

By Michael Baxter -2022年4月20日

2022年4月19日、GITMO。東部標準時 1200時




クランドール副司令官は "証人サム"を連れて来なかったが、4通の宣誓供述書を証拠として提出し、それぞれNIADSの現職員か元職員が、ファウチが命にかかわるような長い副作用のリストを理由にワクチン接種を避けるよう助言したと署名している。それぞれの宣誓供述書には謝罪が書かれていた。著者らは、秘密保持契約に違反した場合、ファウチや彼の代理人が報復することを恐れたと主張している。 「私は、自分の不作為を深く反省しています。スティーブン・S・ファウチ博士は意地悪で、傲慢で、独りよがりで、執念深い人です。彼は私や私の家族に報復したと信じて疑いません」と、ある宣誓供述書は書いている。





「あなたは一人と対面しました。この文書が彼の証言を裏付けている。今、ようやく、マスクの義務化、つまり猿ぐつわを義務付けられた気分はどうですか? 」とクランドール副司令官が言った。















"それこそ扇動的陰謀と反逆罪だ" クランドール副提督が言った。"彼はあなたが思っていたほど愚かではなかったようです。" "結局、あなたはここにいるのです。"






「偶然に、だと思います。私はここで起こっていることとは関係のない仕事をしていたのですが、これも偶然ですが、ファウチ博士が若い男性らしき人と一緒にナショナルズスタジアムで野球観戦をしているのを見かけたのです。ファウチが誰であるかは誰でも知っている。息子はいないが、娘がいることは知っていた。手をつないだり、寄り添ったりしているのが妙に気になりました。私は写真を撮りました。それで興味を持ち、何日か後、彼の後を追ったんです。ブルックサイド・ガーデンで他の少年と手をつないでいるのを見た。性行為は見てないが警察に知らせたが通報は却下された 私は何度か彼を尾行し、3ヶ月の間に4人の子供と一緒にいるところを見ました。まだ現役の軍人である友人にそのことを話したら、写真をくれと言うので、どうにかして手に入れたのだろう」と探偵は言った。


ZOOMに映し出されたのは、金髪に思春期のにきびが点在する青年で、2020年に激しい交通事故で両親を亡くしている。 彼は、D.C.にある児童養護施設「ベスト・キッズ・インク」の一時的な住人となった。「私たちは、里親になるすべての若者が、前向きな大人と有意義につながり、自信と価値を感じられるようにすることを目指します。私たちは、青少年が大人として成功を収めるために必要なスキルを身につけられるよう導くと同時に、私たちのコミュニティで里親の必要性を長引かせている制度上の問題にも取り組んでいます"。





委員会の上級士官である海兵隊の少佐が手を挙げた。「失礼ですが、もう十分だと思います。我々は全員一致で 被告を有罪とし 最高刑を受けるよう勧告します」

"それでは" とクランドール副長官は言った。「被告人、被拘束者アンソニー・スティーブン・ファウチには、 死ぬまで首吊りの刑に処す。判決は今日から1週間後、つまり4月26日に執行される。この裁判は休廷とする」


Military Sentences Fauci to Hang!
By Michael Baxter -April 20, 2022

GITMO, 19 April, 2022. 1200 Hours EST.

The panel of officers chosen to weigh JAG’s case against Anthony Stephen Fauci rendered a verdict of guilty after listening to Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall’s evidence, which summarized 6-hours of witness testimony and hard evidence proving beyond reasonable doubt that Fauci committed treason for profit, betrayed his Hippocratic Oath, caused immeasurable suffering, sickness, and death, preyed on disadvantaged children, and conspired to overthrow President Trump in hopes of seating a president more sympathetic to vaccine mandates.

In his closing remarks, Vice Adm. Crandall said JAG had more inculpatory evidence on Fauci that it had on any earlier Deep Stater taken to Guantanamo Bay.

Indeed the evidence against Fauci was convincing.

Although Vice Adm. Crandall did not bring back “witness Sam,” he entered into evidence four sworn affidavits, each signed by either a current or former NIADS employee, attesting that Fauci had advised them to avoid vaccinations due to a long list of potentially life-threatening side effects. Each affidavit held an apology. The authors claimed they feared that Fauci, or persons on his behalf, would retaliate if they violated confidentiality agreements. “I am deeply sorry for my inaction in coming forward. Dr. Stephen S. Fauci is a mean-spirited, arrogant, smug, vindictive person, and I don’t hesitate to believe he would’ve retaliated against myself and my family,” one affidavit read.

Vice Adm. Crandall instructed the panel to read each affidavit carefully. “In reading these, you may ask yourselves what reasonable person would feel threatened by detainee Fauci. He’s by no means physically imposing. But he had resources, unimaginable resources at his disposal. And that’s what they feared. These affidavits give rise to pattern, a pattern practiced by Fauci over his long, shameful career. The gist of that pattern was—obey me or else.”

Meanwhile, the defendant, Anthony S. Fauci, sat bound and gagged at the defense table, the consequences of his Monday morning verbal tirade. Beside him stood a Marine guard who had been instructed to remove the gag if and only if Fauci raised his handcuffed wrists to signal he wished to ask a question.

As the panel reviewed the sworn affidavits, Fauci raised his arms, and the Marine obliged the request with Vice Adm. Crandall’s approval.

“Since I am here Pro Se, don’t I have a right to face my accusers,” Fauci said in his gravelly voice.

“You’ve faced one. These documents support his testimony. How does it feel, now, finally, to yourself oblige a mandatory mask mandate—the gag? We know you only wore one for theatrics,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

The Marine guard fastened the gag over Fauci’s mouth.

