2021年12月29日(水) 記入者: Ethan Huff
(Natural News)1918年の悪名高い「スペイン風邪」の発生について、あなたが知っていると思っていたことは、おそらくすべて間違っている。
FICPAのSal Martingano博士は、スペイン風邪の時の集団予防接種が、実際に人々を死に至らしめたものだと説明しています。実際、この試練で死ぬことになったのは、ジャブを打たれた人たちだけであった。
エレノア・マクビーン博士(Ph.D., N.D.)は、著書『ワクチン接種の断罪』の中で、自分が1918年のスペイン風邪の「ワクチン未接種生存者」であることを説明しています。彼女は、この歴史的な出来事を新しいレンズで見直すよう人々に訴え続け、それが本の中で読者の助けとなるのです。
そのため、スペインは後に "スペイン風邪 "と呼ばれることになるスケープゴートにされることになった。しかし、このインフルエンザの最初の感染者は、カンザス州の軍事基地でワクチン実験を行っていたときに発生したことが判明している。
「スペイン風邪」で死亡した何百万人もの人々が、実はワクチンによる細菌性髄膜炎で死亡していたことが検視で判明するのは、戦後かなり経ってからのことである。(関連記事 過去に流行したポリオも同様に、空気感染する病気ではなく、人工的な化学物質によって引き起こされた)
実験的な「細菌性髄膜炎ワクチン」のランダムな投与によって引き起こされたもので、今日に至るまでインフルエンザに似た症状を模倣しています」と、マーティンガノは説明する。"兵士や民間人の準備不足の免疫システムに、追加ワクチンを大量に何度も投与することで、"殺戮の場 "を作り出したのです"
マーティンガノはこう書いている。「帰還した兵士が家族に病気を移すことを恐れたアメリカ政府は、史上最大のワクチン "恐怖 "キャンペーンを展開したのです。
マクビーン氏は、当時流布していたプロパガンダについて、「7人の男性が予防接種を受けた後、診察室で落命した」と著書に書いている。"彼らの家族には戦死したという手紙が送られた "と。
1918年のいわゆるスペイン風邪の大流行で実際に起こったことについてのこの冷静な説明は、現在世界が直面している "コビド "と呼ばれる最新の詐欺的大流行のエピソードについて多くのことを説明している。当時はすべて嘘であり、今日もなお嘘である。
REVELATION: Only the “vaccinated” died during the 1918 Spanish Flu
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Everything you thought you knew about the infamous “Spanish Flu” outbreak of 1918 is probably wrong.
It turns out that one of the most well-known pandemics from recent history was actually caused by the “vaccines” that were supposedly introduced to stop it – much like how the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” of today are spreading more covid.
Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA, explains that mass vaccination during the Spanish Flu is what actually caused people to die. In fact, the only people who ended up dying during the ordeal were those who got jabbed.
In her book Vaccination Condemned, Dr. Eleanor McBean, Ph.D., N.D., explains how she is an “unvaccinated survivor” of the 1918 Spanish Flu. She continues to urge people to revisit the historical event with a new lens, which she helps readers to do in her book.
McBean actually wrote a second book called Vaccination … The Silent Killer that expounds upon the revelations contained in her first book. The evidence she provides points to the vaccines, and not the flu itself (if there ever even was one…) as the true culprit that resulted in tens of millions of deaths.
“McBean’s coverage of the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu,’ as a reporter and an unvaccinated survivor, requires that the historical basis of the event needs to be revisited, not as a ‘conspiracy theory’ but with evidence that will ‘set your hair on fire,'” writes Dr. Martingano.
“McBean provides evidence that not only were the historical events of the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ compromised, but also those of the Polio and Swine Flu epidemics.”
The first case of Spanish Flu occurred at a military base in Kansas where vaccine experiments were taking place
Because Spain remained neutral during both the first and second world wars and did not censor its press like was occurring elsewhere, it would become the first country in the world to report a flu epidemic in 1918.
This would explain why Spain ended up being scapegoated for what would later be called the “Spanish Flu.” However, it turns out that that first real case of the deadly disease actually occurred in Kansas at a military base where vaccine experiments were taking place.
In preparation for World War I, military servicemen at Fort Riley, where numerous prior vaccines had been developed, conducted a massive vaccination experiment. This would lead to “patient zero” appearing in the United States rather than Spain.
If history was honest, it would actually be called the 1918 United States Military Flu. However, thanks to prolific influence from the likes of the Rockefeller family and other Big Pharma globalists, the blame got shifted to Spain.
“The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research,’ had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects,” explains Martingano.
“Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.”
There was no Spanish Flu: it was bacterial meningitis caused by vaccines
It would take until long after the war for autopsies to show that the millions of people who died from the “Spanish Flu” actually died from vaccine-induced bacterial meningitis. (RELATED: The polio outbreaks of the past were similarly caused by man-made chemicals rather than an airborne disease.)
“It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine,’ which to this day mimics flu-like symptoms,” Martingano explains. “The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a ‘killing field.'”
Interestingly, the only people who were not affected by the so-called Spanish Flu were those who avoided taking the injections. Those people, including McBean, would go on to live normal lives and even tell all about what they witnessed at that horrific time.
While it all started out with mostly soldiers getting the injections, a massive leftover cache of the shots would eventually be given to civilians. This resulted in mass death on a wide scale among the American civilian population.
“Fearing that soldiers coming home would spread diseases to their families, the U.S. government pushed the largest vaccine ‘fear’ campaign in history,” Martingano writes.
“They used the human population as a research and development lab to field test experimental vaccines … Tens of millions of civilians died in the same manner as did the soldiers.”
Just like today, the doctors of that day mostly ignored what they were witnessing occur as a result of the mass injection campaign. Instead of stopping it in order to save lives, they actually proceeded to intensify the jab drive, resulting in many more deaths.
“Seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated,” McBean writes in her book about the propaganda that was being spread at the time. “Letters were sent to their families that they had been killed in action.”
In total, WWI soldiers from the U.S. were given anywhere from 14-25 untested, experimental injections, all within just a few days of one another. This triggered a cascade of intensified diseases all at once, which the medical system blamed on the “Spanish Flu.”
“The doctors called it a new disease and proceeded to suppress the symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines,” Martingano further explains.
This sobering account of what really happened during the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 explains a lot about what the world is currently facing with the latest fraudulent plandemic episode called “covid.” It was all a lie back then, and is still a lie today.
The latest news coverage about vaccines can be found at Vaccines.news.
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