



モスクワ、2月12日。/TASS/. セルゲイ・ラブロフ・ロシア外相は、米国当局はノルドストリーム・パイプラインの爆発が米国の手によるものであることを本質的に認めており、彼らはそれを喜んで話している、と語った。







ノルドストリーム AG社は9月27日、ノルドストリーム 1と2の海上ガスパイプラインの3本のスレッドが前日に前例のない被害を受けたと報告した。その後、スウェーデンの地震学者は、9月26日にノルドストリームのパイプラインに沿って2回の爆発が記録されたと報告した。スウェーデン検察庁は11月18日、この爆発は妨害行為であると発表した。ロシア検察庁は、国際テロリストの攻撃として捜査を開始した。

Lavrov says US officials essentially acknowledge Nord Stream blasts were US handiwork

Russian Foreign Minister added that "they even take delight now in talking about this"

MOSCOW, February 12. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says US officials essentially acknowledge in their statements that the explosions at the Nord Stream pipelines were US handiwork, and they talk about it with pleasure, Lavrov said in an interview that was published on Sunday.

He made the remarks in an interview for an information lesson on the topic of "Russia and the World."

"US officials essentially acknowledge that the explosions that hit the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were their handiwork. They even take delight now in talking about this," Lavrov said.

According to Lavrov, the US decided that Russia and Germany cooperated "too well" over the past 20-30 years, establishing a powerful alliance based on Russian resources and German technology.

"That began to threaten the monopoly position of many American corporations. Therefore, it was necessary to somehow ruin it, and do it literally," the minister said.

"There is an aspect here that’s related to the fact that friendship between countries, national reconciliation between them, as it happened between Russians and Germans, has become an eye sore for those who don’t want anyone to appear somewhere on this planet, who will compete with the main hegemon, which the US has declared itself to be," Lavrov added.

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said on January 27 that the US was content that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline won’t become operational.

The Nord Stream AG company reported on September 27 that three threads of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 offshore gas pipelines had suffered unprecedented damage the day before. Swedish seismologists later reported that two explosions had been recorded along the Nord Stream pipelines on September 26. The Swedish Prosecutor’s Office said on November 18 that the explosions were an act of sabotage. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office started an investigation into the case as an attack of international terrorists.
