
ロシア、ノルドストリームに関する西側諸国の協力意欲を見られず - 国連特使

ロシア、ノルドストリームに関する西側諸国の協力意欲を見られず - 国連特使


国際連合、2月22日/タス通信/西側諸国は、昨年のノルドストリームとノルドストリーム 2パイプラインを標的とした爆破事件の調査に関して、ロシアに協力する意向を示していないと、ロシア国連特使が述べた。




2022年9月27日、ノルドストリーム AGは、ノルドストリーム 1とノルドストリーム 2の海上ガスパイプラインの3本のストリングで前日に発生した前例のない被害を報告した。9月26日、スウェーデンの地震学者がパイプラインのルートで2つの爆発を記録した。ロシア検察庁は国際テロリズムの容疑で刑事事件として捜査を開始。

2月8日、米国の調査ジャーナリスト、シーモア・ハーシュは、情報源を引用して、2022年6月のBALTOPS演習を隠れ蓑に、米海軍ダイバーがノルドストリーム 1と2のガスパイプラインの下に爆発物を仕掛け、その3カ月後にノルウェー人が爆弾を起動したとする記事を掲載した。同記者によると、この作戦の実施は、ホワイトハウスの安全保障専門家との9カ月にわたる話し合いの末、ジョー・バイデン米大統領個人が決定した。ホワイトハウス国家安全保障会議報道官のアドリアン・ワトソンは、タス通信へのコメントで、ハーシュの説明は「まったくの虚偽であり、完全なフィクションだ」と述べた。

Russia sees no West’s desire to cooperate on Nord Stream — envoy to UN

Russia has great doubts about efficiency, transparency and impartiality of investigations that are being carried out within a number of national jurisdictions, Vasily Nebenzya said

UNITED NATIONS, February 22. /TASS/. Western countries are showing no intention to cooperate with Russia on an inquiry into last year’s blasts targeting the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Russia’s UN envoy has said.

"We have strong reasons to doubt the effectiveness, transparency, and impartiality of investigations that are being carried out under some national jurisdictions," Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council on Tuesday. "We do not see our partners being eager to cooperate."

He noted that Germany, Denmark and Sweden "ignored the communications that Prime Minister of Russia, [Mikhail] Mishustin, addressed to them in October 2022 regarding participation of relevant Russian agencies and PJSC Gazprom in the investigations," while "relevant requests of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation were declined."

"Since we talk about a crime that was committed by means of an explosive device, which makes it subject to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings of 15 December 1997, we expect that all states that have to do with the incident, namely the US, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, will fulfill their obligations under this document. But leadership of these states do not show any political will or rather do not have any," the Russian diplomat said.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines. On September 26, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions on the pipeline routes. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched a criminal case based on charges of international terrorism.

On February 8, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article, which said, citing sources, that US Navy divers had planted explosive devices under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines under the cover of the BALTOPS exercise in June 2022, and Norwegians activated the bombs three months later. According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by US President Joe Biden personally, following nine months of discussions with White House security specialists. White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a comment to TASS that Hersh’s account was "utterly false and complete fiction.".
