climate crisis during a speech at Quantum Korea 2023, an international conference focusing on quantum ecosystem innovations.

"I don't believe there is a climate crisis," Clauser boldly proclaimed during his speech in Seoul. "The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena."

These statements echoed previous sentiments expressed by Clauser, where he had opined that there is no "real climate crisis" but rather an energy crisis exacerbated by what he believed was incorrect climate science.

Dr. William Harper, a founder of the Co2 Coalition, condemned the IMF's decision to cancel the seminar, labeling it a "disgrace" and a suppression of academic freedom. "It's a sad day when a distinguished scientist like Dr. Clauser is silenced because his views challenge the mainstream narrative," Harper said in a statement to Newsweek.

The latest news about the climate change hoax can be found at ClimateScienceNews.com.

Watch this episode of the "Health Ranger Report" as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses the climate alarmism-fueled geoengineering scheme to dim the sun, pollute the skies and freeze the planet's oceans.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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