
化けの皮が剥がれて来た国連 その12

暴露された! 親の同意なしに子供にワクチンを投与する国連計画
2021年11月10日(水) by:ニュース編集部

(Natural News) 国連の世界保健機関(WHO)が2014年に発表したグローバリストの白書には、6歳から17歳の子供にワクチンを接種する際に、親の同意を回避するための卑劣な方法が詳細に記されている。

(記事 by Sundance republished from InfoWars.com)

この記事の独占取材をThe Alex Jones Showの木曜日の放送でご覧ください

”Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old "と題されたこの文書は、"親や法的保護者の同伴なしにワクチン接種を受ける可能性がある "という人口集団への対処法を説明しています。


国連のアセントの説明によると、"国際法は、子どもたちが自分の健康やヘルスケアに関する意思決定に参加する権利、また、子どもたちに関連し、子どもたちの進化する能力に基づいた保健サービスの計画と提供に参加する権利を強く支持しています。" とあります。


次に、このグローバリスト組織は、世界中の平均成人年齢は18歳であり、"6歳から17歳の年齢層では、ワクチン接種に同意することができないため、"通常は "親または法的保護者の同意が必要である "と指摘しています。




















Revealed! UN plan to vax children without parental consent
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 by: News Editors

(Natural News) Globalist white papers published by the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014 detail a sneaky approach to bypassing parental consent when it comes to vaccinating children ages 6-17.

(Article by Sundance republished from InfoWars.com)

Watch exclusive coverage of this article on Thursday’s broadcast of The Alex Jones Show!

The document, titled, “Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old,” explains how to deal with that population group which “may present for vaccination without an accompanying parent or legal guardian.”

The paper gives a normal description of “consent” before describing “assent” as “the process of children’s and adolescents’ participation in the decision-making on vaccination.”

According to the UN description of assent, “International law provides strong support for children’s rights to participate in decisions about their health and health care, and also in the planning and provision of health services relevant to them and based on their evolving capacity.”

Next, the globalist organization notes that the average age of adulthood throughout the world is 18-years-old, and that “in the age group 6 to 17 years cannot provide consent to vaccination and so consent is ‘normally’ required from their parent or legal guardian.”

However, the paper continues to insinuate allowing adolescents to choose for themselves is catching on.

“In a growing number of countries, the age of consent for medical interventions is set below the age of majority. This allows adolescents to provide consent for specific interventions, such as access to contraceptives or HIV testing. Some countries have fixed the age of consent specifically to allow HPV vaccination at 12 years.”

The next part of the document discusses what to do “when children present for vaccination [are] unaccompanied by their parents,” admitting, “it is challenging to determine whether parents indeed provided consent.”

The most nefarious section of the UN white papers is under part 3 of a page titled, “Common Approaches for Obtaining Consent for Vaccination.”

There, health workers are told that “implied consent” is a situation where “the physical presence of the child or adolescent, with or without an accompanying parent at the vaccination session, is considered to imply consent.”

The globalist group claims sending notices to parents announcing vaccination clinics will be appearing at schools is sufficient enough to imply consent if the child then appears at the vaccination clinic without the parent.

In fact, the paper claims it’s the parent’s responsibility to go out of their way to ensure their child isn’t vaccinated without their knowledge or approval.

“Countries that use implied consent for childhood vaccination, consider the parent bringing the child for vaccination as an expression of informed consent,” the document reads.

Under a section touching on mandatory vaccination laws and informed consent, the document claims, “When mandatory vaccination is established in relevant provisions in law, consent may not be required.”

This section is especially applicable considering the Covid-19 pandemic and related mandatory vaccine laws being established by nations across the globe.

Near the end of the 8-page notice, the WHO flat-out tells health care workers to allow children ages 6-17 to decide whether or not they want to be vaccinated, regardless of parental consent.

“Where parental consent is required, health workers should allow older children and adolescents to provide assent to the vaccination,” it states.

Under the Biden administration, the United States has repeatedly followed the UN’s recommended procedures for Covid-19 and vaccinations.

With the Pfizer Covid vaccine being approved for American kids aged 5-11 on Tuesday, can we expect pop-up vaccine clinics to begin injecting schoolchildren without the parents’ knowledge?

See the full WHO report below:

Read more at: InfoWars.com
