














2022年9月26日夜、Nord Stream 2 AGの陸上プラットフォームから、2本のNord Stream 2ラインのうち1本の圧力低下が記録された。ドイツ、デンマーク、スウェーデン、フィンランド、ロシアの沿岸警備隊に通報された。パイプライン運営会社のプレスサービスは、ボーンホルム島の南東に位置するデンマークの排他的経済水域内で事故が発生したことを明らかにした。その後、ノルドストリーム1の両ストリングで圧力が低下した。デンマーク・エネルギー庁は、大量のガスが海に流れ込んだと報告した。一方、スウェーデンの地震学者は9月26日、パイプラインルート沿いで2回の爆発を記録したと報告した。




2月8日、米国の調査ジャーナリストであるシーモア・ハーシュは、匿名の情報源を引用して、2022年6月のBALTOPS演習を隠れ蓑に、米海軍のダイバーがノルド・ストリーム1と2のガスパイプラインの下に爆発物を仕掛け、その3カ月後にノルウェー側が爆弾を作動させたと主張する記事を発表した。同記者によれば、この作戦の実施は、ホワイトハウスの国家安全保障アドバイザーとの9カ月にわたる協議の結果、ジョー・バイデン米大統領が個人的に決定したという。欧州委員会のプレスサービスは、ハーシュの調査結果を「憶測」と呼び、コメントを避けた。 ホワイトハウスの国家安全保障会議(NSC)で戦略広報を担当するジョン・カービー調整官は、調査には「一片の真実もない」と述べ、米国は爆発に関与していないと明言した。










© Swedish Coast Guard via AP、






FACTBOX: What is known about destruction of Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines

Construction on Nord Stream 2 began in 2018, but was interrupted due to sanctions imposed on the project by the Trump administration, and the gas pipeline was built by December 2021

TASS-FACTBOX. One year ago, on the night of September 26, 2022, the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, built to supply Russian gas to Germany and other European countries, were blown up in the Baltic Sea near the Danish island of Bornholm.

TASS has assembled all of the main known facts about this act of international terrorism and its investigation.

History of Nord Stream

In the 1990s, Russian gas giant Gazprom began exploring options for building an export gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea to Central Europe, which would bypass Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and other Eastern European and Baltic countries.

In 2000, the European Commission approved a preliminary design of the pipeline, giving it the status of a trans-European network intended to ensure an uninterrupted energy supply for Europe.

The Nord Stream gas pipeline was built in 2010-2012. The project was implemented by an international consortium, which included Gazprom, the German corporations Wintershall Holding and E.ON Infrastruktur, the Dutch company Gasunie and the French company Engie. It connected the Russian coast near Vyborg (Leningrad region) with the German coast in the city of Lubmin (northeast of the country). From Germany, gas was transported to Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and other countries.

The design capacity of the gas pipeline is 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year; each string has a capacity of 27.5 billion cubic meters. In 2021, Nord Stream delivered 59.2 billion cubic meters of gas to the EU (load: 107%), which was a repeat of the record figure posted in 2020. In total, Nord Stream accounted for 32% of Gazprom’s entire volume of export deliveries to non-CIS countries.

After construction was completed on Nord Stream, its shareholders began negotiations on the construction of its second stage, Nord Stream 2. Unlike the first gas pipeline, Gazprom was the only stakeholder. European energy companies stayed in as investors, providing half of the funds to finance the project - 4.75 billion euros.

In general, Nord Stream 2 repeated the route of Nord Stream, but its starting point was located not at Vyborg, but rather at the Russian port of Ust-Luga on the south coast of the Gulf of Finland, also in the Leningrad Region.

Construction on Nord Stream 2 began in 2018, but was interrupted due to sanctions imposed on the project by the Trump administration. The gas pipeline was built by December 2021. Although technical gas injection into the pipeline began, German regulators never gave permission for it to go live.


On the night of September 26, 2022, a pressure drop on one of the two Nord Stream 2 lines was recorded from the onshore platform of Nord Stream 2 AG. The coast guards of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Russia were notified. The pipeline operator’s press service clarified that the incident had occurred within Denmark’s exclusive economic zone, southeast of the island of Bornholm. Later that day, the pressure dropped on both strings of Nord Stream 1. The Danish Energy Agency reported that a large amount of gas had entered the sea. Meanwhile, Swedish seismologists reported having registered two explosions on September 26 along the pipeline routes.

