
すべての携帯電話が放射線の脅威に - 規制当局

2023年 9月 25日 17:59
すべての携帯電話が放射線の脅威に - 規制当局


すべての携帯電話からの放射線は人間の健康にとって危険であり、携帯電話の使用は控えめにすべきであると、ロシアの消費者権利・人間福祉庁が月曜日に発表した。同機関は、ロシアがフランスに続いてiPhone 12を禁止するという憶測に答えた。



今月初め、フランスの国家周波数庁(ANFR)は、iPhone 12が欧州連合の規制を超える電磁波を放射していることを発見し、アップルに対して同国での販売を取りやめるよう要求した。

ANFRによると、認定試験所での試験で、手やズボンのポケットに入れた場合、EUが定める比吸収率(SAR)の値である4ワット・キログラム(W/kg)を超えていることが判明したという。しかし、"ボディ "SAR(携帯電話を上着のポケットやバッグに入れて5mm以上離した状態で測定)は、2W/kgの制限値内だった。



しかし、米国の巨大ハイテク企業は以前にも放射線基準違反で訴えられている。米国では2019年、iPhone 8、iPhone X、Galaxy S8が連邦政府の放射線規制値を最大500%超えていることが調査で判明し、アップルと韓国メーカーのサムスンが提訴された。

25 Sep, 2023 17:59
HomeRussia & FSU
All cell phones pose radiation threat – regulator

The warning from Russia’s consumer protection agency comes after France banned the iPhone 12 over its electromagnetic radiation emissions

Radiation from all cell phones is dangerous to human health and the devices should be used sparingly, Russia’s consumer rights and human wellbeing agency said on Monday. The agency was responding to speculation that Russia would follow France’s lead and ban the iPhone 12.

“Radiation from all cell phones is dangerous for humans, especially for children. It is important to follow safety rules when talking on a mobile phone: the call should not last more than two minutes, and the minimum pause between calls should be at least 15 minutes,” a spokesman for Rospotrebnadzor said, according to Russia’s Gazeta news site.

The spokesman added that cell phones should be placed aside while the user is sleeping, and should ideally be carried in bags rather than pockets.

Earlier this month, France’s National Frequency Agency (ANFR) demanded that Apple withdraw the iPhone 12 from sale in the country after it found that the device emits more electromagnetic radiation than European Union regulations allow.

The ANFR said that tests at an accredited laboratory revealed that the phone exceeded the specific absorption rate (SAR) value mandated by the EU, which is four watts-per-kilogram (W/kg), when held in hand or in a trouser pocket. The “body” SAR – measured when the phone is in a jacket pocket or a bag at least 5mm away – was within the 2 W/kg limit, however.

Rospotrebnadzor is not considering such a ban. The regulator’s spokesman said that Russia measures electromagnetic radiation using the PES scale rather than the SAR system, the results from which “cannot be compared.”

The iPhone 12 was introduced in October 2020 and has continued to be popular due to a lower price point than the subsequent models. Apple disputes the French findings, claiming that the model has a SAR of 0.99 W/kg when measured by the EU standard.

However, the American tech giant has been accused of violating radiation standards before. In the US, Apple and Korean manufacturer Samsung were sued in 2019 after research found that the iPhone 8, iPhone X, and Galaxy S8 exceeded federal radiation limits by up to 500%.
