





EpochTVの『Facts Matter』は、世界的な食糧危機の取材に多くの時間を費やしてきた。先月公開されたドキュメンタリーでは、ロマン・バルマコフがオランダ、スリランカ、米国の農家へのインタビューを通じて、急速に変化する世界の食料源である農業の現状を調査した。これは、世界のメディアが無視している次の世界的危機である。

ノー・ファーマーズ・ノー・フード:あなたは虫を食べますか?』は、世界的な "グリーン政策 "の裏に隠された意図、廃業に追い込まれた農家の知られざる物語、食料供給にもたらす混乱、そしてなぜ食用虫が "グローバル・グリーン・ソリューション "として突然前面に押し出されたのかを暴く、エポック・オリジナルのドキュメンタリーである。



エポック・オリジナル農家なし、食料なし:あなたは虫を食べますか?| 公式予告編1 (2023)



何世代にもわたって耕作してきた土地から農民を追い出そうとする、農民に対する戦争が勃発している。中小規模の農場が閉鎖されると、政府や企業体がその土地を買い占めることになる。  土地を支配するものが食料供給を支配し、それとともに人々も支配する。




このような厳しい質問を投げかけるのは、ロマン・バルマコフだ。エポック・タイムズの記者であり、『Facts Matter』の司会者でもあるロマン・バルマコフが『No Farmers, No Food:あなたは虫を食べますか?』1 バルマコフは言う:2






アジェンダ21は現在、より一般的にアジェンダ2030と呼ばれている。2019年、世界経済フォーラム(以下「WEF」)は国連(以下「国連」)と戦略的提携を結び、国連に対し「国連が実施するほぼすべての政策、とりわけ17の持続可能な開発目標の実施において、官民パートナーシップをモデルとして活用する」ことを求めた。 "4















しかし、影響を受けるのはオランダの農家だけではない。2020年、カリフォルニア州は2030年までに土地と水の30%を政府の管理下に置くことを約束し、30by30の目標を掲げた最初の州となった。しかし、American Stewards of Libertyのエグゼクティブ・ディレクター、マーガレット・バイフィールドが言うように、これは私有地が消滅する道を開くものだ10。


その究極の目的は、土地の所有権をなくし、何も所有しないようにすることだ。所有権を持つか、所有者であるかのどちらかだ。それがグローバル・ガバナンスの観点から私たちが闘っていることなのです。 彼らは私たちの政府をコントロールする能力をなくさなければならない。






「彼らは、この万能国家を正当化する新たな根拠が必要だ、という驚くべき文書を作成したのです」とニューマンは言う。「つまり、環境が損なわれるから、気候が私たちを苦しめるから、というのが新たな言い訳になるのです」12 バルマコフは続ける:















「どこを見ても、中小規模の農家は企業のメガファームに食い荒らされている。 際限なく押し寄せる規制の流れに対応できないのです」とニューマンは言う。

「巨大な機械化された企業農場が、何百年も、場合によってはもっと長い間、家族で農業を営んできた小さな家族経営の農場を駆逐しているのだ。政府が管理する巨大農場が、家族が何百年も、場合によってはそれ以上にわたって農業を営んできた小さな家族経営の農場を駆逐しているのだ」。19 土地がなければ、人々は自主性、自由、独立性を失う。ハンソンは言う:20





⚫︎ 1 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food(エポック・タイムズ、農民なくして食糧なし
⚫︎ 2, 10 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:19
⚫︎ 3 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 57:31
⚫︎ 4 YouTube, MintPress News, Whitney Webb, 世界経済フォーラムとは何か?2023年2月8日、4:30
⚫︎ 5 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:05
⚫︎ 6 ソラーリ・レポート 2023年8月17日
⚫︎ 7 エポック・タイムズ、農民なくして食糧なし、1:09
⚫︎ 8 エポック・タイムズ、農民なし、食物なし、1:16
⚫︎ 9 エポック・タイムズ、農民なし、食物なし、1:17
⚫︎ 11 エポック・タイムス、農民なし、食物なし, 1:21
⚫︎ 12 エポック・タイムス、農民なし、食物なし、1:40
⚫︎ 13 「エポック・タイムズ」、「農民なし、食糧なし」、1:43
⚫︎ 14, 16 世界経済フォーラム、2021年6月12日
⚫︎ 15 BI.edu 2022年1月4日
⚫︎ 17 欧州委員会 2021年6月2日
⚫︎ 18 エポック・タイムズ紙、「農民なくして食糧なし」、1:50
⚫︎ 19 エポック・タイムズ「農民なくして食糧なし」1:54
⚫︎ 20 「エポック・タイムズ」、「農民なし、食物なし」、1:56
⚫︎ 21 エポック・タイムス、農民なし、食物なし、1:58



