


2023年6月、リーズ市議会気候緊急諮問委員会の公開フォーラムに2人の一般市民が出席した。  このオープンフォーラムでは、一般市民が5分間、"気候危機 "に関する事柄について発言することができる。




英国における "気候緊急事態 "という考えは、2019年にジェレミー・コービンが提出した動議を承認したもので、投票が行われたわけではない、とスザンヌは説明した。


今日、本会議は環境と気候の緊急事態を宣言しなければならない......無駄にしている時間はない。  私たちは気候危機の中に生きている......私は深く感動した......学校からストライキに参加した子どもたちが "私たちの地球、私たちの未来 "と唱えている姿に。私たちは、絶滅の反乱のようなグループが、この建物の中にいる政治家たちに耳を傾けることを強要している、前例のない気候変動活動の盛り上がりを目の当たりにしている......抗議行動は......大規模かつ必要な警鐘である......パリ協定について、私たちは絶対に明確な目を持たなければならない。パリ協定は重要だが、それだけでは十分ではない。


リーズ市議会は、このアジェンダ主導の活動主義と無縁ではなかった。  青年活動家と絶滅の反乱からの圧力を受け、「気候緊急事態」を宣言した。"絶滅の反乱 "はクリス・ホーンという男から一部資金援助を受けている。


スザンヌはこう続けた:「若者の気候変動ストライカーや絶滅の反乱からの圧力と同様に、リーズ市議会は気候変動に関する政府間パネルとその関連報告書の証拠を、気候変動の緊急事態を宣言する根拠として使用したようだ。  それだけだ。



リーズ市議会のウェブサイトは、2030年までのネット・ゼロ・エミッションの野望が、健康、平等、移動、住宅、環境にとってプラスになると述べている。  「追求されている政策が、地域住民を貧困化させ、地域経済を改善するどころか、屈服させるものだとしたらどうでしょう?スザンヌは審議会に問いかけた。


続いてトゥルーディが発言に立った。  彼女は、実施されれば "私たちの都市と町の様相を永遠に変えてしまう "2つの文書の概要を説明した。  ひとつは『絶対零度:今日の技術を少しずつ変えながら英国の気候変動公約を実現する』、もうひとつは『1.5℃の世界における都市消費の未来』である。


トゥルーディが言及した報告書は、『UK Fires(英国の火災)』と呼ばれる研究プログラムの名前で発表されている。 英国火災調査共同研究の報告書はこちらで読むことができる。

「この報告書では、英国が2050年までに急速にネット・ゼロ・エミッションを達成する方法について述べられています。  この文書の著者は、こう語っている:

⚫︎ ヒースロー空港、グラスゴー空港、ベルファスト空港を除く英国のすべての空港は、今後10年間で閉鎖され、2050年までに全面的な航空輸送が停止される;
⚫︎ つまり、建設業界は生産方法を根本的に変えるか、廃業しなければならなくなる;
⚫︎ 建物は小型化し、はるかに高価になる;
⚫︎ 2050年までにすべての海運業が停止する。ただし、原子力発電で燃料を供給することができれば、2050年以降に一部の貨物船が再開する可能性はある;
⚫︎ 2050年までに、鉄道で輸入されない海外の食品とともに、牛肉と羊肉のすべての消費がなくなる;
⚫︎ 再生不可能なエネルギー生産は2050年までに停止する。

トゥルーディが概説した2つ目の報告書は、2019年6月に発行され、C40 Cities、アラップ、リーズ大学が共同で作成した『The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World(1.5℃世界における都市消費の未来)』である。C40ナレッジハブは、ディストピア計画を達成するために「都市が目標とすべき」消費カテゴリーごとの主な介入策のイメージを都合よく提供している。




「これがあなたの望む世界ですか?  これがあなたの子供たちやその子供たちに残したい遺産ですか?




気候緊急事態を宣言した議会のリストは、気候緊急事態UKまたはmySocietyで見ることができる。  Climate Emergency UKでは、メディア報道へのリンクが貼られているのに対し、mySocietyでは、緊急事態宣言が "Yes "または "No "である議会と、その議会が "カーボンニュートラル "になることを目標としている年がリストアップされている。  これらのリストは、最新のものでなかったり、不正確な情報を含んでいる可能性があるが、議会が気候緊急諮問委員会を設置し、公開フォーラムを開催しているかどうかを簡単に知ることができる。  議会がこの次のステップに進んでいるかどうかを確認するには、議会のウェブサイトを訪問し、委員会、会議などを検索する。  英国の議会とそのウェブサイトのリストは、こちらで見ることができる。

UK Local Councils Ignite ‘Climate Emergency’ to Implement Dystopian Control of Public Life
ON JULY 25, 2023

In June 2023, two members of the public attended the Leeds City Council Climate Emergency Advisory Committee open forum.  The open forum allows members of the public five minutes to speak about matters relating to the “climate crisis.”

Below are excerpts from the open forum where Suzanne and Trudie questioned the thinking that underpins policymaking and informed councillors of the wider implications of the measures being pursued by the council.

Suzanne and Trudie presented information to the Leeds City Council that demonstrated the “climate emergency” plans being considered have been long in the making and how far-reaching their impact will be if they are implemented.

