

07/06/2023 ケヴィン・ヒューズ


「大統領暗殺の大規模な隠蔽工作があり、それはホワイトハウスによって指示されている」と彼女は7月3日のポッドキャスト "Restricted Republic "のエピソードで語った。ヘイブンによれば、6月30日にジョー・バイデン大統領が署名した覚書は、JFK殺害に関するいかなる情報も無期限に国民から隠蔽するためのものだという。ヘイブンは、この問題に関する主要メディアの沈黙を嘆いた。




叔父の殺害にCIAが関与していると考えるRFK Jr.

ヘイブンはポッドキャストで、JFKの甥で民主党大統領候補のロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニア(RFKジュニア)が、叔父の死にCIAが関与していると考えていることにも触れた。バイデンがメモに署名したことで、若きケネディは激怒したという。(関連記事:ロバート・ケネディ・ジュニア、叔父JFK殺害はクーデターだったと発言 CIAの関与が確認される)

RFK Jr.はこの発表を受けてツイッターにこう書き込んだ: "ホワイトハウスは、バイデン大統領がJFK暗殺関連の記録について無期限で秘密を保持するという悪いニュースを伝えた。"




ヘイブンはこうコメントした: 「RFK Jr.の言うことすべてに同意するわけではないが、彼が(叔父の)暗殺に関して抱いている憤りには100パーセント同意する」。彼女はまた、若いケネディが "この問題を再確認するためにすべてを賭けている "ことを称賛した。
















Lisa Haven: There is a MAJOR COVERUP in the JFK assassination – and it is being directed by the White House
07/06/2023 Kevin Hughes

Independent news analyst Lisa Haven has floated the possibility of a major coverup in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy (JFK).

"There is a major coverup of a presidential assassination, and it is being directed by the White House," she said during the July 3 episode of her "Restricted Republic" podcast. According to Haven, a memorandum signed by President Joe Biden on June 30 served to conceal any information about JFK's killing from the public indefinitely. Haven lamented the mainstream media's radio silence on the matter.

According to the memorandum, "continued postponement of public disclosure of that information is necessary to protect against identifiable harms to the military defense, intelligence operation, law enforcement and the conduct of foreign relationships that are of such gravity that they outweigh the public interest in disclosure."

Haven noted that all information within the records has been proposed for continued postponement under the memorandum. These shall accordingly be withheld from public disclosure and future release of the info in these records shall occur in a manner consistent with the Transparency Plans.

She said it means Americans don't have the right to know, especially if the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was involved in JFK's assassination. Nevertheless, Haven remarked that people already know of the CIA, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice being corrupt and politically biased.

RFK Jr. believes CIA is involved in his uncle's murder

Haven also mentioned in her podcast that JFK's nephew and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) believes the CIA was involved in his uncle's death. Biden's move to sign the memo reportedly outraged the younger Kennedy, she added. (Related: Robert Kennedy Jr. says murder of uncle JFK was coup d'etat as CIA involvement confirmed.)

RFK Jr. took to Twitter following the announcement, writing: "The White House has delivered the bad news that President Biden will be maintaining secrecy indefinitely on some JFK assassination-related records."

"It's not about conspiracy – it is about transparency. The assassination was 60 years ago. What national security secrets could possibly be at risk and what are they hiding?"

According to the Democratic presidential candidate, the White House announcement was unlawful as it violated the 1992 JFK Records Act. The law, passed unanimously by Congress, promised that all assassination-related records would be released no later than October 2017 – 25 years after it took effect. But Biden's decision to sign the June 30 memo broke this promise.

"Public trust in government is at an all-time low," Kennedy said. "Releasing these records would be [a] small but significant step toward regaining that trust."

Haven commented: "I don't agree with everything RFK Jr. says, but I absolutely 100 percent agree with the outrage that he shares regarding [his uncle's] assassination." She also lauded the younger Kennedy for "putting everything on the line to restate this issue."

"This is a major cover-up, and the only reason that you would do it in the midnight hours, during a holiday weekend, was because you would want to keep it silent from the public. You wouldn't want the public to know. You wouldn't want a lot of outrage, and [Biden] wants to protect his intelligence community."

Follow Conspiracy.news for more stories about JFK's assassination.

Watch Lisa Haven discuss the White House's coverup of JFK's assassination through its June 30 memo.

This video is from the Lisa Haven channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

RFK Jr. says he needs to be careful as the CIA could assassinate him – just like what it did to his uncle and father.

If re-elected, Trump promises to release all JFK assassination files.

JFK assassination expert drops major bombshell regarding CIA involvement and alleged shooter Lee Harvey Oswald.

RFK Jr. stuns with claim about CIA, says he must ‘be careful’ agency doesn’t assassinate him

Newly released JFK files reveal Democrat President Lyndon Johnson was a member of the KKK, which was run by Democrats.

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