Agenda 2030’s goal is “no farmers, no food” – if we can’t own property, we become the property
ON OCTOBER 15, 2023

The UN’s latest report on global hunger shows we are moving backwards. At least 828 million people went hungry one way or another on a daily basis last year. The prices of wheat and other crops have increased exponentially. People’s purchasing power is diminishing. We’re getting poorer, so we’re eating less.

A war against farmers has emerged, threatening to push them off the land they’ve farmed for generations. Those in control of the land control the food supply and, along with it, the people.  Much of this threat is cloaked under Agenda 2030, which they are attempting to impose across the globe, in every country, by 2030

We are in a situation in which there is no other better term than to call it a crisis.

EpochTV’s Facts Matter has been spending a lot of time covering the global food crisis. In a documentary released last month, Roman Balmakov investigated the rapidly changing landscape of our global food source – the farming industry – through interviews with farmers in The Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and the United States. This is the next global crisis that is being ignored by the world’s media.

‘No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?’ is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a “Global Green Solution.”

You can watch the full one-hour documentary HERE and download a copy of the transcript HERE.  To watch the documentary, if you haven’t already done so, you will need to create an account by providing an email address which will give you access to a limited number of articles and shows.  You will need to pay a small subscription to access unlimited material.

If you are unable to access the documentary on EpochTV, you can watch it HERE.

Epoch Original: No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? | Official Trailer 1 (2023)

No Farmers, No Food

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

A war against farmers has emerged, threatening to push them off the land they’ve farmed for generations.  As small and mid-sized farms close their doors, governments and corporate entities can scoop up the land.  Those in control of the land control the food supply and, along with it, the people.

Much of this threat is cloaked under Agenda 2030, which includes 17 sustainable development goals with 169 specific targets to be imposed across the globe, in every country, by 2030.

The push to eat insects is part of this plan; in 2021, the European Commission authorised mealworms as food, releasing a news release touting “the growing role that insects will play as part of a healthier, more sustainable diet.”

Are green policies around the world, targeting everything from too much nitrogen to the protection of endangered species, all part of a plan to get small farmers off the land, paving the way for totalitarian control of the food supply – and insects as part of your daily diet?

These and other tough questions are posed by Roman Balmakov, Epoch Times reporter and host of Facts Matter, in ‘No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat the Bugs?’1 Balmakov says:2

The people in charge of some of the most powerful organisations on the planet have determined that agriculture, specifically animal agriculture is to blame for global warming, and global warming is to blame for the high prices of food as well as food shortages.

And so, by switching our diets from beef, chicken and pork, to crickets and mealworms, we’ll be able to stop temperatures from rising, lower the price of food and possibly to even save the planet.

But in interviews with farmers around the world, including in Holland and Sri Lanka, a very different story is told, one that began with a decades-old environmental policy.

Agenda 2030 Threatens Farmers

In 1972, a United Nations meeting about climate change was held to come up with a plan to manage the planet in a sustainable manner. This led to the creation of Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century)3 – the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world.

Agenda 21 is now more commonly referred to as Agenda 2030, the year the plan’s goals are slated to be met. In 2019, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) entered into a strategic alliance with the United Nations (“UN”), which called for the UN to “use public-private partnerships as the model for nearly all policies that it implements, most specifically the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals.”4

Agenda 2030 is composed of these 17 sustainable development goals with 169 specific targets, including ending poverty and achieving gender equality, to be imposed across the globe, in every country, by 2030.

“Very comprehensive document if you read it,” says international journalist Alex Newman. “We’re talking hundreds of pages governing really every facet of life, everything from education to land use policy to economics to law. Every area of life was found there.” But hidden underneath these green-sounding initiatives, Newman says, may be a more sinister motive:5

There is absolutely no way for the sustainable development goals to be implemented, to be tracked, to be monitored, without the total obliteration of individual freedom. Some of the goals sound nice – ending hunger, who could possibly be against ending hunger? The problem is, when you set a nebulous goal like that, it requires total power from the state to be able to accomplish that.