“The amount of information available in relation to net zero, the climate emergency and the plan to make Leeds carbon neutral by 2030 – which is just six and a half years away – is enormous,” Suzanne began. “Do you know there is no consensus on what a climate emergency is? Do you also know that the UK government has not actually declared a climate emergency?”

The idea of a ”climate emergency” in the UK was an approval of a motion put forward by Jeremy Corbyn in 2019, there was no vote taken on the subject, Suzanne explained.

In May 2019, then leader of the opposition Corbyn gave a speech in parliament:

Today this House must declare an environment and climate emergency … There is no time to waste.  We are living in a climate crisis … I was deeply moved … by children on strike from school chanting “our planet, our future”. … We are witnessing an unprecedented upsurge of climate activism with groups like Extinction Rebellion forcing the politicians in this building to listen … The protests … are a massive and necessary wake-up call … We must be absolutely clear-eyed about the Paris Agreement. As significant as it is – it is not enough.

Jeremy Corbyn declares environment and climate emergency, Labour Party, 1 May 2019
Leeds City Council was not immune to this agenda-driven activism.  It declared a “climate emergency” after pressure from youth activists and Extinction Rebellion, Suzanne said. “Extinction Rebellion is funded in part by a man named Chris Hohn, a multi-billionaire who at one point was paying himself over a million pounds per day.”

At the beginning of last year, The Guardian reported that hedge fund manager Chris Hohn is the single biggest individual donor to Extinction Rebellion (“XR”). “Humanity is aggressively destroying the world with climate change and there is an urgent need for us all to wake up to this fact,” he said when he was revealed as XR’s main funder.

Suzanne continued: “As well as pressure from youth climate strikers and Extinction Rebellion, Leeds City Council appears to have used evidence from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and their associated report as the basis for declaring a climate emergency.  That’s it, nothing else.”

“As of last month, there were 1,551 signatories to the World Climate Declaration. These are scientists from around the world who are casting doubt on the very existence of an emergency. The World Climate Declaration states clearly that climate change is a fact but not a crisis.”

Related: World Economic Forum Spreads Climate Misinformation and Refuses Open Scientific Debate with CLINTEL

The Leeds City Council website states its ambition of net zero emissions by 2030 will have positive benefits for health, equality, travel, housing and the environment.  “What if the policies being pursued would impoverish local people and bring our local economy to its knees rather than improve it?” Suzanne asked the Council.

“I believe that decisions are being made at a local level without full knowledge of all the facts and that is a massive worry … Does it bother you that far from empowering people to make thoughtful decisions, [the net zero] measures may simply enable the implementation of totalitarian control reminiscent of the Chinese Communist Party?”

Trudie then took the floor.  She outlined two documents that, if implemented, will “change the face of our city and town forever.”  One was ‘Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with incremental changes to today’s technologies’ and the second was ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5oC World’.

“In response to The Limits to Growth publication [in 1972 by the Club of Rome], the birth of Agenda 21 at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and the rollout of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2019, the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Bath, Nottingham and Imperial College London produced the report entitled Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with incremental changes to today’s technologies,” Trudie said.

The report Trudie referred to is published under the name of a research programme called UK Fires.  You can read the report of the UK Fires research collaboration HERE.

“In this report,” Trudie told the Council, “they talk about how the UK will rapidly get to net zero emissions by 2050.  The authors of the document tell us:

all airports in the UK except Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast will close in the next decade and all-out air traffic will cease by 2050;
all existing forms of blast furnace production will be halted by 2050 meaning that the construction industry will have to radically change its production methods or close;
buildings will become smaller and much more expensive;
all naval shipping will cease by 2050 with the possibility of some freight ships resuming after 2050 if they can be fuelled by nuclear power;
all consumption of beef and lamb will cease by 2050 along with all overseas food that is not imported by rail;
all non-renewable energy production will seize by 2050.”
The second report Trudie outlined was The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World report, published in June 2019 and co-created by C40 Cities, Arup and the University of Leeds. The C40 Knowledge Hub has conveniently supplied an image of the main interventions for each of the consumption categories “that cities should target” to achieve their dystopian plans.

The future of urban consumption in a 1.5°C world, C40 Knowledge Hub, retrieved 19 June 2023
This report “has even more targets [than the UK Fires report],” Trudie said and briefly listed them:

“No consumption of meat by 2030; only three new items of clothing per person per year by 2030; no private vehicles by 2030; and, only one short-haul flight once every three years per person by 2030.

“Is this the world you want to live in?  Is the legacy you want to leave for your children and your children’s children?”

You can watch Suzanne and Trudie’s speeches to the Leeds City Council below and the full 2-hour meeting HERE, the meeting moves onto the open forum for the “climate emergency” at timestamp 12:36.

UK Citizen: Leeds City Council Climate Emergency Advisory Committee – 6th June 2023 (13 mins)
If you don’t want this future for your children or your children’s children, you need to get involved.

You can view a list of councils that have declared a climate emergency on Climate Emergency UK or mySociety.  Climate Emergency UK has attempted to place links to media coverage whereas mySociety has simply listed the councils with an emergency declared “Yes” or “No” and the year by which the council is targeting to become “carbon neutral.”  These lists, which may not be up to date or may contain inaccuracies, give a quick indication of whether the council has formed a Climate Emergency Advisory Committee and so could be conducting open forums.  To check whether this next step has been taken by a council visit their website and search for committees, meetings etc.  A list of UK councils and their websites can be found HERE.