On September 28, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office opened a case concerning an act of international terrorism. On the same day, it was suggested in Germany that the pipes may become permanently unusable due to the explosions.

On September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the explosion was an act of sabotage aimed at destroying pan-European energy infrastructure.

In mid-October, European media published underwater photographs of the damaged gas pipeline. A month after the explosions, specialists from Gazprom and Nord Stream were allowed to inspect the scene. The fact that sabotage had occurred was confirmed by the Swedish intelligence services on November 18. Traces of explosives were found at the site of the explosions.

On February 8, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article that claimed, citing anonymous sources, that US Navy divers had planted explosive devices under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines under the cover of the BALTOPS exercise in June 2022, and that the Norwegians then activated the bombs three months later. According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by US President Joe Biden personally, following nine months of discussions with White House national security advisers. The European Commission press service called the conclusions of Hersh’s investigation "speculation" and declined to comment on them. John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council (NSC), said that there was "no grain of truth" in the investigation and declared that the United States was not involved in the explosions.

On February 16, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said that Moscow had no doubts about US responsibility for the explosions at Nord Stream.

On February 21, at the request of Russia, a meeting was held in the UN Security Council on the topic of the demolition of the gas pipeline. However, no resolutions were adopted as a result.

On March 1-2, at a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the G20 countries in India, the Russian and Chinese sides sought to include a paragraph on the explosions at Nord Stream in the final declaration, but this initiative was rejected by Western countries.

On March 7, The New York Times reported, citing American officials, that a certain "pro-Ukrainian group" that acted without the knowledge of the US authorities could have committed the sabotage on the gas pipelines. The German publication Zeit came out with an article stating that German investigators had identified the vessel used by the saboteurs. The company that rented it allegedly belonged to Ukrainian citizens and was registered in Poland.

On March 8, the Times [of London] reported that European intelligence agencies were aware of the name of a "private sponsor" of the sabotage. While his identity is not being disclosed by the security services, he is described as a wealthy Ukrainian who purportedly has no links to President Vladimir Zelensky and his government.

On March 27, 2023, the UN Security Council did not support the resolution, initiated by Russia and China, on an international investigation into sabotage on the Nord Streams. Three countries voted in favor (Russia, China and Brazil), no one voted against the resolution and 12 abstained. The document did not receive the nine votes required for adoption.

As of September 25, 2023, German, Danish and Swedish authorities have not yet published any official results of investigations into the bombings of the gas pipelines. Negotiations on the restoration of Nord Stream have not started either.

Envoy reiterates Russia’s demand for transparent investigation into Nord Stream sabotage

Sergey Nechayev criticized "numerous speculative assertions and bogus media stories aimed at diverting suspicion from the real culprits and misleading the public"

© Swedish Coast Guard via AP,

BERLIN, September 25. /TASS/. Moscow continues to insist on a transparent investigation into last year’s terrorist attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, Russian Ambassador to Germany Sergey Nechayev said.

"The countries looking into the incident have so far been unable to present any specific results," Nechayev said in a statement published on the Russian embassy’s Telegram channel on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the Nord Stream blasts. He pointed out that, "this causes extreme concern and raises legitimate questions about the integrity and impartiality of the ongoing investigation." According to the envoy, "what we have seen so far are numerous speculative assertions and bogus media stories aimed at diverting suspicion from the real culprits and misleading the public."

"We continue to insist that as transparent an investigation as possible be conducted into this terrorist attack on an infrastructure facility, one of the largest in history, which caused the most damage to Germany and Russia. We will do our best - particularly on multilateral platforms - to make sure that the truth is made public," the diplomat emphasized.

Nechayev pointed out that the terrorist attack "caused enormous harm to the environment, leading to huge investor losses and cutting energy ties between Russia and Germany, which for decades had served as a perfect example of mutually beneficial cooperation." "This created a dangerous precedent of a terrorist attack on a critical infrastructure facility, which, if left unpunished, may happen again elsewhere," the Russian ambassador warned.

The Nord Stream AG company reported on September 27, 2022, that three threads of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 offshore gas pipelines had suffered unprecedented damage. Swedish seismologists recorded two explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines on September 26. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office subsequently opened a case into an act of international terrorism.
