

2023年5月16日(火) by: イーサン・ハフ

(Natural News) 武漢コロナウイルス(Covid-19)は、権力者が病気の患者に人工呼吸器を押し付けなければ、平均的な死亡率の季節性インフルエンザに似た病気に過ぎなかったことが判明した。






シンガーと彼のチームは、"パンデミック "の際にノースウェスタン記念病院の集中治療室(ICU)に入院した585人のカルテを評価した。全員が重度の肺炎、および/または呼吸不全を患っており、そのうち190人がファウチインフルエンザに「陽性」であった。



"この結果は、COVID-19後のサイトカインストーム(臓器不全を引き起こす圧倒的な炎症反応)が、相当数の死亡の原因であるという考えを覆すものであった"とScience Directは伝えています。"調査した患者には、多臓器不全の証拠はなかった。"



"我々のデータは、ウイルスそのものに関連する死亡率は比較的低いが、二次的な細菌性肺炎など、ICU滞在中に起こる他のことが、それを相殺することを示唆した "と彼は付け加えました。



"COVID-19患者の比較的長い入院期間は、主に呼吸不全の長期化によるもので、VAPのリスクが高くなる "と研究結果は述べている。





Most “covid” deaths were actually VENTILATOR infection deaths, study finds
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) It turns out that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) would have mostly just been another seasonal influenza-like illness with an average death rate had the powers that be not forced ventilators onto sick patients.

The use of ventilators throughout the “pandemic,” a new study has found, resulted in many patients developing a secondary bacterial pneumonia infection, which was directly responsible for a large percentage of deaths during that were ultimately blamed on “covid.”

It was not covid that killed all these people, in other words: it was the ventilators, which never should have been the go-to for “treatment,” but for some reason were.

“Our study highlights the importance of preventing, looking for, and aggressively treating secondary bacterial pneumonia in critically ill patients with severe pneumonia, including those with COVID-19,” said Benjamin Singer, a pulmonologist from Northwestern University in Illinois who helped lead the study.

(Related: Remember when investigators discovered pallets full of covid ventilators dumped in a Miami-Dade landfill?)

Don’t trust medical authorities who profit from sickness and death, because that’s what happened during covid

Singer and his team evaluated the medical records of 585 people who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital during the “pandemic.” All of them had severe pneumonia and / or respiratory failure, and 190 of them tested “positive” for the Fauci Flu.

Using machine learning to crunch the data, Singer and his team were able to group the patients based on their condition, as well as the amount of time they spent in the ICU before either dying or being released.

What they discovered is that one of the prevailing theories about a cytokine storm being responsible for all the severe covid deaths is not true, and that the real cause involved the use of mechanical ventilators.

“The findings refute the idea that a cytokine storm following COVID-19 – an overwhelming inflammation response causing organ failure – was responsible for a significant number of deaths,” Science Direct reported. “There was no evidence of multi-organ failure in the patients studied.”

“Instead, COVID-19 patients were more likely to develop ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and for longer periods. Cases where VAP didn’t respond to treatment were significant in terms of the overall mortality rates in the study.”

Singer explained that some of the patients did survive, but only because they were able to overcome the secondary pneumonia infections they developed as a result of being placed on a ventilator, which was part of the official covid protocol at hospitals.

“Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that,” he added.

The reason why ventilators and other deadly interventions such as remdesivir were used through covid is because the government was reimbursing hospitals large amounts of money for every patient that was placed on them, regardless of the health outcome. Because of this, many people died who otherwise would have lived had real treatments been administered.

It cannot be stressed enough that if covid was treated just like any other coronavirus, including the common cold, millions more people would have lived – but instead they died because of all the hysteria and misinformation that was spread by the government and the pharmaceutical industry, both of which pushed ventilators, remdesivir, face masks, and later the so-called “vaccines.”

“The relatively long length of stay among patients with COVID-19 is primarily due to prolonged respiratory failure, placing them at higher risk of VAP,” the study states.

The covid jig is up, finally. To learn more about what happened and why, visit Plague.info.

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