And of course, they will never accomplish that, right? There is no way to literally eradicate all poverty from the face of the Earth, but it gives government and global institutions, like the UN, an easy excuse to basically do whatever they want under the guise of meeting these goals.

Is the Nitrogen Crisis Real?

Dutch farmers are in crisis as their government has stepped up plans to move them off the land. You can hear about this in-depth via Dutch investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen’s report and podcast for The Solari Report – Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us.6

“In 2021, the European Union’s Natura 2000 network released a map of areas in the Netherlands that are now protected against nitrogen emissions. Any Dutch farmer who operates their farm within 5 kilometres of a Natura 2000 protected area would now need to severely curtail their nitrogen output, which in turn would limit their production,” Balmakov explains.7

Dutch dairy farmer Nynke Koopmans with the Forum for Democracy believes the nitrogen problem is made up. “It’s one big lie,” she says. “The nitrogen has nothing to do with environmental. It’s just getting rid of farmers.” Another farmer said if new nitrogen rules go into effect, he’d have to reduce his herd of 58 milking cows down to six.

Nitrogen scientist Jaap C. Hanekamp was working for a government committee to study nitrogen, tasked with analysing the government’s nitrogen model. He told Balmakov:8

The whole policy is based on the deposition model about how to deal with nitrogen emissions on nature areas. And I looked at the validation studies and show that the model is actually crap. It doesn’t work. And doesn’t matter. They still continue using it, which is, in a sense, unsettling. I mean, really, can we do such a thing in terms of policy? Use a model which doesn’t work? It’s never about innovation, it’s always about getting rid of farmers.

The Ultimate Agenda: No Land Ownership for the People

As farmers shut down, the government can swoop in and take the land, which may be what the agenda is really about. According to Eva Vlaardingerbroek, former member of Forum for Democracy and a political commentator:9

I’ve always said that the nitrogen crisis is, first of all, a made-up crisis. It’s manufactured, and the only solution that has ever been proposed is forced expropriation. So, it is the government that will take hold of their land … We have a housing crisis in the Netherlands, as you know, this is a very tiny country. We have a lot of people, and we have a growing population because of immigration. And we need places to house those immigrants.

And I think that that’s partly why the government wants that land. They need houses, and they need to build houses, which is funny because apparently building houses is also what emits nitrogen. But that’s not the people they’re coming after. They’re coming, specifically, after the farmers because they want the land. So that is the ultimate goal.

But it’s not only farmers in the Netherlands who are being affected. In 2020, California became the first US state to commit to a 30 by 30 goal, pledging to put 30% of its land and water under government control by 2030. But as Margaret Byfield, executive director of American Stewards of Liberty, says, this paves the way for private land ownership to disappear:10

The concept in America is self-rule. We the People will rule our government and our Founding Fathers understood that the small landholder is the most important part of the state. The idea was that the land would be distributed among the people so they could always control their government. California has developed a 30 by 30 plan. They’re pushing 30 by 30 in the state …

The ultimate agenda is that there is no ownership of land so that we don’t own anything. We either own property, or we are property. That’s really what we’re fighting from the global governance perspective. They have to eliminate our ability to control our government, which means they have to take our land.

Other seemingly sustainable government regulations may also be wrapped up in this plan. Rep. Doug LaMalfa, farmer and California representative, explains:11

A lot of this came about in the early ‘70s Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, which were good things, you know, the Endangered Species Act, but it’s been abused from what the original intent was. Congress did not intend for it to be abused the way it is and manipulated. The way it is these days, when they wrote those bills, they would have never passed them.

The Globalists Have It All Planned Out

Much of the new world order’s plans are based on crisis management and the idea that a great crisis will occur that will lead to the great transition, where globalists will swoop in to save the day, transforming society into the promised paradise. “At some point down the line, the narrative changed to be around climate,” Balmakov says.

Before this, it was the Cold War, but this changed after a 1991 Club of Rome meeting. Both the Rockefellers and early WEF affiliations can be tied back to the Club of Rome, a think tank that aligned with neo-Malthusianism – the idea that an overly large population would decimate resources – and was intending to implement a global depopulation agenda.

“They came up with this incredible document where they actually said, We need a new justification for this all-powerful state,” Newman says. “So, the new excuse is going to be because the environment is going to be harmed and because climate is going to hurt us.”12 Balmakov continues:

I could not believe what I just heard, that world leaders really laid out this globalist plan in plain English in a physical book, way back in 1991.

