
ロシア、ウクライナ上空にF16戦闘機が現れたら軍事技術的対応を行う - ラブロフ氏

ロシア、ウクライナ上空にF16戦闘機が現れたら軍事技術的対応を行う - ラブロフ氏


モスクワ、6月16日 /TASS/. セルゲイ・ラブロフ外務大臣は、ウクライナ上空にF-16戦闘機が現れた場合、ロシアは軍事技術的な対応をする準備ができていると、金曜日のRTテレビチャンネルとのインタビューで述べた。





西側諸国がキエフにF-16を輸送するには程遠い、やるべきことはたくさんある - 米国防総省


統合参謀本部議長 マーク・ミレー米軍大将
© AP Photo/Virginia Mayo

ブリュッセル 6月15日 /TASS/. 西側諸国は、米国製F16戦闘機をウクライナに輸送する計画の実施には程遠く、そのための多くの作業がまだ行われていないと、マーク・ミルリー米統合参謀本部議長が木曜日述べた。



Russia to give military-technical response if F-16 jets appear over Ukraine — Lavrov

Russia had presented "a very serious demarche" within the framework of the UN Security Council panel "nuclear five" in connection with the possibility of F-16 aircraft being prepared for transfer to Ukraine to carry nuclear weapons

MOSCOW, June 16 /TASS/. Russia is ready to give a military-technical response if F-16 fighter jets appear in the skies over Ukraine, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the RT television channel on Friday.

"Of course, <...> a military-technical response will follow," he said, responding to a related question.

Lavrov added that Russia had presented "a very serious demarche" within the framework of the UN Security Council panel "nuclear five" in connection with the possibility of F-16 aircraft being prepared for transfer to Ukraine to carry nuclear weapons.

"Now there is talk about F-16 aircraft, which, indeed, can be equipped to carry nuclear weapons. We've said that publicly," Lavrov stressed.

photo top: © Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

West far from shipping F-16s to Kiev, lot of work to be done — Pentagon

"It would be premature to give a specific date on any time the F-16 or any other type of advanced aircraft to be employed in combat in Ukraine," US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. General Mark Milley
© AP Photo/Virginia Mayo

BRUSSELS, June 15 /TASS/. Western states are far from implementation of plans to ship US-made F-16 planes to Ukraine, and a lot of work is yet to be done for that, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said Thursday.

He was asked to comment on the status of the program on shipment of warplanes to Ukraine during a press conference after a meeting of Western contact group that coordinates arms shipments to Ukraine in Brussels.

"We had a session today with a variety of countries; we are early in the planning process [of this program]. I think there is an intent by several countries that have stepped up to take the lead - the Netherlands and Denmark - in terms of the planning. There is a lot of work left to be done. I think it would be premature to give a specific date on any time the F-16 or any other type of advanced aircraft to be employed in combat in Ukraine," the general said.
