
ロシアは主権と領土保全を守るために特別作戦を実施する - メドベージェフ氏

ロシアは主権と領土保全を守るために特別作戦を実施する - メドベージェフ氏


サンクトペテルブルク、5月12日、/TASS/. ロシアの敵は世界を第三次世界大戦と世界的大災害に導くと、ロシアの安全保障会議副議長ドミトリー・メドベージェフは考えている。





"問題は、誰が本当に世界を黙示録に近づけているのかということだ "と、この当局者は締めくくった。



サンクトペテルブルク、5月12日、/TASS/. ロシアは、ノルド・ストリーム・ガスパイプラインの爆発事故の背後にいる人々に責任を取らせるために、利用可能なあらゆる法的手段を使い続けるが、国際法廷機関でこれが実現する可能性は低い、とロシア安全保障会議のドミトリー・メドベージェフ副議長が金曜日に述べた。



メドベージェフによれば、ロシアには状況を変える能力がある。"しかし、法的防御の普遍的な手段は、50年以上前に国連総会で採択された国際法の原則に関する宣言で紙に託されたような美しいアイデアでさえ、今は実質的に機能していない "と彼は強調した。


Russia carries out special op to protect its sovereignty, territorial integrity — Medvedev

According to the politician, "it would be appropriate to remember today, how many Soviet missiles were enough for the US to start a global psychosis during the Caribbean Crisis - on the one hand, and, on another hand - how many weapons were pulled to NATO-controlled territories near Russia’s borders in such a short time span"

ST. PETERSBURG, May 12, /TASS/. Russia’s enemies lead the world to World War III and a global catastrophe, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev believes.

"Today, we carry out a special military operation to protect our sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of millions of people," Medvedev said, speaking at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum Friday.

"It is obvious that a full-scale hybrid war is being waged against our country. American and European benefactors pump our enemies with lethal weapons of all kinds, they encourage terror in Russia’s border regions, they carry out sabotage and political assassinations," the official said.

In his opinion, Russia’s enemies "effectively lead the world to World War III, to a global catastrophe, in which there can be no winners by definition, as we all know."

According to Medvedev, "it would be appropriate to remember today, how many Soviet missiles were enough for the US to start a global psychosis during the Caribbean Crisis - on the one hand, and, on another hand - how many weapons were pulled to NATO-controlled territories near Russia’s borders in such a short time span."

"The question is who is really taking the world closer to an apocalypse," the official concluded.

Russia to continue efforts to punish those responsible for Nord Stream blasts

Dmitry Medvedev recalled that attempts are being made to accuse Russia of blowing up the pipelines whereas it is Russia whose rights have been infringed upon

ST. PETERSBURG, May 12, /TASS/. Russia will continue to use all available legal instruments to bring those behind the explosions at the Nord Stream gas pipelines to responsibility, but the likelihood of this happening at international court bodies is slim, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

"Naturally, we will continue to use all available legal instruments to hold those responsible accountable but the chances of doing that at international court bodies are negligible," he said at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

He recalled that attempts are being made to accuse Russia of blowing up the pipelines whereas it is Russia whose rights have been infringed upon. "Despite the obvious facts that indicate that radical groups were involved, European countries, as if on cue, have forgotten their commitments under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the UN Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings," he said.

According to Medvedev, Russia is capable of changing the situation. "But universal means of legal defense are practically not working now, even such beautiful ideas that were committed to paper in the declaration on the principles of international law adopted by the UN General Assembly more than 50 years ago," he stressed.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported "unprecedented damage" on three strings of the offshore gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system. Later, Swedish seismologists said they had identified two explosions on the route of the Nord Stream pipelines on September 26, 2022. Following the incident, the Russian prosecutor general’s office opened a case on charges of international terrorism.