I went on Amazon. And there it was. ‘The First Global Revolution’, which states, and I quote, “In searching for a common enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like, would fit the bill. And therefore, the real enemy is humanity itself.”

Reading between the lines, the key players in this globalist agenda become clear. Newman says:13

The World Economic Forum was actually a critical part of implementing this UN agenda. Some years ago, they became a strategic partner of the UN in the implementation of Agenda 2030. And then you start looking at the connections between the World Economic Forum and China. Klaus Schwab and Xi Jinping, they’re like old buddies.

They put out press releases about how much they love each other. So, you’ve got the super capitalists, represented by the World Economic Forum, and then on the government side, you have communists, after Agenda 2030 was adopted, become the Party of China, put out through all their propaganda organs.

… you had Javier Solana, the head of NATO, saying this was going to be the next great leap forward, right? The last great leap forward in China killed millions of people. Why would we want another one of those? That’s crazy.

So, you have communists and super capitalists all coming together and working on this one, sustainable development agenda. And that should make us all pause and say, “Wait a minute, that doesn’t make sense on the surface. What’s going on here?”

Bring On the Bugs

Globalists suggest eating bugs will protect the planet by eliminating the need for livestock, cutting down on agricultural land use and protecting the environment.14 The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation also encourages the consumption of insects and insect-based foods.15

In June 2021, WEF also published an article, categorised under “food security,” in which they promote the use of insects, writing we “need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems.”16 They justify this proposal by saying it will address an impending food crisis.

In 2021, the European Commission authorised mealworms as food, releasing a news release touting “the growing role that insects will play as part of a healthier, more sustainable diet, as well as the benefits for the environment for years to come.”17 Victor Davis Hanson, a military historian and almond farmer, notes:18

There’s this top-down globalist idea that certain Western countries have diets that they do not approve of. In other words, they’re more meat-based. And they feel that humans don’t need meat-based protein. And they want to either force people to follow their paradigms, or they want to buy or accumulate farmland. And that’s how they’re going to farm it. It’s sort of like the Soviet Union or Mao’s Cultural Revolution. It’s top-down. And it results in disasters.

Without Farmers, There’s No Food

If government and corporate entities are able to take control of the land, they can control the food supply and, with it, the people.

“Everywhere you look small and medium-sized farms are being gobbled up by these corporate mega-farms because they can’t keep up anymore. They can’t comply with these endless streams of regulations that are coming down,” Newman says.

“We’re seeing that in China now where these giant mechanised corporate, big government-controlled mega-farms are displacing all these little small family farms that families have been farming for hundreds of years – in some cases longer.”19 Without land, people lose their autonomy, freedom and independence. Hanson says:20

When the American nation was founded, 95% of the people were homestead citizens. They had their own land, and they were completely independent, autonomous. They raised their own food. They were outspoken, they were economically viable. Farming serves two purposes. It doesn’t just produce food, but it produces citizens.

Ultimately, the war against farmers is a war on the whole of humanity, one that threatens what it means to be free. “We are headed into, I think, a time of very significant food shortages. Can we expect to see massive increases in food prices next year? Oh, no question about it,” Newman says, adding:21

I think the end goal of the war on farmers that we’re seeing, which is guided at every step by the sustainable development goals and Agenda 2030, is going to be a total consolidation of agriculture, a total consolidation of the food supply. And as every communist tyrant of the last 100 years understood, if you control the food, you control the people. That’s ultimately the end goal.

Sources and References

1 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food
2, 10 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:19
3 YouTube, Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023, 57:31
4 YouTube, MintPress News, Whitney Webb, What Is the World Economic Forum? February 8, 2023, 4:30
5 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:05
6 The Solari Report August 17, 2023
7 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:09
8 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:16
9 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:17
11 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:21
12 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:40
13 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:43
14, 16 World Economic Forum, June 12, 2021
15 BI.edu January 4, 2022
17 European Commission June 2, 2021
18 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:50
19 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:54
20 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:56
21 The Epoch Times, No Farmers, No Food, 1:58
About the Author

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder and owner of Mercola.com, a Board-Certified Family Medicine Osteopathic Physician, a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a New York Times bestselling author.  He publishes multiple articles a day covering a wide range of topics on his website Mercola.com.
