

2023年6月10日 22:12





「当初から我々はウクライナの人々の側に立ち、カナダへのロシアが所有・運航するすべてのフライトに対して、NOTAMを実施した」と運輸大臣Omar Alghabraは声明の中で述べている。"我々はウクライナに味方し、プーチン大統領に圧力をかけるため、今回の差し押さえを含め、必要なあらゆる行動をとっていく。"

ジャスティン・トルドー首相は、土曜日にクリスティア・フリーランド副首相とともにキエフをサプライズ訪問し、その際にウクライナを "21世紀の未来を決定する槍の穂先 "と呼びました。






オタワ、6月10日 /タス通信/. ロシア所有のAn-124(アントノフ)貨物機を押収し、ウクライナに引き渡すというカナダのジャスティン・トルドー首相の決定は、違法で典型的な窃盗だと、オタワのロシア大使オレグ・ステパノフが土曜日、TASSに伝えた。




Jun 10, 2023 22:12
RT News
Canada to give stolen Russian cargo plane to Ukraine

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also pledged even more military aid to Kiev

The Canadian government has confirmed its plans to seize and transfer to Kiev an Antonov-124 transport aircraft, owned by Russia’s Volga-Dnepr air carrier. The announcement comes amid Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s surprise visit to Ukraine.

The seizure of this “important asset” is the “first step of the Government of Canada’s action under the asset seizure and forfeiture regime and is designed to put additional pressure on Russia,” Ottawa said in a press release on Saturday.

The An-124 Ruslan had been chartered by the Canadian government from a Russian air carrier to deliver a cargo of Covid tests from China back in 2022. It landed in Toronto on February 27, mere hours before Canada closed its airspace to all Russian aircraft, and has been grounded ever since.

“From the beginning we have stood on the side of the Ukrainian people, and implemented a NOTAM against all Russian-owned and operated flights into Canada,” transport minister Omar Alghabra said in a statement. “We stand with Ukraine and will take any and all necessary actions, including this seizure, to put pressure on President Putin.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a surprise visit to Kiev on Saturday, alongside his Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, during which he called Ukraine the “tip of the spear that is determining the future of the 21st century.”

“We want peace on Ukrainian terms,” Trudeau claimed, announcing CA$500 million (US$375 million) more in Canadian military aid, but offering no details on how the new funding would be distributed.

Since February 2022, Canada has already committed some $8 billion to support the Kiev government's battle against Moscow, while imposing multiple rounds of sanctions against Russian individuals and entities.

With the Volga-Dnepr added to the Canadian list of sanctioned entities several months ago, Ottawa will now “seize the asset and manage it in accordance with federal legislation,” the statement said. “Should the asset ultimately be forfeited to the Crown, Canada will work with the Government of Ukraine on options to redistribute this asset,” it added.

Russian ambassador dubs Trudeau’s words about seizure of Russian cargo aircraft as theft

Reuters reported earlier in the day that Trudeau, who is in Kiev on a surprise visit, announced that Canada was seizing a Russian-owned An-124 and starting the process of forfeiting the aircraft to Ukraine
OTTAWA, June 10. /TASS/. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to seize the Russian-owned An-124 (Antonov) cargo aircraft and hand it over to Ukraine is illegal and a typical theft, Russian Ambassador to Ottawa Oleg Stepanov told TASS on Saturday.

"It is absolutely illegal. It is theft. It is robbery. The Trudeau regime has shown that there is no rule of law in Canada," the diplomat said.

Reuters reported earlier in the day that Trudeau, who is in Kiev on a surprise visit, announced that Canada was seizing a Russian-owned An-124 and starting the process of forfeiting the aircraft to Ukraine.

An An-124 Ruslan cargo aircraft, owned by Russia’s Volga-Dnepr Airlines and chartered by the Canadian government, arrived in Toronto on February 27, 2022, carrying a cargo of Covid tests from China. The aircraft had landed two hours before Canada closed its airspace to Russian aircraft over the Ukraine crisis. Despite the fact, the flight was delayed and the crew were accommodated at a hotel. Later the crew flew back to Russia.