After a short recess, Vice Adm. Crandall gave the panel financial statements showing that three prominent pharmaceutical companies—Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson—had periodically deposited substantial sums of money into an offshore bank account in Fauci’s name. Those deposits, incidentally, began arriving within days of the FDA granting emergency use authorization to each company’s Covid-19 vaccination. Collectively, the deposits totaled $14m.

“The defendant’s unwilling to say why he got paid this money. He didn’t work for them, so why the payout? I’ll tell you why: The money was kickbacks. He promoted the vaccinations full well knowing from concealed trial data that they could sicken or kill recipients. People died; Fauci got rich. JAG could spend years finding people who got ill from or whose family and friends died following vaccination. But we don’t have years. This ends today. Let’s focus on our own, for a moment,” Vice Adm. Crandall told the panel.

He then presented a report compiled by “White Hat 5th Columnists” at U.S. Army Medical Research and Command (USARMDC.) It concluded that 63 active-duty females and 24 female dependents had spontaneously aborted pregnancy within 21 days of having taken either a first or second clot shot. Of those, 23 were first trimester, 15 second trimester, and 25 third trimester.

“We sent this report to every major media outlet in the country. How many mentioned it? None. Why? Because they revere or fear doctor death,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Fauci lifted his wrists, and the Marine guard lowered the gag.

“You don’t understand science. Correlation is not causation. Even if your study is true, which I doubt it is, without knowing how many servicewomen were impregnated throughout the last two years, it’s meaningless,” Fauci said.

“At least 63 women would disagree with your assessment,” Vice Adm. Crandall said sternly. “Marine, gag that man.”

The tribunal recessed an hour for lunch.

Afterward, Vice Adm. Crandall asked the panel to review an email, dated 1 June 2020, Fauci had sent to the late Dr. Deborah Birx. He read aloud: “We can get rid of him. The ignoramus doesn’t understand even basic science. He’s scientifically illiterate. We can bend him to our will, get him to say what we want him to say, and he’ll be gone in no time.”

“I’m curious, Fauci, who were you referring to in this letter?”

The Marine guard lowered Fauci’s gag, but Fauci stayed silent.

“Oh, come now, detainee Fauci, I’m sure his name is boiling your blood and—”

“Fuc… Trump. Who do you think? That stupid son-of-a-b….”

“That’s what we call seditious conspiracy and treason,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “I guess he isn’t as stupid as you thought—you’re here after all.”

The Marine re-gagged Fauci.

With Fauci silenced, Vice Adm. Crandall gently segued into another of JAG’s charges against Fauci—allegations of child molestation. He summoned to the witness stand a licensed D.C. private investigator whose name Real Raw News has been asked to conceal, for fear the Deep State might retaliate against him and his family. The PI rattled off impressive credentials: An Army veteran, he served six years on active duty and fought in Operation Desert Storm. After that, he spent twelve years as a law enforcement officer before opening his own private investigation firm.

“Do you know the defendant?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked him.

“Only in name,” the PI said.

“Would you please tell the panel how it is that you’ve come to be in this tribunal chamber today?” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

“By chance, I guess. I’d been working a job not related to what’s going on here when, again by chance, I saw Dr. Fauci in the company of what looked to be a very young male watching a ball game at Nationals Stadium. Everyone knows who Fauci is. I knew he had daughters, no sons. I found it odd they’d be holding hands and leaning very close to one another. I took the pictures which you now have. It piqued my interest and I took it upon myself to follow him days after. Then I saw him with another boy at Brookside Gardens, also holding hands. I never saw them in any sexual activity, let me be clear, but still—I made D.C. Metro aware, and I guess they buried the report. I shadowed him several times, and saw him with 4 different kids over the course of say, three months. When I talked to a friend of mine who’s still active military about it, he asked me for the pictures, and I guess somehow you got ahold of them,” the PI said.

“That is how we obtained them. Thank you for your time; you’re dismissed.” Vice Adm. Crandall faced the panel. “We identified one of the four minors. You’ll hear from him now.”

Appearing on ZOOM was a young man with blonde hair and a face dotted with adolescent acne, whose parents perished in a violent car crash in 2020. He’d become a temporary resident at Best Kids Inc., a D.C. child placement facility whose mission statement reads, “We aim to ensure that every young person in foster care is meaningfully connected to positive adults, and feels confident and valued. We guide our youth in developing the skills needed to achieve success as adults, while also addressing systemic challenges that perpetuate the need for foster care in our community.”

He was 13 when he met Dr. Fauci.

“I know this is difficult, but could you tell us how you came to meet Anthony Fauci,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

The kid bore a scornful face. “It’s not difficult. I hate that bastard. I was stupid and believed him when he told me he’d help me out if I just listened to him. He came to Best, talked to a bunch of us, took us to ball games, the zoo, gave us a little money for games or whatever. He didn’t take us in groups, only one at a time, private, you know. It was the third time I saw him—he asked to touch my private parts. He pulled down his pants to show me his and grabbed my crotch. I hope he rots,” the boy, now 14, said.

The boy’s visage matched the PI’s photograph taken at Nationals Stadium.

The senior officer on the panel, a Marine Major, raised his hand. “Pardon me, sir, but we’ve heard enough. We unanimously find the defendant guilty on all counts and recommend he receive maximum punishment.”

“So be it,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “The defendant, detainee Anthony Stephen Fauci, you are hereby sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. Sentence to be carried out a week from today, that’s April 26. This tribunal stands adjourned.”

Fauci mumbled incoherently through his gag as the Marine guard escorted him from the courtroom.
